A new record: the most sea ice in Antarctica in 30 years

Oh and for you guys that are WAYYYYY behind in the GW debate? The deniers lost that debate a LONGGGG time ago. They BOTH now agree that the planet is warming AND the ice caps are melting. The actual debate NOW is??? What is causing the warming. One side states pollution and the guys that are causing the pollution are saying it is a natural earth cycle(so they can keep on polluting and racking up the cash).

If you guys want to know why the usa(NOT Canada) is experiencing more snow fall? It is simply because the melting polar caps due to GW is causing massive cold fronts to form in the polar regions.

It is ironic that the mad Canadian is unaware that the CanESM2 climate model produced one of the most extreme warming projections of all the 30 models evaluated by the IPCC. He might also want to explain why there hasn't been any global warming for 17 years.


It is ironic that the mad Canadian is unaware that the CanESM2 climate model produced one of the most extreme warming projections of all the 30 models evaluated by the IPCC.



Simply because they probably didn't factor that the warming would cause the icecaps to melt and thus release more cold air(via water vapor) into the atmosphere, countering the heating process. Though if this heating cycle continues, the melting polar caps will not be able to counter the heating process which will result in accelerated heat. Remember, there is also carbon being released by the ice caps.

What is your point Tom? Everyone agrees that the planet is indeed warming up! I have witnessed this with my own eyes. No amount of spun data(by the deniers)is going to tell me other wise.
Simply because they probably didn't factor that the warming would cause the icecaps to melt and thus release more cold air(via water vapor) into the atmosphere, countering the heating process. Though if this heating cycle continues, the melting polar caps will not be able to counter the heating process which will result in accelerated heat. Remember, there is also carbon being released by the ice caps.

What is your point Tom? Everyone agrees that the planet is indeed warming up! I have witnessed this with my own eyes. No amount of spun data(by the deniers)is going to tell me other wise.

There hasn't been any statistically significant warming for nearly 17 years now, even the IPCC acknowledges that fact. They tried to explain this by saying that the extra heat is going into the oceans despite the fact that no warming has been detected in the top 700 metres.
Am I typing too fast for you? I will slow down so you don't hurt your brain.lol What happens when you put ice cubes in a glass of water? What part gets colder first?

Oh and go back and read(IF IT GOT COLD ENOUGH).

Well fucking duh. When you put ice in a glass of water it does indeed get cold. No fucking shit sherlock. Did Bill Nye the science guy teach you that little nugget?

What is laughable is this notion that putting ice cubes in a glass of water can turn the water to ice. The heat from the water is transferred to the ice shit for brains. Not the other way around. God you are stupid. No wonder you have been so easily duped into believe the global warming scam. Algore loves you. I bet you bought some of his carbon credits didn't ya puddin?

the IF is the key factor but it would require a change in atmospheric conditions, not the fucking ice cubes. Holy shit fuck you are stupid.

You are almost as bad as Deshy twisting yourself into all sorts of knots, making up all sorts of stories, and defying the laws of thermodynamics all with the sole purpose of furthering a scam.

Newsflash junior, the jig is up. Nobody is buying into your global warming scam anymore other than you true believers.
There hasn't been any statistically significant warming for nearly 17 years now, even the IPCC acknowledges that fact. They tried to explain this by saying that the extra heat is going into the oceans despite the fact that no warming has been detected in the top 700 metres.

Tom don't you know that the fact that there hasn't been any appreciable warming over the last 17 years is in fact proof that there is global warming? How could you miss that salient point? It is right there for all to see.
There hasn't been any statistically significant warming for nearly 17 years now, even the IPCC acknowledges that fact. They tried to explain this by saying that the extra heat is going into the oceans despite the fact that no warming has been detected in the top 700 metres.

Really? That is not what I have been told! The ocean levels are rising(due to icecap melting), natural disasters are increasing, floods, tornadoes, etc... and Ocean temps are rising. Now I'm sure I can find an article that states Elvis is alive but chew on this.


Yes its below 800 yards but still warming. How do you explain that?
Really? That is not what I have been told! The ocean levels are rising(due to icecap melting), natural disasters are increasing, floods, tornadoes, etc... and Ocean temps are rising. Now I'm sure I can find an article that states Elvis is alive but chew on this.


Yes its below 800 yards but still warming. How do you explain that?

You need to wake up and smell the maple syrup!!

Well fucking duh. When you put ice in a glass of water it does indeed get cold. No fucking shit sherlock. Did Bill Nye the science guy teach you that little nugget?

What is laughable is this notion that putting ice cubes in a glass of water can turn the water to ice. The heat from the water is transferred to the ice shit for brains. Not the other way around. God you are stupid. No wonder you have been so easily duped into believe the global warming scam. Algore loves you. I bet you bought some of his carbon credits didn't ya puddin?

the IF is the key factor but it would require a change in atmospheric conditions, not the fucking ice cubes. Holy shit fuck you are stupid.

You are almost as bad as Deshy twisting yourself into all sorts of knots, making up all sorts of stories, and defying the laws of thermodynamics all with the sole purpose of furthering a scam.

Newsflash junior, the jig is up. Nobody is buying into your global warming scam anymore other than you true believers.

Is the visual I provided too hard for your two braincells to process?? Putting ice cubes in a glass of warm water will instantly cause the water around the cube to get colder(That's why we put icecubes in our drinks numbnuts). If the environment gets cold enough, the surface of the water will be the first to freeze causing a thin sheet of ice to form on the surface. just like sea ice!

Talk about fucking stupid. The heat from the water is transferred to the icecube? And what happens to the cold from the ice cube you dumb fuck?

Does not the Icecube accelerate the temperature drop in the water idiot?

You must be American!!!

Newsflash. the Jig was up along time ago. Most people now KNOW that GW is indeed a reality. The argument is now who is to blame. Man or earth cycles. Your one of those idiots that also still believes Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11. More proof of the power of mass mis-information!!LOL
Never so much sea ice at Antarctica in the last 30 years

In light of global warming, it seems paradoxical that the sea ice cover of the Southern Ocean has covered a larger area in the past month than in the last decades. Only in the mid-70s was observed a similar expansion.

The means were 19.48 million in September 2013 square kilometers, an area once covered more than 50 times larger than Germany with sea ice. The absolute maximum of 19.65 million square kilometers was reached on 18 of September. Although this maximum in the ice-covered surface can not be equated with a maximum of the total volume or mass, suggest that sea ice physicist Marcel Nicolaus and Stefan Hendricks from the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) “This winter there is in Antarctica as much ice as long gone, if it has ever been since the beginning of the regular satellite observations ever so much sea ice.”

To be able to make such statements in certain future, the researchers of the Alfred Wegener Institute is currently also the thickness of sea ice in the Antarctic work together with colleagues from different institutions that they can derive from satellite observations. In the Arctic, it has recently become possible, although there are significant differences between Arctic and Antarctic. The snow is thick, inhomogeneous and does not melt completely in summer. In addition, sea ice is formed at the top, a phenomenon that is encountered less frequently in the Arctic. Then there can also be calculated from the thickness and extent of sea ice volume in the future.

Read more: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/10/24/a-new-record-the-most-sea-ice-in-antarctica-in-30-years-by-extent-and-by-volume/

Re: The bold portions of your article

I expect you climate change deniers to post gibberish, just not from the people you quote regarding this subject.
Re: The bold portions of your article

I expect you climate change deniers to post gibberish, just not from the people you quote regarding this subject.

It was translated from the German original by Google, do you want to read it?

Angesichts der globalen Erwärmung erscheint es paradox, dass die Meereisbedeckung des südlichen Ozeans im vergangenen Monat eine größere Fläche bedeckt hat als in den letzten Jahrzehnten. Lediglich Mitte der 70er Jahre wurde eine ähnliche Ausdehnung beobachtet.
Im Mittel waren im September 2013 19,48 Millionen Quadratkilometer, eine Fläche mehr als 50 mal so groß wie Deutschland, mit Meereis bedeckt. Das absolute Maximum von 19,65 Millionen Quadratkilometer wurde am 18. September erreicht. Auch wenn dieses Maximum in der eisbedeckten Fläche nicht mit einem Maximum des Gesamtvolumens oder der Gesamtmasse gleichgesetzt werden kann, vermuten die Meereisphysiker Marcel Nicolaus und Stefan Hendricks vom Alfred-Wegener-Institut (AWI) „Diesen Winter gibt es in der Antarktis so viel Meereis wie lange nicht mehr, wenn es überhaupt seit Beginn der regelmäßigen Satellitenbeobachtungen schon einmal so viel Meereis gegeben hat.“

Um solche Aussagen in Zukunft bestimmter treffen zu können, arbeiten die Forscher des Alfred-Wegener-Institutes derzeit gemeinsam mit Kollegen verschiedener Institute daran auch die Dicke des Meereises in der Antarktis aus Satellitenbeobachtungen ableiten zu können. In der Arktis ist dies seit kurzem möglich, allerdings gibt es deutliche Unterschiede zwischen Arktis und Antarktis. Der Schnee ist dicker, inhomogener und schmilzt auch im Sommer nicht vollständig. Zudem wird viel Meereis an der Oberseite gebildet, ein Phänomen, das in der Arktis deutlich seltener antrifft. Dann kann zukünftig das Volumen des Meereises auch dort aus der Dicke und der Ausdehnung berechnet werden.

Meereiskonzentration Minimum am 22. Februar 2013

Meereiskonzentration Maximum am 18. September 2013

Die eisbedeckte Fläche des antarktischen Ozeans wächst alljährlich von ihrem Minimum am Ende des antarktischen Sommers (Februar) von drei bis vier Millionen Quadratkilometern auf ein Vielfaches (etwa fünf bis sechs Mal so viel) zum Maximum am Ende des Winters (September). Hierbei zeigen sich jedoch große regionale Unterschiede, so dass das antarktische Meereis eigentlich als ein Puzzle aus unterschiedlichen Eisbedeckungen zu betrachten und zu bewerten ist.
Obwohl über die letzten Jahre insgesamt eine Zunahme der Eisbedeckung im Winter und Sommer beobachtet wird, nimmt es zum Beispiel um die Spitze der antarktischen Halbinsel vor allem im Sommer deutlich ab. Während sich die Antarktische Halbinsel in den letzten Jahrzehnten deutlich erwärmt hat, blieb die Temperatur in anderen Regionen stabil.
Diese Unterschiede und die allgemeine Zunahme des Meereises in vielen Regionen resultieren zum Großteil aus Veränderungen des Windes, der das Meereis stärker auseinander treibt. Andererseits haben die Temperaturen und Winde vom antarktischen Kontinent einen starken Einfluss auf den ihn umgebenden Meereisgürtel. Auch das sind Unterschiede zur Arktis, was dazu beiträgt, dass sich das Meereis in beiden Polarregionen so unterschiedlich verhält.
Um alle diese Zusammenhänge besser verstehen zu können, hat das AWI in den letzten Monaten zwei Winterexperimente mit dem Forschungseisbrecher Polarstern ins Weddellmeer durchgeführt. Bei diesen Expeditionen haben die Wissenschaftler auch immer dickes und kompaktes Eis angetroffen, worauf sie ihre These vom Maximum der Eismasse stützen. Neben den Messungen während der Reise wurde auch eine Vielzahl an automatischen Messstationen auf dem Meereis ausgebracht. Diese messen nun kontinuierlich die Dicke, Temperatur und Bewegung des Meereises und seiner Schneeauflage und senden ihre Daten via Satellit an das AWI und andere Projektpartner.
Berichte, Fotos, Karten und Daten dieser Experimente werden hier dargestellt und kommentiert. Weitere Informationen sind auch über den Steckbrief zum Thema Meereis sowie die Internetseiten der Sektion Meereisphysik verfügbar.

Polarstern in der Polarnacht des antarktischen Winters (Foto: Stefan Hendricks, AWI)

Automatische Messstation zur Erfassung der Schneedicke auf Meereis (Schneeboje) in der Polarnacht. Ausgebracht während des Winterexperiments (Foto: Sandra Schwegmann, AWI).

19. August 2013

Antarktische Meereisausdehnung am 19. August 2013

Antarktische Meereisausdehnung erreicht ein Rekordmaximum

Die Meereisausdehnung in der Antarktis erreichte am 19. August mit 18,7 Millionen Quadratkilometern einen Rekordwert, nur der 19. August 2010 war ähnlich hoch. Bedingt wird dieser Rekordwert durch ungewöhnlich viel Eis in der Bellingshausen-, und Amundsensee sowie dem Rossmeer und im westlichen Sektor des Indischen Ozeans.

Die meteorologischen Bedingungen waren seit Juni variabel, aber der stärkste Anstieg des Eiswachstums trat auf während einer Periode eines ungewöhnlichen Hochdruckgebietes über dem Zentrum der Antarktis. Dies führte zu einer Verlangsamung des zirkumpolaren Windes und zu warmen Winterbedingungen in der Zentralantarktis. Gleichzeitig bedingte es sehr kalte Bedingungen in der Bellingshausensee.

20. Februar 2013

Antarktische Meereisausdehnung weiterhin über dem Durchschnitt

Am 20. Februar 2013 ist das diesjährige antarktische Meereisminimum mit einer Ausdehnung von 3,63 Millionen Quadratkilometern erreicht worden. Die Meereisausdehnung war während der gesamten antarktischen Sommerperiode beachtlich groß. Der Monatsmittelwert der antarktischen Meereisausdehnung lag für Februar bei 3,83 Millionen Quadratkilometern. Es zeigte sich eine ungewöhnliche nördliche Auslenkung des Meereises im Wedell-Meer. Die Meereiskante lag ungefähr 200 bis 300 km von ihrer normalen Lage entfernt. Ursache für diese ungewöhnliche Meereisverteilung war vermutlich ein anhaltendes Hochdruckgebiet, das sich von der Region westlich des Weddell-Meeres über die Antarktische Halbinsel bis zur Bellingshausen Meer erstreckte. Diese Druckverteilung führt dazu, dass der Wind auf der östlichen Seite der Antarktischen Halbinsel tendenziell nach Norden weht, wodurch das Meereis im nordwestlichen Weddell-Meer weit in den Norden gedrückt wird. Gleichzeitig strömt damit kalte Luft aus dem Süden nach und reduziert das oberflächennahe Schmelzen des Eises, wenn es sich nach Norden bewegt. Die Meereisausdehnung lag auch im Ross-Meer im Verhältnis zum Mittelwert von 1979 bis 2013 über dem Durchschnitt.

Abbildung: Antarktische Meereisausdehnung am 20. Februar 2013

Abbildung: Prozentuale Abweichung des Mittelwertes der Meereisausdehnung für
den Monat Februar zum langjährigen Mittelwert von 1979 bis 2000 [1]

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Re: The bold portions of your article

I expect you climate change deniers to post gibberish, just not from the people you quote regarding this subject.

I wonder if you know what distinguishes a scientist from a hack? It is the innate ability to question everything constantly and never accept the status quo.
Never so much sea ice at Antarctica in the last 30 years

In light of global warming, it seems paradoxical that the sea ice cover of the Southern Ocean has covered a larger area in the past month than in the last decades. Only in the mid-70s was observed a similar expansion.

The means were 19.48 million in September 2013 square kilometers, an area once covered more than 50 times larger than Germany with sea ice. The absolute maximum of 19.65 million square kilometers was reached on 18 of September. Although this maximum in the ice-covered surface can not be equated with a maximum of the total volume or mass, suggest that sea ice physicist Marcel Nicolaus and Stefan Hendricks from the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) “This winter there is in Antarctica as much ice as long gone, if it has ever been since the beginning of the regular satellite observations ever so much sea ice.”

To be able to make such statements in certain future, the researchers of the Alfred Wegener Institute is currently also the thickness of sea ice in the Antarctic work together with colleagues from different institutions that they can derive from satellite observations. In the Arctic, it has recently become possible, although there are significant differences between Arctic and Antarctic. The snow is thick, inhomogeneous and does not melt completely in summer. In addition, sea ice is formed at the top, a phenomenon that is encountered less frequently in the Arctic. Then there can also be calculated from the thickness and extent of sea ice volume in the future.

Read more: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/10/24/a-new-record-the-most-sea-ice-in-antarctica-in-30-years-by-extent-and-by-volume/
I'm so glad I'm not paralyzed by earth first jackassery.
UMMMM 90+% of scientists on BOTH SIDES agree that the planet is warming up(GW is real). The argument now is, what's causing it. Man or mother nature.

You've been swallowing too much mis-information.

Quite ironic that you cite the 90% statistic and talk about misinformation.
So fresh sea ice is formed by the cooling of the ocean as heat is lost into the atmosphere...

But Trenberth claims the oceans are trapping heat. The exact opposite.
