A personal friend of mine...

and do you still feel the same compassion for your use to be friend? If he was convicted he does have appeal rights...takes along time...if he is still guilty do you put his life ahead of his victim? If so why should he be allowed to live out his life...in a prison setting... all needs taken care of by the state...(Taxes)..or should his life end and save alot of money and grief for the victims family?

You're disgusting and stupid.
I think, the first thing everyone thinks whenever someone around them is convicted of a crime, the first thing they think is "OMGZ?! HOw could it be him? He's the last person?"

BUt, you know, you have to realize, it's regular people doing stuff like this, not the maniacal laughing villians you read about in trash fiction, and everyone thinks of whenever they hear of anyone convicted of a crime. It happens, you know? We punish someone for the crime itself, and we shouldn't take into account the person, as cold as that may sound.
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Good Lord...........

You're disgusting and stupid.

I asked damo a fair question being that he posted this thread...who the hell do you think you are calling someone disgusting and stupid for asking a related question to the posting...Your momma and daddy failed you big tiome...you are lacking intelligence and respect from the get go...go away little boy!
I asked damo a fair question being that he posted this thread...who the hell do you think you are calling someone disgusting and stupid for asking a related question to the posting...Your momma and daddy failed you big tiome...you are lacking intelligence and respect from the get go...go away little boy!

It was the dumbest excuse for state sponsored murder I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of stupid ones.

Firstoff, the death penalty costs more than life in prison.

Secondly, it hurts no one to not murder a harmless person.

Third, who would actually be more at ease now that the killer of someone in their family has been murdered himself by other evil forces in the world? Murder in vengeance solves nothing. - + - /= +.

You're the Christian. Just think of what Jesus would do. Oh wait, Christians never live by Jesus, how silly of me.s

It was the dumbest excuse for state sponsored murder I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of stupid ones.

Firstoff, the death penalty costs more than life in prison.

Secondly, it hurts no one to not murder a harmless person.

Third, who would actually be more at ease now that the killer of someone in their family has been murdered himself by other evil forces in the world? Murder in vengeance solves nothing. - + - /= +.

You're the Christian. Just think of what Jesus would do. Oh wait, Christians never live by Jesus, how silly of me.s

Life in prison costs less than a quite death via injection?...Damn, drug prices have really sky-rocketed...as for your really dumb analogy of 'what would Jesus think' Well he did hit the money changers really hard...and he did belive in a eye for an eye...so why don't you ask him in quite prayer?
Life in prison costs less than a quite death via injection?...Damn, drug prices have really sky-rocketed...as for your really dumb analogy of 'what would Jesus think' Well he did hit the money changers really hard...and he did belive in a eye for an eye...so why don't you ask him in quite prayer?

My biblically literate friend, could you please point me to the exact bible verse to where Jesus said he believe in "an eye for an eye", one of the dumbest ideas to base a "justice" system off of in existance?

Was it here:

You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". But I say to you, do not resist an evildoer. If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. (Matthew 5:38–39, NRSV)

Because it sounds like he's critiscizing such idiocy here. Hmmm?
BB, the death penalty costs more than life in prison. That's a fact. Unless you have soemthign to counter that, STFU, murderer.

This is bleeding heart BS!...It only cost alot since the appeal process is so lenghty...what cost are aquired after the avg 12 year appeal process only adds to the cost...if the appeal is denied/lost then the cost would be significantly reduced rather than continue feeding,educating and entertaining the convicted killer...sorry I have no compassion for those who cross the line!

Now please show me your facts as you stated?

Kiss my ass waterboy...I am not a murderer but a angel of death...that would fit better...moron!

and like the saying goesdo the crime do the time...including the same as you did to your victim...if death was dished then death shall follow!
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Yes, it costs more for the prisoner with the death sentence than it does for the prisoner with a life in prison sentence because of the appeals that are in place for a person whose life could be taken by the state, you are correct, Watermark.

This is bleeding heart BS!...It only cost alot since the appeal process is so lenghty...what cost are aquired after the avg 12 year appeal process only adds to the cost...if the appeal is denied/lost then the cost would be significantly reduced rather than continue feeding,educating and entertaining the convicted killer...sorry I have no compassion for those who cross the line!

Now please show me your facts as you stated?

Kissmy ass waterboy...I am not a murderer but a angel of death...that would fit better...moron!

Do you want to deny people appeals? So, if evidence comes up proving a person is innocent, no appeal, you go to the murder chair?

What does it matter whether or not they are being fed, being educated, or being entertained (most people convicted of capital murder, of course, are kept in solitary confinement 23 horus a day, for their own safety, but don't let that stop you)? How does that hurt anyone? YOu're certainly not a pragmatist, are you, just seeking useless vengeance, and I hope you burn in hell for it.
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This is pure BS....!

Yes, it costs more for the prisoner with the death sentence than it does for the prisoner with a life in prison sentence because of the appeals that are in place for a person whose life could be taken by the state, you are correct, Watermark.


Those who get Life are entitled to the same appeal process...what the issue becomes is after the appeals are exhausted...you believe they should be released or forgiven...?????????????
Let me just dump a big bucket o' facts on you, BB, though I'm sure you'll keep your blinders on, ignorant barbarian that you are:


The Economics of Capital Punishment

Sentencing a prisoner to life in prison is a better allocation of resources than sentencing him to be executed.

First I'll present figures representing the dollar costs of capital punishment versus life in prison/no parole. Then I'll discuss the deterrent effect as the only legitimate rational justification for capital punishment. Then I'll discuss the externalities of capital punishment.

A Duke University study found... "The death penalty costs North Carolina $2.16 million per execution over the costs of a non-death penalty murder case with a sentence of imprisonment for life." ( The costs of processing murder cases in North Carolina / Philip J. Cook, Donna B. Slawson ; with the assistance of Lori A. Gries. [Durham, NC] : Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy, Duke University, 1993.)

"The death penalty costs California $90 million annually beyond the ordinary costs of the justice system - $78 million of that total is incurred at the trial level." (Sacramento Bee, March 18, 1988).

"A 1991 study of the Texas criminal justice system estimated the cost of appealing capital murder at $2,316,655. In contrast, the cost of housing a prisoner in a Texas maximum security prison single cell for 40 years is estimated at $750,000." (Punishment and the Death Penalty, edited by Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum 1995 p.109 )

"Florida spent an estimated $57 million on the death penalty from 1973 to 1988 to achieve 18 executions - that is an average of $3.2 million per execution."
(Miami Herald, July 10, 1988).

"Florida calculated that each execution there costs some $3.18 million. If incarceration is estimated to cost $17000/year, a comparable statistic for life in prison of 40 years would be $680,000."
(The Geography of Execution... The Capital Punishment Quagmire in America, Keith Harries and Derral Cheatwood 1997 p.6)

Figures from the General Accounting Office are close to these results. Total annual costs for all U.S. Prisons, State and Federal, was $17.7 billion in 1994 along with a total prison population of 1.1 million inmates. That amounts to $16100 per inmate/year.
(GOA report and testimony FY-97 GGD-97-15 )
Those who get Life are entitled to the same appeal process...what the issue becomes is after the appeals are exhausted...you believe they should be released or forgiven...?????????????
No, it is NOT the Same process.

And DON'T be silly, NO ONE has said that they need to be released or forgiven by anyone. They should get life in prison, WITHOUT the opportunity of Parole, and hard labor would be good imo too.
More Lib BS...!~

Do you want to deny people appeals? So, if evidence comes up proving a person is innocent, no appeal, you go to the murder chair?

What does it matter whether or not they are being fed, being educated, or being entertained (most people convicted of capital murder, of course, are kept in solitary confinement 23 horus a day, for their own safety, but don't let that stop you)? How does that hurt anyone? YOu're certainly not a pragmatist, are you, just seeking useless vengeance, and I hope you burn in hell for it.

I addressed the after the appeals process is completed...then if still guilty..sorry but they are history...no more free ride while the victims family suffers...and no more tax dollars being wasted! This is not vengence this is Justice!
No, it is NOT the Same process.

And DON'T be silly, NO ONE has said that they need to be released or forgiven by anyone. They should get life in prison, WITHOUT the opportunity of Parole, and hard labor would be good imo too.

They should get whatever they get. Additional punishments beyond life in prison are silly.
I addressed the after the appeals process is completed...then if still guilty..sorry but they are history...no more free ride while the victims family suffers...and no more tax dollars being wasted! This is not vengence this is Justice!

If prison is such a free ride why don't you head over there BB?
Yes it is this is mis-information at it's worst!

No, it is NOT the Same process.

And DON'T be silly, NO ONE has said that they need to be released or forgiven by anyone. They should get life in prison, WITHOUT the opportunity of Parole, and hard labor would be good imo too.

Life sentences are entitled to the same appeals process...you are sadly uninformed of law!