A pretty good UFO sighting

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
In this one, the person got a good clean picture of the UFO, and it is definitely a UFO. They really could have made it a bit better by putting their finger or thumb in the picture to give some perspective on range and size, or maybe gotten it in a shot that included some terrain. There's just a brief glimpse of terrain at the beginning of the video. As it is, it's hard to tell how big it is.


If we are being visited by interstellar starships piloted by alien beings, I am surprised we do not have a lot better than grainy photos and video of dubious quality, given that there are three billion smart phones on the planet.
If we are being visited by interstellar starships piloted by alien beings, I am surprised we do not have a lot better than grainy photos and video of dubious quality, given that there are three billion smart phones on the planet.

What do you think of the fact that the Pentagon is acknowledging UFOs? Have you seen any of the videos that they have released?
If we are being visited by interstellar starships piloted by alien beings, I am surprised we do not have a lot better than grainy photos and video of dubious quality, given that there are three billion smart phones on the planet.

if somehow there are beings in the world who can travel the vast distance it would take to get here, since we know there is no life anywhere within 100's of light years, they would either never be detected at all, or they would openly communicate. to think they are clumsy enough to be detected if they do not want to be detected, with such incredible technology, is just goofy.
If we are being visited by interstellar starships piloted by alien beings, I am surprised we do not have a lot better than grainy photos and video of dubious quality, given that there are three billion smart phones on the planet.

I'm fascinated how space aliens can travel the stars in weather balloons.
In this one, the person got a good clean picture of the UFO, and it is definitely a UFO. They really could have made it a bit better by putting their finger or thumb in the picture to give some perspective on range and size, or maybe gotten it in a shot that included some terrain. There's just a brief glimpse of terrain at the beginning of the video. As it is, it's hard to tell how big it is.


I find it odd that there isn't more video.....I suspect when it got closer they discovered it was a heavy duty helicopter transporting a rectangular shaped structure to a construction site using a heavy duty triangular sling......
What do you think of the fact that the Pentagon is acknowledging UFOs? Have you seen any of the videos that they have released?

The Pentagon admits there is a small percentage of photos showing phenomena which are unidentified and not readily explained.

They did not conclude they were intergalactic spaceships piloted by alien beings.
if somehow there are beings in the world who can travel the vast distance it would take to get here, since we know there is no life anywhere within 100's of light years, they would either never be detected at all, or they would openly communicate. to think they are clumsy enough to be detected if they do not want to be detected, with such incredible technology, is just goofy.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

That has always been my standard for natural phenomena.

If we are routinely being visited by intergalactic spaceships piloted by alien beings, I need something a little better than the occasional grainy photo or dubious video.

If the alien starships had something like a Klingon spaceship cloaking technology, why isn't it turned on all the time? There are hundreds of claims of visual observations of alien starships every year. Thousands of people are claiming to be seeing alien starships.

Absent more convincing proof, to me these unidentified aerial observations are more likely to be mistaken identity, optical distortion, or as yet unexplained natural atmospheric phenomena, etc.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

That has always been my standard for natural phenomena.

If we are routinely being visited by intergalactic spaceships piloted by alien beings, I need something a little better than the occasional grainy photo or dubious video.

If the alien starships had something like a Klingon spaceship cloaking technology, why isn't it turned on all the time? There are hundreds of claims of visual observations of alien starships every year.

Absent more convincing proof, to me these unidentified aerial observations are more likely to me mistaken identity, optical distortion, or as yet unexplained natural atmospheric phenomena.


Despite decades of claims about UFOs, telekinesis and communicating with the dead, there is ZERO evidence such things were true.
I find it odd that there isn't more video.....I suspect when it got closer they discovered it was a heavy duty helicopter transporting a rectangular shaped structure to a construction site using a heavy duty triangular sling......

That's what I thought too but the top really doesn't look like that since the normal helicopter for that is this one:


But it is very possible it is just the angle the video was taken at that makes it look like a blob at the top. Easy enough to check on however as there would have been a flight plan filed and air traffic records would show it.
In this one, the person got a good clean picture of the UFO, and it is definitely a UFO. They really could have made it a bit better by putting their finger or thumb in the picture to give some perspective on range and size, or maybe gotten it in a shot that included some terrain. There's just a brief glimpse of terrain at the beginning of the video. As it is, it's hard to tell how big it is.


Probably mylar balloons.
I find it odd that there isn't more video.....I suspect when it got closer they discovered it was a heavy duty helicopter transporting a rectangular shaped structure to a construction site using a heavy duty triangular sling......

Yes that was Mr. Sulu carrying a transparent aluminum.
I have seen a UFO with my own eyes

One way more impressive than that tape

Nearly 30 years ago

There are things we just don’t know folks
Mine started out as a red light in the distance

I asked the people I was with if there was a radio station out that way

We where hiking in some hills near their home

They said no

Just about that time the red light began to swing the in the sky as if it was the round end of a pendulum

We watched it swing and then stop and headed straight for us

It was now a white light coming closer to us

As it went over us there was a little cloud cover

And in a small break in the clouds we all saw a horse shoe shape of round white lights

Then it was gone