A Question for Deep State believers

These people all come from the same schools and training programs, which have been indoctrinating WOKE under the nose of the ignorant coward conservatives, trained in the WOKE hive mind that were individuals dont and dont need to wait for orders....they know what to do. If they should ever get notified of an error by elite WOKE they know to fix it or else their careers are over, the WOKE are brutal, there is no dissent from the solidarity.

My sigs change often but my current is very relevant to this thread:

There is no way around this Hell that we have earned, there is only going through it.....we must learn again what it has to teach.

Learning from our ancestors was the smart play, but we refused.
These people all come from the same schools and training programs, which have been indoctrinating WOKE under the nose of the ignorant coward conservatives, trained in the WOKE hive mind that were individuals dont and dont need to wait for orders....they know what to do. If they should ever get notified of an error by elite WOKE they know to fix it or else their careers are over, the WOKE are brutal, there is no dissent from the solidarity.

That includes Xi Jinping and Putin. The deep state profits from all these local wars. Everyone is eager to try out their new toys.
That includes Xi Jinping and Putin. The deep state profits from all these local wars. Everyone is eager to try out their new toys.

We dont know how much WOKE is and has been driven by the CCP.....but every day I get convinced that it is likely more than I thought yesterday. I have suggested that what we are watching is the HAN doing a controlled implosion of the West.
Trump and his followers blame many of the evils in America on the Deep State - which, as I understand it, is entrenched at every level of the federal government, especially the FBI, the intelligence services and the Department of Justice.

Consider the past 40 years. Republicans have held the presidency for 24 of those years. For those who may be number-challenged, that’s 60% of the time. Why didn’t they fix the Deep State? They could have started by appointing a Republican to run the FBI, instead of a long line of Democrats, lol.

This is not a frivolous question. I really want to hear your answers.
When was the last time the FBI was run by a Democrat? Aren’t a lot of FBI persons conservative?
We dont know how much WOKE is and has been driven by the CCP.....but every day I get convinced that it is likely more than I thought yesterday. I have suggested that what we are watching is the HAN doing a controlled implosion of the West.
You can't get on Shark Tank unless you agree to move all manufacturing to China.
Multiple people on my grapevine....Jordan Peterson being one that I happen to remember.....are talking about how the fundamental thing is that the people cant get their mind around the scope of their betrayal, they literally cant see that they are being herded into slavery, most cant even imagine such a thing....they are actually that ignorant.

TOP! was always right about education.
Multiple people on my grapevine....Jordan Peterson being one that I happen to remember.....are talking about how the fundamental thing is that the people cant get their mind around the scope of their betrayal, they literally cant see that they are being herded into slavery, most cant even imagine such a thing....they are actually that ignorant.

TOP! was always right about education.
So, how do all the enlightened ones act different? Make podcasts? How have they broken their “bonds”? What are they doing different, not paying taxes? Dumping tea? Where is their revolution?
UTOPIA comes first....if you dont understand this (and you clearly dont) then you dont understand anything.

No, retirement comes first. The Leftists in government want their pensions more than anything else. Been there, seen that. They support Leftist goals second to making sure they get everything they can for a comfortable retirement. I won't lie, it's a comfortable retirement too.
No, retirement comes first. The Leftists in government want their pensions more than anything else. Been there, seen that. They support Leftist goals second to making sure they get everything they can for a comfortable retirement. I won't lie, it's a comfortable retirement too.

I have told you before that your brain is out of date.
When was the last time the FBI was run by a Democrat? Aren’t a lot of FBI persons conservative?

From the start every director of the FBI has been a conservative and usually a declared Republican. The same goes for most of the rank and file. When I referred to
“a long line of Democrats”, I was joking.

The fact that Deep State believers think the FBI is left, woke etc. tells us something about THEM but nothing about the FBI. Apparently the Deep State is anything they disagree with.

Here’s my contribution. People who inherit hundreds of millions in New York property from their father and think that makes them really, really smart and entitled to be president for life are part of the Deep State.
From the start every director of the FBI has been a conservative and usually a declared Republican. The same goes for most of the rank and file. When I referred to “a long line of Democrats”, I was joking.

The fact that Deep State believers think the FBI is left, woke etc. tells us something about THEM but nothing about the FBI. Apparently the Deep State is anything they disagree with.

Here’s my contribution. People who inherit hundreds of millions in New York property from their father and think that makes them really, really smart and entitled to be president for life are part of the Deep State.
Thanks for clearing that up.
It seems that way, but it isn't. Each agency has its own agenda. That each veers hard Left doesn't change that they are not acting in lockstep with one another.

it is that way..

stfu with your lies.

just like the conspiracy denying phrase "it's just people pursuing self interest" is also disproven by get woke go broke still being a corporate strategy even after losing billions.

I'm sorry you got in bed with globalist nazis and now are afraid to leave.

desantis is fake trump and eats bags of dicks an hour.