A Question for Deep State believers

These people all come from the same schools and training programs, which have been indoctrinating WOKE under the nose of the ignorant coward conservatives, trained in the WOKE hive mind that were individuals dont and dont need to wait for orders....they know what to do. If they should ever get notified of an error by elite WOKE they know to fix it or else their careers are over, the WOKE are brutal, there is no dissent from the solidarity.


they've been indoctrinated into internationalist fascism, like good little idiots.
Trump and his followers blame many of the evils in America on the Deep State - which, as I understand it, is entrenched at every level of the federal government, especially the FBI, the intelligence services and the Department of Justice.

Consider the past 40 years. Republicans have held the presidency for 24 of those years. For those who may be number-challenged, that’s 60% of the time. Why didn’t they fix the Deep State? They could have started by appointing a Republican to run the FBI, instead of a long line of Democrats, lol.

This is not a frivolous question. I really want to hear your answers.

I know what you mean it's like those morons who claim America is "systemically" racist country that elected a black president and elected black mayors in a some of the largest cities in America. Oh yeah and police chiefs and DAs as well. Theres some really stupid people out there huh?