A personal friend of mine...

I worked for my retirement...up yours waterboy!

I'm confused? I thought you said it was a great, happy place to be, full of joy, with gormet meals everyday, where they can sit and make maniacial calls to the victims families all day?

It's certainly not a drab place where murders stay in solitary confinement 23/7?
Just tell me one thing, BB. Why, as a continual pattern, are all the states with the highest murder rates the ones that have the murder penalty? And why are all the states with the lowest murder and crime rates the ones that don't murder their citizens?

I'm confused? I thought you said it was a great, happy place to be, full of joy, with gormet meals everyday, where they can sit and make maniacial calls to the victims families all day?

It's certainly not a drab place where murders stay in solitary confinement 23/7?

you are like the movie...'Dumb and Dumber'...those in prison are entitled to tv,good food,continued education,free medical,dental,legal representation,visits and in some cases communal visitation(sex)...since I have to work for all of the above...as do most in society...I have no desire to commit a crime for those bennies...soI will remain free...if you want freebies be our guest do the crime and do the time...if ya kill...then so shall you be killed...simple really!
Post em..........

Just tell me one thing, BB. Why, as a continual pattern, are all the states with the highest murder rates the ones that have the murder penalty? And why are all the states with the lowest murder and crime rates the ones that don't murder their citizens?

you are grasping for the elusive strawman argument...this is more hype and pure BS!
you are grasping for the elusive strawman argument...this is more hype and pure BS!

Translation: "I can't address that".

Battle, of the 14 states that do not employ a death penalty, only Michigan has a higher rate than the national average.

Try to remain calm. See if you can address it.
and do you still feel the same compassion for your use to be friend? If he was convicted he does have appeal rights...takes along time...if he is still guilty do you put his life ahead of his victim? If so why should he be allowed to live out his life...in a prison setting... all needs taken care of by the state...(Taxes)..or should his life end and save alot of money and grief for the victims family?
I do not support the death penalty, first because it is simply too expensive and costs more to finally execute somebody, second because it is not much of a punishment, and lastly because he will not see freedom again.
Life sentences are entitled to the same appeals process...you are sadly uninformed of law!
They are not given specific guaranteed appeals as the Death Penalty cases are. They are not put into special areas of the prison that cost more.

It simply costs less to continue to keep them incarcerated and only give appeals to cases that have reason for appeals.
you are like the movie...'Dumb and Dumber'...those in prison are entitled to tv,good food,continued education,free medical,dental,legal representation,visits and in some cases communal visitation(sex)...since I have to work for all of the above...as do most in society...I have no desire to commit a crime for those bennies...soI will remain free...if you want freebies be our guest do the crime and do the time...if ya kill...then so shall you be killed...simple really!

Simple logic, more like it. But I guess it's acceptable to your SIMPLE barbarian mind.

The reason the legal process for death penalty is so much more lenghty, is that to appeal, you need much less evidence. If someone is in prison for life, then we simply wait for evidence to arise, because we have time. We obviously don't have that time in a death penalty case so we have to be very careful.
What is your plan, BB? Deny prisoners medicine? You do realize that's a form of torture, under the Geneva convention?

It's a sad state of affairs in America, whenever barbarian conservatives can claim somebody is being treated special just because they are given penicillin whenever they get an infection. That sounds like human rights to me, and should be extended to all Americans, not taken away from prisoners.