A plea to the sane.

Therein lies the crux of the problem.

There's not a single black person alive who "had it coming" to be called the N-word. Your inherent racism and bigotry clouds rational thinking.

Nobody asked you you deviant immoral dickhead.

And BAC had it coming. If he pulls that shit again he will get more of the same. Just like you
Therein lies the crux of the problem.

There's not a single black person alive who "had it coming" to be called the N-word. Your inherent racism and bigotry clouds rational thinking.

That's exactly what the wife beater tells himself after a round of pounding on the little woman...

"She had it coming."

That 4 word justification is how wife beaters convince themselves they aren't the one with the problem.
Nobody asked you you deviant immoral dickhead.

And BAC had it coming. If he pulls that shit again he will get more of the same. Just like you

Do you think BAC is losing a minute of sleep over being called a name by an ignorant racist? lol He owned you in the discussion and you resorted to throwing out the "n" word in frustration. You enjoy it because others call attention to what you did. You are a troll and an attention whore. Neither of which is new on these forums.
thanks rune for the thread.

I am glad we still have people that care about the community.

Are there any specific things you guys would consider a good idea to implement? How can we address the un-saneness in a productive way?

Yes, actually. I'm one of those posters who hops from forum to forum, so I can give you a short list of what I've seen working elsewhere.

Make a sub forum where you can flush the more hostile spats. This will keep them from clogging threads where actual discussion is taking place.

Try some "community building". I've seen things like awards, interviews, games and reverse debates.

Hold organized debates more often. The flame wars tend to stop when there's a defined objective to discussions.
Why don't you, you said that you were Texas champion so it ought to be a piece of piss for you!!

Not a chance now. At the request of the mods and in the interest of board peace (since Howey refused attempts at a truce) Howey is on perma ignore to me. I will no longer engage him in conversation of any sort.