A perfect example on why religion is dangerous, stupid, and should not be tolerated

I only do it because this is honestly what I see 90% of conservatives doing today. It's created an infectious batch of extremism that is destroying America, and the only way to defeat it is to create another infectious batch of extremism in its place. Opinions that conservatives truly believed 30 years ago that were laughed at are now considered mainstream. It disgusts me.
εxoendo;570619 said:
watermark and I do something called merging our opinion ranges. We balance our sometimes controversial viewpoints by going exceedingly over the top. In this way, by using extreme hyperbole, we can (at our core) say how we really feel on some issues, yet if we ever go to far or are called on our shit, we use the hyperbole excuse and can easily back down by saying we are joking etc, and even completely invalidate what we had previously stated. It's not a schtick as beefy would call it but a highly calculated defensive strategy.

A long explanation for why you two can't think for yourselves so you prop each other up with what most people would believe is appalling and offensive behavior. Kind of like farting real loud in public and then getting practically sick laughing at your bravado, sheer audacity, and guts like you've just set an all time comedy record.

We all know you two are just manchildren trying to find your place. Every one of us were doofus dorks at one time or another. You two just get the added luxury of showing everybody how goofy and in the end typical and ordinary this acting out is.

Carry on. At times it's amusing.
εxoendo;570619 said:
watermark and I do something called merging our opinion ranges. We balance our sometimes controversial viewpoints by going exceedingly over the top. In this way, by using extreme hyperbole, we can (at our core) say how we really feel on some issues, yet if we ever go to far or are called on our shit, we use the hyperbole excuse and can easily back down by saying we are joking etc, and even completely invalidate what we had previously stated. It's not a schtick as beefy would call it but a highly calculated defensive strategy.

lol....thats some of the best bullshit i've seen served on this forum...

we use bullshit to confuse people, that way we're never wrong, because we'll just claim we're making it up....

and watermark, your schtick is not done by 90% of conservatives...not even 1% talk like you do.....i can't believe you would lie in defense of your schtick...:palm:
Why should Christian Scientists be allowed to raise any child?

Should we let pedophiles keep children next?

I think of the child first. That's the difference between me and you yurt. You think of the child as the parents property, to do with as they wish, no matter how damaging, I think of what's best for the child. Being abused by Christian Scientists is never good for a child.

actually he's right......they do rank slightly higher than Watermark, but then, we wouldn't let him raise children either......
εxoendo;570619 said:
watermark and I do something called merging our opinion ranges. We balance our sometimes controversial viewpoints by going exceedingly over the top. In this way, by using extreme hyperbole, we can (at our core) say how we really feel on some issues, yet if we ever go to far or are called on our shit, we use the hyperbole excuse and can easily back down by saying we are joking etc, and even completely invalidate what we had previously stated. It's not a schtick as beefy would call it but a highly calculated defensive strategy.
????....wouldn't that tactic be more effective if, from time to time, you actually demonstrated some intelligence?.......if your posts are the result of a "merging" of your opinion ranges, the high end still falls far short of "average"......:cof1:
lol....thats some of the best bullshit i've seen served on this forum...

we use bullshit to confuse people, that way we're never wrong, because we'll just claim we're making it up....

and watermark, your schtick is not done by 90% of conservatives...not even 1% talk like you do.....i can't believe you would lie in defense of your schtick...:palm:

No one can seriously believe in an evil ideology like conservatism, or an evil religion like Christianity. They must be stricken from the Earth by any means necessary.
No one can seriously believe in an evil ideology like conservatism, or an evil religion like Christianity. They must be stricken from the Earth by any means necessary.

you didn't even address the subject.....

you are an embarrassment, seriously....at first i believed people like mott and grind that you are just playing around....no way....you believe what you speak.....else you are liar, because you say such words frequently....and your lie that 90% of conservatives talk like you is so pathetic i would say it is beneath you.....but apparently, you appear to be the bottom
Yurt, if you had known Watermark since 2002 on politics.com, you would understand. Watermark frequently reinvents himself, beginning with a hardcore libertarian who denounced statism. Now, several iterations later, he is a committed statist who denounces the forces of freedom. Stay tuned.
Yurt, if you had known Watermark since 2002 on politics.com, you would understand. Watermark frequently reinvents himself, beginning with a hardcore libertarian who denounced statism. Now, several iterations later, he is a committed statist who denounces the forces of freedom. Stay tuned.

No, I began as a socialist Christian, turned into an atheist libertarian, and now I'm an liberal atheist because libertarianism is incompatible with freedom.
No, I began as a socialist Christian, turned into an atheist libertarian, and now I'm an liberal atheist because libertarianism is incompatible with freedom.

Well, two of those are incompatible with freedom, but only one of them is not statist, anti-freedom, so its pretty easy to figure out.
Yurt, if you had known Watermark since 2002 on politics.com, you would understand. Watermark frequently reinvents himself, beginning with a hardcore libertarian who denounced statism. Now, several iterations later, he is a committed statist who denounces the forces of freedom. Stay tuned.

so he is either a permanent troll or has no fucking clue about anything so he changes hats as the direction of the wind changes....

whats beginning to annoy me are his continuous false claims....for instance he claims he trolls or uses grinds imaginary extreme whatever he calls it debate stance because 90% of conservatives talk like he does....mott continuously defends watermark and claims he is joking....i don't think he is joking....people that joke, joke and then realize that if you "joke" all the time, its no longer a joke....

and btw, i happen to like watermark....but i'm tired of never knowing when he is serious because when i think he is serious old mott comes a knockin and claims watermark is just trolling/kidding.....yet the same old mott bitches when others talk like watermark....
You should be able to tell when he's joking. That said, what I will say of Watermark is that he is serious far less frequently these days. To this I have an explanation.

Watermark, along with myself and Grind are all youngin's who have been posting since high school (Watermark lied about his age, so he may have actually been about 12 when he first started posting), back on politics.com.

Back then, we all used to debate and stand up for our beliefs. Now we mostly just goof off and hang out in the Off Topic, Conspiracies, Sports/Hobbies, Announcements, and APP (which is as much a joke as the others are), where we BS and irritate people.

It seems to me that we are all burned out on the political front. I remember back on FP that Grind posted a thread ranting about what a pointless subject that Poli Sci is, and I think he had changed his major away from it. Basically, we are all regressing, but since Watermark is younger than us and has always been less serious, he is farther along and regressing at a much faster rate. Back in the day, you would never have seen me post the pictures of hot chicks and swear incessantly.
You should be able to tell when he's joking. That said, what I will say of Watermark is that he is serious far less frequently these days. To this I have an explanation.

Watermark, along with myself and Grind are all youngin's who have been posting since high school (Watermark lied about his age, so he may have actually been about 12 when he first started posting), back on politics.com.

Back then, we all used to debate and stand up for our beliefs. Now we mostly just goof off and hang out in the Off Topic, Conspiracies, Sports/Hobbies, Announcements, and APP (which is as much a joke as the others are), where we BS and irritate people.

It seems to me that we are all burned out on the political front. I remember back on FP that Grind posted a thread ranting about what a pointless subject that Poli Sci is, and I think he had changed his major away from it. Basically, we are all regressing, but since Watermark is younger than us and has always been less serious, he is farther along and regressing at a much faster rate. Back in the day, you would never have seen me post the pictures of hot chicks and swear incessantly.

you and grind are not even in the same category as watermark.....i've never seen a poster repeatedly call for the killing of others, for the banishing of religion and the killing of christians and other religious people....he isn't kidding about religions threedee....thus, i am not sure he is kidding or burned out on the rest of his schtick....

but i really have no desire to psycho analyze him, i don't find anyone who repeatedly "jokes" about killing amusing, i find it disturbing and telling....however, i don't even know him other than what he posts....but i appreciate your effort to explain his atrocious comments....i'll take your comments under consideration
you and grind are not even in the same category as watermark.....i've never seen a poster repeatedly call for the killing of others, for the banishing of religion and the killing of christians and other religious people....he isn't kidding about religions threedee....thus, i am not sure he is kidding or burned out on the rest of his schtick....

but i really have no desire to psycho analyze him, i don't find anyone who repeatedly "jokes" about killing amusing, i find it disturbing and telling....however, i don't even know him other than what he posts....but i appreciate your effort to explain his atrocious comments....i'll take your comments under consideration

We've already been through this. Sheesh. Extreme hyperbole time after time after time = trollery.

Like 3D says, we've been talking for 6 or 7 years, back when Watermark was still a sperm. He's still got some growing up to do.
The sad part is, he's not so bad when he isn't being a complete idiot. I remember him all the way in the beginning, I used to be the same way (it's no wonder every thinks I'm old, I sure talk like it), but life experience changed me around, as did the idea that I actually want people to listen to me.