A personal friend of mine...


Staff member
... is a suspect in a local murder! I saw him on TV tonight on the news. I am stunned...

What do I do with that? I don't think he'll contact me, but he called his mother and told her that, "You won't see me again."

I hope that doesn't mean what I think it implies!

Geez... I can't even imagine this guy hurting anybody, let alone killing them! Wow. Just trying to wrap my mind around this...

Whew. I hope he turns himself in rather than what I think his last statement to his mother implies.
Wow, that is a trip! How close of a friend was this, and did you know the victim as well?
I didn't know the victim at all. The friend I have known for some time. He is younger than I, by about 10 years, but we grew up in the same place. I got out of there, his family hasn't.

The victim was the President of a collection agency in Denver.
I didn't know the victim at all. The friend I have known for some time. He is younger than I, by about 10 years, but we grew up in the same place. I got out of there, his family hasn't.

The victim was the President of a collection agency in Denver.

The President of a collection agency?

Well, anyway, regardless of how many people will be glad the victim is dead, it's still a crime.

Sorry to hear about it.
not long ago, during a build out of an office complex I was supervising, we had an electrical contractor who was the nicest, most competent and customer focused guy you could ever imagine. He was always seeking me out to brief me on any and all change orders and to see if I had issues that his crew needed to address. Everyone on my staff really enjoyed working with this guy..... then one day, he just snapped...he broke into his mother's house while his ex-wife and kids were visiting her....and he gunned down his ex-wife AND his mom in front of his kids. Then he called the cops and waited patiently for them to come arrest him. He may not have been the LAST guy on the planet that I would have expected such behavior from (the Dalai Lama probably is in that position) but he was WAY down the list, that's for sure. The entire state of Maine was stunned by this.

It just goes to show that you never can tell... and gives me good reason to never give my address away to weirdos like Dixie! ;)
not long ago, during a build out of an office complex I was supervising, we had an electrical contractor who was the nicest, most competent and customer focused guy you could ever imagine. He was always seeking me out to brief me on any and all change orders and to see if I had issues that his crew needed to address. Everyone on my staff really enjoyed working with this guy..... then one day, he just snapped...he broke into his mother's house while his ex-wife and kids were visiting her....and he gunned down his ex-wife AND his mom in front of his kids. Then he called the cops and waited patiently for them to come arrest him. He may not have been the LAST guy on the planet that I would have expected such behavior from (the Dalai Lama probably is in that position) but he was WAY down the list, that's for sure. The entire state of Maine was stunned by this.

It just goes to show that you never can tell... and gives me good reason to never give my address away to weirdos like Dixie! ;)
It is really odd. I feel for the victim, but I can't help but think... I just can't picture this guy hurting anybody. He's pretty far down the list of people I'd expect this from. Yeah, he lived in a pretty bad neighborhood, but so did I...

As a Libertarian who has an innate distrust of government, how do you feel about the state having the power to kill its citizens?
I'm against the death penalty. I have pretty much always been.

On the principle that the state shouldn't have authority to kill its own citizens?
I'm against the death penalty. I have pretty much always been.

On the principle that the state shouldn't have authority to kill its own citizens?
On the principle that the State shouldn't answer killing with killing. Also on the principle that the Death Penalty is much too kind. I would prefer these people to live in Prison and not get out until they are in that narrow house assigned to all the living.

Thats insane! I would try to say something nice but frankly, I'm at loss for words. If he did it he deserves to get punished, if he didn't, the person has still been murdered and there is a grieving family somewhere.

They caught him, he was convicted.

and do you still feel the same compassion for your use to be friend? If he was convicted he does have appeal rights...takes along time...if he is still guilty do you put his life ahead of his victim? If so why should he be allowed to live out his life...in a prison setting... all needs taken care of by the state...(Taxes)..or should his life end and save alot of money and grief for the victims family?