A New Nuremburg

I admit that you are an insane, fanatical, hate-mongering sociopath, with no redeeming qualities and few semblances of humanity. I admit that you are a misogynist and a racist. I admit that you suffer from delusions and exhibit attention-seeking behavior on this site by sharing your delusions with us in as extreme of ways as you can can manage. I admit that you are probably beyond clinical help.
I admit that you are an insane, fanatical, hate-mongering sociopath, with no redeeming qualities and few semblances of humanity. I admit that you are a misogynist and a racist. I admit that you suffer from delusions and exhibit attention-seeking behavior on this site by sharing your delusions with us in as extreme of ways as you can can manage. I admit that you are probably beyond clinical help.

Dude, don't get pissy because I always beat your stupid ass into oblivion.
Sounds pretty harsh, and unmerited.

I think the solution is simple and humane: require republicans to attend remedial high school science classes, until they can demonstrate a basic competency with evolution and climate science.
Maybe if you coached it to them in simple minded words they can relate to, like in a song. For example;

Jesus E-volved, this I know.
For the fossils tell me so.
Little changes we can't deny.
Happen in DNA over time.

Yes Jesus E-volved.
Yes Jesus E-volved.
Yes Jesus E-volved.
The Fossils told me so!
Maybe if you coached it to them in simple minded words they can relate to, like in a song. For example;

Jesus E-volved, this I know.
For the fossils tell me so.
Little changes we can't deny.
Happen in DNA over time.

Yes Jesus E-volved.
Yes Jesus E-volved.
Yes Jesus E-volved.
The Fossils told me so!
Don't quit your day job Mott. Unless it's song writer. If that's the case, why aren't you fired yet?
Because Toby Keith doesn't suck. Well not as badly.
So what's you're point? In fact, this song was intended just exactly for the kind of simple minded nit wits that listen to Toby Keith and if you can teach them evolution, hell you can teach it to just about anyone!

So look at as less then a song and more like a mnemonic device for the intellectually challenged anal retentive conservative.

It's also a catchy tune. :)
So what's you're point? In fact, this song was intended just exactly for the kind of simple minded nit wits that listen to Toby Keith and if you can teach them evolution, hell you can teach it to just about anyone!

So look at as less then a song and more like a mnemonic device for the intellectually challenged anal retentive conservative.

It's also a catchy tune.
*A trail of drool hangs from Motts gaping mouth* :eek:
That's exactly what I'd expect from Mott.
So what's you're point? In fact, this song was intended just exactly for the kind of simple minded nit wits that listen to Toby Keith and if you can teach them evolution, hell you can teach it to just about anyone!

So look at as less then a song and more like a mnemonic device for the intellectually challenged anal retentive conservative.

It's also a catchy tune. :)
Wow, what a total jerk. I never realized you were such an ignorant bigot elitist.

Why don't you just say they "cling to it" through "bitterness"...