A Real Christian


Leftist Vermin
Thought I'd post a bit about Mr. Rogers. New movie out about him. I always thought (as a mom) that he was kind of goody-two-shoes and boring, but absolutely perfect to watch with my kids while folding laundry, fixing foods, and other motherly tasks. For the most part all five of my kids liked his program. What a wonderful message he had: You're a good, worthy, lovable person.

I was recently (as in just now) surprised to learn that he was also ordained as a Presbyterian minister.

"Rogers was ordained a Presbyterian pastor whose vocation was to minister to children through the airwaves, and he kept up his ordination, appearing before church elders to renew it through the years. He once said his ministry was the "broadcasting of grace throughout the land."

"Rogers also called the space between the viewer and the television set "holy ground" and said the central message of "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" -- that you are loved just the way you are -- was based on God's concern for all creation, a core tenet of Christianity.

"Because he wanted to keep his show inclusive, Rogers seldom spoke about his faith on air. He believed that teaching through example could be just as powerful as preaching."

I deliberately did not thread-ban anyone for this thread. Am kind of curious to see what, if any, responses come up, and their tone and wording.
Very brave of you not to thread ban the Christian Jihadis here. They claim 'Jesus is Love', and if you don't believe them, they will kill you.
Very brave of you not to thread ban the Christian Jihadis here. They claim 'Jesus is Love', and if you don't believe them, they will kill you.

Well, they might try. Was just wanting to honor Mr. Rogers, maybe a discussion too... and interested to see if the thread sparked the usual triggered RW snowflakes.

I suspect that most real Christians are very much like Fred Rogers. They have no need to preach, screech, condemn to hell, mock, denigrate or belittle others, or support amoral frauds like Osteen, Graham (Franklin), Paula White, Trump, et al. This country would be a far better place if more of them were like Mr. Rogers. If more of us were too.
Thought I'd post a bit about Mr. Rogers. New movie out about him. I always thought (as a mom) that he was kind of goody-two-shoes and boring, but absolutely perfect to watch with my kids while folding laundry, fixing foods, and other motherly tasks. For the most part all five of my kids liked his program. What a wonderful message he had: You're a good, worthy, lovable person.

I was recently (as in just now) surprised to learn that he was also ordained as a Presbyterian minister.

"Rogers was ordained a Presbyterian pastor whose vocation was to minister to children through the airwaves, and he kept up his ordination, appearing before church elders to renew it through the years. He once said his ministry was the "broadcasting of grace throughout the land."

"Rogers also called the space between the viewer and the television set "holy ground" and said the central message of "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" -- that you are loved just the way you are -- was based on God's concern for all creation, a core tenet of Christianity.

"Because he wanted to keep his show inclusive, Rogers seldom spoke about his faith on air. He believed that teaching through example could be just as powerful as preaching."


My impression is that Presbyterians, as a mainline Prostestant denomination, are generally moderate, restrained, and practice relative temperance

I generally do not lump them in with the fundamentalist Christian jihadists
My impression is that Presbyterians, as a mainline Prostestant denomination, are generally moderate, restrained, and practice relative temperance

I generally do not lump them in with the fundamentalist Christian jihadists

No, they're not generally at all like that. The fundies though don't think of them as "real Christians." Way back in the late 70s I was told by a fundie Xtian minister that my Lutheran baptism didn't count because Lutherans are not "real Christians." They've sadly gotten worse since.

At any rate, Mr. Rogers was an awesome human being. So is Jimmy Carter. There is something beautiful about people who are spirit-filled and actually walk the walk. The particular religious faith isn't what matters.... it's the vessel that carries the Light.
My impression is that Presbyterians, as a mainline Prostestant denomination, are generally moderate, restrained, and practice relative temperance

I generally do not lump them in with the fundamentalist Christian jihadists

I like the right wing,Evangelical Jesus!
White,Blond Hair,Blue Eyes,perfect Aryan!
Bigtime capitalist,hates gays,carries a AR 15,gave us Trump!Wears a business suit,with a long red tie.
Thought I'd post a bit about Mr. Rogers. New movie out about him. I always thought (as a mom) that he was kind of goody-two-shoes and boring, but absolutely perfect to watch with my kids while folding laundry, fixing foods, and other motherly tasks. For the most part all five of my kids liked his program. What a wonderful message he had: You're a good, worthy, lovable person.

I was recently (as in just now) surprised to learn that he was also ordained as a Presbyterian minister.

"Rogers was ordained a Presbyterian pastor whose vocation was to minister to children through the airwaves, and he kept up his ordination, appearing before church elders to renew it through the years. He once said his ministry was the "broadcasting of grace throughout the land."

"Rogers also called the space between the viewer and the television set "holy ground" and said the central message of "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" -- that you are loved just the way you are -- was based on God's concern for all creation, a core tenet of Christianity.

"Because he wanted to keep his show inclusive, Rogers seldom spoke about his faith on air. He believed that teaching through example could be just as powerful as preaching."


Thanks for your post, TOW. In a rare occurrence, I agree with you on this. Everything I've read about Fred Rogers has been positive. He WAS a good Christian.
No, they're not generally at all like that. The fundies though don't think of them as "real Christians." Way back in the late 70s I was told by a fundie Xtian minister that my Lutheran baptism didn't count because Lutherans are not "real Christians." They've sadly gotten worse since.

At any rate, Mr. Rogers was an awesome human being. So is Jimmy Carter. There is something beautiful about people who are spirit-filled and actually walk the walk. The particular religious faith isn't what matters.... it's the vessel that carries the Light.
In my opinion it is because the rightwing fundamentalist jihadists know very little about Christian theology, and virtually nothing about the history of Christiananity. I have seen inumerable examples on this board of agnostics and Catholics having to explain Christian theology and Christian history to self identified Bible thumpers who imagine they are pious and informed Christians
In my opinion it is because the rightwing fundamentalist jihadists know very little about Christian theology, and virtually nothing about the history of Christiananity. I have seen inumerable examples on this board of agnostics and Catholics having to explain Christian theology and Christian history to self identified Bible thumpers who imagine they are pious and informed Christians

Because Evangelicals spend their time in church preaching Republican politics!
I've known Mr. Rogers was an ordained minister for years and years.

I see the haters have come in to comment.
Well, you ARE from the UK. Fred Rogers hosted the children's show Mr. Roger's Neighborhood for MANY years here in the US. I believe his show was shown exclusively on PBS, Public Broadcasting Service.

Yeah, it started in 1968, so a couple of generations of American kids grew up watching him.
Thought I'd post a bit about Mr. Rogers. New movie out about him. I always thought (as a mom) that he was kind of goody-two-shoes and boring, but absolutely perfect to watch with my kids while folding laundry, fixing foods, and other motherly tasks. For the most part all five of my kids liked his program. What a wonderful message he had: You're a good, worthy, lovable person.

I was recently (as in just now) surprised to learn that he was also ordained as a Presbyterian minister.

"Rogers was ordained a Presbyterian pastor whose vocation was to minister to children through the airwaves, and he kept up his ordination, appearing before church elders to renew it through the years. He once said his ministry was the "broadcasting of grace throughout the land."

"Rogers also called the space between the viewer and the television set "holy ground" and said the central message of "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" -- that you are loved just the way you are -- was based on God's concern for all creation, a core tenet of Christianity.

"Because he wanted to keep his show inclusive, Rogers seldom spoke about his faith on air. He believed that teaching through example could be just as powerful as preaching."


Mr. Rodgers was the epitome of a good Christian. He used kindness and encouragement to spread the word of God. Thanks for the post.
Thought I'd post a bit about Mr. Rogers. New movie out about him. I always thought (as a mom) that he was kind of goody-two-shoes and boring, but absolutely perfect to watch with my kids while folding laundry, fixing foods, and other motherly tasks. For the most part all five of my kids liked his program. What a wonderful message he had: You're a good, worthy, lovable person.

I was recently (as in just now) surprised to learn that he was also ordained as a Presbyterian minister.

"Rogers was ordained a Presbyterian pastor whose vocation was to minister to children through the airwaves, and he kept up his ordination, appearing before church elders to renew it through the years. He once said his ministry was the "broadcasting of grace throughout the land."

"Rogers also called the space between the viewer and the television set "holy ground" and said the central message of "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" -- that you are loved just the way you are -- was based on God's concern for all creation, a core tenet of Christianity.

"Because he wanted to keep his show inclusive, Rogers seldom spoke about his faith on air. He believed that teaching through example could be just as powerful as preaching."

Fred Rodgers was an amazing person, his program was a wonderful teaching tool, I learned things, too. Thanks
Well, they might try. Was just wanting to honor Mr. Rogers, maybe a discussion too... and interested to see if the thread sparked the usual triggered RW snowflakes.

I suspect that most real Christians are very much like Fred Rogers. They have no need to preach, screech, condemn to hell, mock, denigrate or belittle others, or support amoral frauds like Osteen, Graham (Franklin), Paula White, Trump, et al. This country would be a far better place if more of them were like Mr. Rogers. If more of us were too.

Difficult to tell who the 'REAL Christians' are.
"Mary Dyer (born Marie Barrett; c. 1611 – 1 June 1660) was an English and colonial American Puritan turned Quaker who was hanged in Boston, Massachusetts Bay Colony, for repeatedly defying a Puritan law banning Quakers from the colony. She is one of the four executed Quakers known as the Boston martyrs."
Which of the many Cults are the 'REAL Christians'? You have many Good People, some belong to a Cult. This will shock many, but some Good People ... are Muslim, and some ... Jews.
'Good People' are all around us. Belonging to a particular Cult doesn't automatically make you 'Good People'.