A New Nuremburg

Are you that sensitive? I'll apologize if that is the case. I wasn't trying to be all serious and stuff.
Sorry, not in the best of moods. In a lot of pain from an ear infection and the doc wouldn't give me the good drugs. Didn't pick up on your sarcasm either.

Oh...and Toby Keith is a knuckle dragging stereotype and caricature of rural men and gives both farm boys and country music a bad name. He couldn't hold Johnny Cash's guitar strap. He's a wanna be Merle Haggard with out Haggard's talent or balls.
Mott, I was only being serious in a funny manner, calm the fuck down.
Calm the fuck down? I have major ear infections going on in both ears. I haven't been in this much pain since I had a double hernia. I'm taking enough synthetic opiate pain killers to make Reverend Jim Ignatowski smile. If I was any calmer, I'd be dead.

Now, to quote my wife when I told her she had a tight box and no tits. "Get off my back!" :P

OH...btw, my last post was meant for STY.