A new Russian-Finnish war is coming

We have recently had military bases in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, but obviously those are gone.
The FOBs are still there. Somebody else simply controls them.

It is not the most menacing weapon by a long shot, but could be used to shoot down planes in another country.
That would not be easy to do. You would need a high-priced contracting firm to modify the missiles to operate outside their range and normal flight parameters. You could do it, but you would be much better off just building a weapon system for that purpose.

Not as cut and dry as that.
It is exactly that cut&dried.

First off, Israel already legally occupied Gaza.
Immaterial. You are quibbling over exactly when they became completely responsible for the safety and welfare of every civilian noncombatant. Israel became responsible the very moment the IDF became the controlling force, regardless of who could do what legally.

Legally, this was like the US moving forces into Florida.
Incorrect. The Gazans are not Israeli citizens. The Fourth Geneva Convention covers this rather thoroughly.

It is not an international war.
Immaterial. The Fourth Geneva Convention cares nothing for irrelevant labels and meaningless categories.

Second, the IDF was attacking forces that had attacked Israeli civilians.
Incorrect. The IDF immediately began sending air strikes into densely populated areas. This is an egregious violation of the Geneva Convention that is summarily prohibited everywhere.

Additionally, the IDF was not going after anyone in particular; they were just slaughtering Arabs. Yes, they would periodically claim to have killed a "Hamas leader" knowing that people like you and others on Team Israel would just therefore consider the genocide completely justified. It is not. Al Qassam militants attacked Israel as Iran's proxy and most of them escaped right after the attack. The IDF was simply engaging in collective punishment, which is summarily prohibited by the Convention against Genocide. I realize that Americans are often inclined to believe all press releases issued by Israel. Americans are stupid in that respect.

This is not even a preemptive attack, it is a counter strike.
Nope. the IDF did not invade Iran.

That is generally allowed.
... only if every lawful noncombatant is actively protected, and ensured to have plenty of food, water, shelter and medical care, .... not slaughtered on sight, or in cowardly fashion by an air strike into a large structure that kills all the occupants and destroys the structure, i.e. killing two birds with one stone.

The IDF is probably allowing famine.
"Famine" is not the right word. The IDF is deliberately causing starvation. They intentionally blockaded food, water, fuel, medicine and other supplies.

They are technically not occupying the place where the civilians are now,
The IDF is the de facto controlling force in Gaza. It doesn't matter that there aren't any civilians where the IDF has killed them all.

Also the IDF has not done as much as they could to prevent civilian casualties.
They are slaughtering civilian non-combatants in an attempted genocide. Saying that they have not done as much as they could to prevent casualties is a bit of a euphemism.

Here too is a gray area, because Hamas is using those civilians as human shields.
That's one of those catch phrases that all Team Israel members are required to regurgitate, believing that it is some sort of trump card. Obviously there is no hiding behind human shields because that's not an option. The IDF is shooting the would-be shields. The action of "hiding behind human shields" can only work if the IDF is respecting and protecting the lawful noncombatants, thus making them human shields. If the IDF is simply slaughtering all in their path then there aren't any human shields behind whom to hide. That's what is going on. It's a genocide, after all. Nakba 2.0 is here.
I was in Europe at the time of the breakup, and Clinton was not President. Yugoslavia broke up when Bush (the elder) was President, back in 1992. John Major(who as a boy ran away from the circus to become an accoutant) was Prime Minister.

Yugoslavia ceased to exist in 1992, but Serbia on and off claimed to be Yugoslavia. They were bombed in 1999, 7 years later, while they tried to commit ethnic cleansing.
That's the narrative you found from Google. I read 2 books on the topic that describe in detail what really happened and why.
Nope. You are assigning bogus positions strictly out of TDS. Nothing you say is true.

Trump doesn't "insinuate" anything. He clearly states his positions and his clearly stated position is that NATO countries need to pay what they owe. What about this do you not understand?

List the top five lies stated by Donald Trump in the execution of his official duties as President that are what he actually stated and not what you insanely claim he "insinuated".

Right here:


... then let's discuss.

You don't actually think a discussion about Trumps lies with one of his deranged nazi's is worthwhile do you?

Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years
By the end of his term, Trump had accumulated 30,573 untruths during his presidency — averaging about 21 erroneous claims a day.
What is especially striking is how the tsunami of untruths kept rising the longer he served as president and became increasingly unmoored from the truth.
You don't actually think a discussion about Trumps lies with one of his deranged nazi's is worthwhile do you?
So, as far as you know, Trump has never lied? ... at least never in conjunction with his official duties as President, right?

Wow, your point is that you don't think Trump has ever lied, owing to your inability to come up with even a single actual example? OK, you make a strong case.
America has been very expansionist in military and economics.
Define your terms. The US has been cutting back on the military. Inflation has caused great reduction in the spending power of Americans.

The US has not [attacked its neighbors] for a long time.
With the exception of Iraq and WWII (Europe), the US historically only attacks after having been attacked or directly threatened.

Russia does it as a matter of their personality. They just think they have a right to take over their neighbors.
Russia believes that its neighbors stole their territory from Russia ... at least that's what they tell themselves.
It was a true betrayal of Ukraine by the West
It would seem that you are under the impression that NATO and Ukraine have some sort of alliance or agreement. Would I be the first person to inform you that no such agreement exists, and that it is not possible to "betray" Ukraine?

... ]pushed them to get rid of their nukes in exchange for a promise of protection[/URL][/U] and eventual admission into Nato.
False. Show me that promise in writing.
There are immovable facts which you are unable to deal with.
What are the facts of Titoism? Tito was part of the creation of Yugoslavia. That's the history you know nothing about. You have to be willing to learn Tito's relationship with Germany, USSR, and western imperialism. Tito is still the most beloved leader in what's left of Yugoslavia. The people who live there see what MI6, CIA, and imperialists did to their once great nation. Read a freaking book.
What are the facts of Titoism? Tito was part of the creation of Yugoslavia. That's the history you know nothing about. You have to be willing to learn Tito's relationship with Germany, USSR, and western imperialism. Tito is still the most beloved leader in what's left of Yugoslavia. The people who live there see what MI6, CIA, and imperialists did to their once great nation. Read a freaking book.

One thing Tito was not was Serbian. For Serbians to claim him as their own is just dishonest. Yugoslavia was a multi-ethnic state, so for the Serbians to commit ethnic cleansing in its name is also dishonest.
One thing Tito was not was Serbian. For Serbians to claim him as their own is just dishonest. Yugoslavia was a multi-ethnic state, so for the Serbians to commit ethnic cleansing in its name is also dishonest.
What is Titoism? Zoomers are very interested in Titoism and Marxism. They see what crony capitalism has done to the west, and what imperialism has done to the global south. The world is changing.

All 6 republics that made up Yugoslavia say the breakup hurt their new country. They hate imperialism by nature.
What is Titoism? Zoomers are very interested in Titoism and Marxism.

I actually know a lot about Tito, and have as of yet to find anyone else who cares. I know a few Gen Zers, and they care less than the rest. Marxism is a tough sell in America, but Titoism is an impossible sell in America.

This is not even a joke. No one cares about Tito. That is a bit unfair to him, but he really did not accomplish much. There was some promise there, but not much deliver.

That being said, I love the Yugo... And yet again, I am alone in that.

They see what crony capitalism has done to the west, and what imperialism has done to the global south. The world is changing.

Tito setup crony communism, which seems worse.

trump pushes crony socialism under a different name. he promises government will help some people out, mostly himself. The push for "populism" that is happening globally is in a way a push for more cronyism.

All 6 republics that made up Yugoslavia say the breakup hurt their new country. They hate imperialism by nature.

Slovenia and Croatia have a standard of living close to Italy, with strong growth meaning they will soon surpass Italy. They have already joined the EU, and are converging with Germany. Bosnia, Macedonia, and Kosovo are less well off, but are living typical poorer country European lifestyles. That is amazing well off, with easily trade and travel to the EU. Serbia is pissed that they were not able to commit as much ethnic cleansing as they wanted, but are getting better.
I actually know a lot about Tito, and have as of yet to find anyone else who cares. I know a few Gen Zers, and they care less than the rest. Marxism is a tough sell in America, but Titoism is an impossible sell in America.

This is not even a joke. No one cares about Tito. That is a bit unfair to him, but he really did not accomplish much. There was some promise there, but not much deliver.

That being said, I love the Yugo... And yet again, I am alone in that.

Tito setup crony communism, which seems worse.

trump pushes crony socialism under a different name. he promises government will help some people out, mostly himself. The push for "populism" that is happening globally is in a way a push for more cronyism.

Slovenia and Croatia have a standard of living close to Italy, with strong growth meaning they will soon surpass Italy. They have already joined the EU, and are converging with Germany. Bosnia, Macedonia, and Kosovo are less well off, but are living typical poorer country European lifestyles. That is amazing well off, with easily trade and travel to the EU. Serbia is pissed that they were not able to commit as much ethnic cleansing as they wanted, but are getting better.
How did you learn about Tito?
What books did you read?

You spend a little time on Google and think you know everything there is to know on a topic. The world is changing, zoomers are not afraid of Marxism. They have a 4-year degree and the only job they can find is at the mall or driving for Lyft. Marx predicted late-stage capitalism. He wants something better for workers.

You're in denial about US spending $35 trillion on world dominance.
You're in denial about the upcoming Wall Street bailouts.
You're in denial about 25% unemployment.
You're in denial about the failed US empire.
You're in denial about the real world.
They have a 4-year degree and the only job they can find is at the mall or driving for Lyft.

Have you been to a mall lately? The malls around here are dying. Not many jobs at the mall.

You're in denial about 25% unemployment.

There are different ways to count unemployment, but none are even 10%. U-6, the most expansive unemployment did not even hit 25% during the worst of the pandemic.
Have you been to a mall lately? The malls around here are dying. Not many jobs at the mall.

There are different ways to count unemployment, but none are even 10%. U-6, the most expansive unemployment did not even hit 25% during the worst of the pandemic.
Imperialism and forever wars ruined the opportunities for zoomers to have a career or own a house. Tito fought imperialism his entire life. We're headed for revolt; all you have to do is watch the protests videos last night outside Radio City Music Hall, or the worldwide pro-Palestinian protests. Not to mention the free Julian Assange protests. Zoomers are angry and things are about to get a lot worse.
So, as far as you know, Trump has never lied? ... at least never in conjunction with his official duties as President, right?

Wow, your point is that you don't think Trump has ever lied, owing to your inability to come up with even a single actual example? OK, you make a strong case.

It is common knowledge that Trump is the biggest fucking liar to ever be president. Why the fuck would I argue simple fact with someone hypnotized by the asshole?
Have you been to a mall lately? The malls around here are dying. Not many jobs at the mall.

There are different ways to count unemployment, but none are even 10%. U-6, the most expansive unemployment did not even hit 25% during the worst of the pandemic.

Last time I looked there were 6 days of measuring unemployment. That is unimportant. What we do is judge each report using the same one. That way we can quickly perceive the direction and strength of employment.
It is common knowledge that Trump is the biggest fucking liar to ever be president.
... or it's your bizarre delusion brought about from ass-reaming-instilled TDS, probably the same ass-reaming that required you to believe that carbon is a hydrocarbon and that you are nonetheless somehow a chemistry genius. Hmmmmm. You can't think of a single example of Donald Trump lying to the American people in the performance of his official duties. Not a single example! Yet you characterize someone you can't remember ever having lied as "the biggest fucking liar." Ironically, that makes you the biggest fucking liar. That's priceless.

Why the fuck would I argue simple fact ...
Did you just ask rhetorically why you would ever support your position on something? Are you admitting to being totally dishonest in everything you write?

You are?

It is common knowledge that Trump is the biggest fucking liar to ever be president. Why the fuck would I argue simple fact with someone hypnotized by the asshole?

Trump is the greatest truth teller to come down the pike in a long while.
Trump is the greatest truth teller to come down the pike in a long while.

You are a Russian infiltrator. You sell Putin and hate anything American. I know nobody with firing neurons who would say such a ridiculous thing about Trump. You work against America and for Putin.