A Real Christian

"The matter of identity seems crucial in Rogers’ case. He once confided to a friend that he had found both men and women attractive, but there’s no evidence he ever acted on the former. Is it valid under those circumstances to say he was “bisexual”? There’s no simple, true-or-false answer to that question. In any case, Mr. Rogers is no longer here to own or disown the label."
Thought I'd post a bit about Mr. Rogers. New movie out about him. I always thought (as a mom) that he was kind of goody-two-shoes and boring, but absolutely perfect to watch with my kids while folding laundry, fixing foods, and other motherly tasks. For the most part all five of my kids liked his program. What a wonderful message he had: You're a good, worthy, lovable person.

I was recently (as in just now) surprised to learn that he was also ordained as a Presbyterian minister.

"Rogers was ordained a Presbyterian pastor whose vocation was to minister to children through the airwaves, and he kept up his ordination, appearing before church elders to renew it through the years. He once said his ministry was the "broadcasting of grace throughout the land."

"Rogers also called the space between the viewer and the television set "holy ground" and said the central message of "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" -- that you are loved just the way you are -- was based on God's concern for all creation, a core tenet of Christianity.

"Because he wanted to keep his show inclusive, Rogers seldom spoke about his faith on air. He believed that teaching through example could be just as powerful as preaching."


I always enjoy it when HYPOCRITS point out what makes a REAL CHRISTIAN. A real Christian to them is anyone that agrees with their ideology and accepts the false doctrine that Christians should be tolerant toward those who brake the actual concepts of Christian Doctrines in order to appease instead of present the simple truth as recorded in the foundation of the Christian Faith....the Holy Scriptures. (Romans 10:17)

Paul the Apostle said it best, "BEWARE.....least anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the traditions of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ." -- Col. 2:8

Its a waste to worship in error....such as suggesting that Homosexuality should be accepted because its the CHRISTIAN thing to do...when the source of All Christian Faith declares such a sin...the Holy Scriptures. "And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrine the commandments of men...." -- Mark 7:7

This "actor" might have been a good man in the eyes of society....doing good works for what he thought was a good purpose...but WORKS without FAITH is death (James 2:25-26). You can spend your whole life DOING GOOD WORKS....but, if you teach the doctrines of men over the doctrine that was delivered by THE CHRIST...its spiritual death.

What did the Christ do when he was confronted by those who taught the traditions of men over the actual content of God's word? Jesus did not TOLERATE such teachings with a grin of appeasement, nor was He ashamed to confront those who taught false doctrine. He called them many things that certainly would not be THE CHRISTIAN THING TO DO TODAY......He called them....HYPOCRITES, A BROOD OF VIPERS.....SERPENTS (Matthew 11, 15, 16..etc., The Christ did not tolerate false prophets, He accused them all, ".....mistaken, NOT KNOWING THE SCRIPTURES NOR THE POWER OF GOD." --Mathew 22:29

Conclusion: The road to hell is paved with good intentions.....few there will be that follow the correct path to salvation.

What is the way? Jesus said He is the way (John 14:6)...the only way. To walk the way of the Christ requires, belief, acceptance, and Obedience to the Christ.....there are many that find this path to difficult and they would rather follow the ways of man for the accolade ( Rom. 9:32-33). Jesus makes them chose (John 15:18-25)

The way is NARROW (Matthew 7:13-14).
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I always enjoy it when HYPOCRITS point out what makes a REAL CHRISTIAN. A real Christian to them is anyone that agrees with their ideology and accepts the false doctrine that Christians should be tolerant toward those who brake the actual concepts of Christian Doctrines in order to appease instead of present the simple truth as recorded in the foundation of the Christian Faith....the Holy Scriptures. (Romans 10:17)

Paul the Apostle said it best, "BEWARE.....least anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the traditions of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ." -- Col. 2:8

Its a waste to worship in error....such as suggesting that Homosexuality should be accepted because its the CHRISTIAN thing to do...when the source of All Christian Faith declares such a sin...the Holy Scriptures. "And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrine the commandments of men...." -- Mark 7:7

This "actor" might have been a good man in the eyes of society....doing good works for what he thought was a good purpose...but WORKS without FAITH is death (James 2:25-26). You can spend your whole life DOING GOOD WORKS....but, if you teach the doctrines of men over the doctrine that was delivered by THE CHRIST...its spiritual death.

The hypocrites on here are QUITE dim. A dose of religion would undoubtedly help these heathen atheists.
Thought I'd post a bit about Mr. Rogers. New movie out about him. I always thought (as a mom) that he was kind of goody-two-shoes and boring, but absolutely perfect to watch with my kids while folding laundry, fixing foods, and other motherly tasks. For the most part all five of my kids liked his program. What a wonderful message he had: You're a good, worthy, lovable person.

I was recently (as in just now) surprised to learn that he was also ordained as a Presbyterian minister.

"Rogers was ordained a Presbyterian pastor whose vocation was to minister to children through the airwaves, and he kept up his ordination, appearing before church elders to renew it through the years. He once said his ministry was the "broadcasting of grace throughout the land."

"Rogers also called the space between the viewer and the television set "holy ground" and said the central message of "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" -- that you are loved just the way you are -- was based on God's concern for all creation, a core tenet of Christianity.

"Because he wanted to keep his show inclusive, Rogers seldom spoke about his faith on air. He believed that teaching through example could be just as powerful as preaching."


So did you see the movie? There are very few movies I go to these days but this is one I don't want to miss. Looks like it'll be a tear jerker.
The hypocrites on here are QUITE dim. A dose of religion would undoubtedly help these heathen atheists.

I always defend TRUTH over tradition and those who seek accolade in this world from those who knowingly practice sin. Its true that all men sin, its true that we are saved via the grace provided via the last will and testament of the CHRIST.....but that testament/will of grace (a gift) comes with CONDITIONS attached, as does any will of inheritance. Truth must always be defended as its the only thing that can and will set one free from the trappings of this world. One must look into the spiritual kingdom delivered to earth by the Christ, as we are all spiritual beings. Having native American familiar roots I always believed in a Creator …..

At one point in my life (early military life) I decided to read and enlighten myself and DEBUNK this CHRISTAIN GOD....I read myself directly into the Kingdom of God on earth, Christ's church. I could not debunk the truth found in scripture as much as I attempted to find history actual or physical science that would do as much. I finally surrendered and accepted my place in this physical reality as being the CREATED that must bend to the will of the Creator....whether you call it nature or Spirit, I bend a knee to that reality.
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Do you think 'Turning the other cheek' is a real good idea?

I always defend TRUTH over tradition and those who seek accolade in this world from those who knowingly practice sin. Its true that all men sin, its true that we are saved via the grace provided via the last will and testament of the CHRIST.....but that testament/will of grace (a gift) comes with CONDITIONS attached, as does any will of inheritance. Truth must always be defended as its the only thing that can and will set one free from the trappings of this world. One must look into the spiritual kingdom delivered to earth by the Christ, as we are all spiritual beings. Having native American familiar roots I always believed in a Creator …..

At one point in my life (early military life) I decided to read and enlighten myself and DEBUNK this CHRISTAIN GOD....I read myself directly into the Kingdom of God on earth, Christ's church. I could not debunk the truth found in scripture as much as I attempted to find history actual or physical science that would do as much. I finally surrendered and accepted my place in this physical reality as being the CREATED that must bend to the will of the Creator....whether you call it nature or Spirit, I bend a knee to that reality.