A Real Christian

Do you think 'Turning the other cheek' is a real good idea?

Did CHRIST turn the other cheek toward those who propagated FALSE DOCTRINE? The Christ is a very "intolerant" King. As evidenced via the actual words of wisdom found in HIS WORD....the Holy Scriptures. There is a great deal of difference in turning your cheek toward a mere insult or slap on the face that does not actually endanger your personal safety or ideology. One can turn from anger by simply choosing to walk away. But those who propagate physical harm to a Christian or propagate FALSE DOCTRINE can not hide behind the expected tolerance of a Christian.

The Christian has every right to protect both his life, his loved ones and the TRUTH.

The scriptures teach. "There is a Time to Kill...." -- Eccl. 3:3

They also teach that God has authorized the governments of the world to revenge any wrongdoing against the Christian (Rom. 13:1-4)….and he...the government does not bear the sword in vain, meaning that sometimes the death penalty is authorized for certain crimes against humanity.

God permits Christians to serve in a government position to include the Military. (Luke 3:14, Acts 10:1-8, 34-38, Acts 11: 18) In fact it was a soldier, a Roman Commander who was the first Gentile convert into Christianity (Cornelius...a centurion who commanded a hundred soldiers)…...this conversion did not take place until a decade after the death of the Christ on the Cross.

The Apostle states very clearly that a man who does not defend and provide for his charges...family, he is worse than an infidel (1 Tim. 5:8)

According to the Christ's own words (The red letters for those who are uneducated in Christianity) tells us directly in a teaching parable, "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace.....his goods are at peace." -- Luke 11:21

Speaking of Turning the other Cheek.....The Christ also enlightens us to the fact there is a time when this practice is useless....when your very life is in danger.

Jesus ordered His apostles to ARM THEMSELVES. First the Christ had sent out many of his disciples... the 12 was sent first and the Christ told them to take no provisions with them, but to rely solely on the generosity of those they encountered along the way.....after the 12, He sent 70 messengers with the same instructions. (Luke, 9:1-6,Luke 10:1-17)….why, no arms for protection, not food...etc.,? The Christ had directed their path to include only their own countrymen and neighborhoods.(Matthew 10:5-6).

It was a totally different circumstance when the Christ sent the Apostles to evangelize the then know world. Before His death, He prepared the Apostles for a mission after His death (Matthew 28:18-20)

He commanded them thus, "When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and scandals, did you lack anything....So they (the apostles said, NOTHING, then He (the Christ) said to them BUT NOW, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; AND HE WHO HAS NO SWORD, LET HIM SELL HIS GARMENT AND AND BUY ONE." -- Luke 22:35-36.

Why the change? Before the Christ sent them among their neighbors....now He was sending them on a mission outside their own nation......to regions known to be populated by thieves and murderers. (Luke 10:30). When one's physical life is at stake the Christ taught, its more important to be armed and ready for danger than to be clothed...what good are clothes to the dead, what truthful message can the dead evangelize? :bigthink:
Did CHRIST turn the other cheek toward those who propagated FALSE DOCTRINE? The Christ is a very "intolerant" King. As evidenced via the actual words of wisdom found in HIS WORD....the Holy Scriptures. There is a great deal of difference in turning your cheek toward a mere insult or slap on the face that does not actually endanger your personal safety or ideology. One can turn from anger by simply choosing to walk away. But those who propagate physical harm to a Christian or propagate FALSE DOCTRINE can not hide behind the expected tolerance of a Christian.

The Christian has every right to protect both his life, his loved ones and the TRUTH.

The scriptures teach. "There is a Time to Kill...." -- Eccl. 3:3

They also teach that God has authorized the governments of the world to revenge any wrongdoing against the Christian (Rom. 13:1-4)….and he...the government does not bear the sword in vain, meaning that sometimes the death penalty is authorized for certain crimes against humanity.

God permits Christians to serve in a government position to include the Military. (Luke 3:14, Acts 10:1-8, 34-38, Acts 11: 18) In fact it was a soldier, a Roman Commander who was the first Gentile convert into Christianity (Cornelius...a centurion who commanded a hundred soldiers)…...this conversion did not take place until a decade after the death of the Christ on the Cross.

The Apostle states very clearly that a man who does not defend and provide for his charges...family, he is worse than an infidel (1 Tim. 5:8)

According to the Christ's own words (The red letters for those who are uneducated in Christianity) tells us directly in a teaching parable, "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace.....his goods are at peace." -- Luke 11:21

Speaking of Turning the other Cheek.....The Christ also enlightens us to the fact there is a time when this practice is useless....when your very life is in danger.

Jesus ordered His apostles to ARM THEMSELVES. First the Christ had sent out many of his disciples... the 12 was sent first and the Christ told them to take no provisions with them, but to rely solely on the generosity of those they encountered along the way.....after the 12, He sent 70 messengers with the same instructions. (Luke, 9:1-6,Luke 10:1-17)….why, no arms for protection, not food...etc.,? The Christ had directed their path to include only their own countrymen and neighborhoods.(Matthew 10:5-6).

It was a totally different circumstance when the Christ sent the Apostles to evangelize the then know world. Before His death, He prepared the Apostles for a mission after His death (Matthew 28:18-20)

He commanded them thus, "When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and scandals, did you lack anything....So they (the apostles said, NOTHING, then He (the Christ) said to them BUT NOW, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; AND HE WHO HAS NO SWORD, LET HIM SELL HIS GARMENT AND AND BUY ONE." -- Luke 22:35-36.

Why the change? Before the Christ sent among their neighbors....now He was sending them on a mission outside their own nation......to regions knowns to be populated by thieves and murderers. (Luke 10:30). When one's physical life is at stake the Christ taught, its more important to be armed and ready for danger than to be clothed...what good are clothes to the dead? :bigthink:

Wow, you DO know the Bible, Ralph! Good for you. It's so nice to a religious person among the multitude of heathen atheists we seem to have on this site. I've been a firm believer in God since late 1980 and will be until I leave this earth.
Wow, you DO know the Bible, Ralph! Good for you. It's so nice to a religious person among the multitude of heathen atheists we seem to have on this site. I've been a firm believer in God since late 1980 and will be until I leave this earth.

Indeed, a Christian's SABBATH (rest) comes after this race called life is over.....one must be forever ready to defend the truth, out of season, in season, always be prepared to give an answer as to the FAITH that rests in your heart. I am not perfect....I am a sinner, I KNOW THIS, its only through grace do I have an opportunity toward eternal fellowship with the Creator. I did not write one word in scripture, I merely present the actual script as it is recorded and has existed for over 3000 years to include both the New And Old Laws.

I am human, I make mistakes.....I often sin through inaction, sins of omission, yet I know in my spirit, my heart that I have an advocate (a lawyer) standing between my sin and God, if I but accept that grace as TRUTH.....The Christ died for my sins in my stead....for he was the only HUMAN to ever walk this earth sin free....thus, becoming the perfect sacrificial lamb to fulfill the conditions of the Old Law of Moses.

I never strive for the accolade of others......You will not find one thread started by me....never, I merely defend the truth.
Will you vote for the homosexual, Mayor Pete? (or is being 'homosexual' an abomination?)

Did CHRIST turn the other cheek toward those who propagated FALSE DOCTRINE? The Christ is a very "intolerant" King. As evidenced via the actual words of wisdom found in HIS WORD....the Holy Scriptures. There is a great deal of difference in turning your cheek toward a mere insult or slap on the face that does not actually endanger your personal safety or ideology. One can turn from anger by simply choosing to walk away. But those who propagate physical harm to a Christian or propagate FALSE DOCTRINE can not hide behind the expected tolerance of a Christian.

The Christian has every right to protect both his life, his loved ones and the TRUTH.

The scriptures teach. "There is a Time to Kill...." -- Eccl. 3:3

They also teach that God has authorized the governments of the world to revenge any wrongdoing against the Christian (Rom. 13:1-4)….and he...the government does not bear the sword in vain, meaning that sometimes the death penalty is authorized for certain crimes against humanity.

God permits Christians to serve in a government position to include the Military. (Luke 3:14, Acts 10:1-8, 34-38, Acts 11: 18) In fact it was a soldier, a Roman Commander who was the first Gentile convert into Christianity (Cornelius...a centurion who commanded a hundred soldiers)…...this conversion did not take place until a decade after the death of the Christ on the Cross.

The Apostle states very clearly that a man who does not defend and provide for his charges...family, he is worse than an infidel (1 Tim. 5:8)

According to the Christ's own words (The red letters for those who are uneducated in Christianity) tells us directly in a teaching parable, "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace.....his goods are at peace." -- Luke 11:21

Speaking of Turning the other Cheek.....The Christ also enlightens us to the fact there is a time when this practice is useless....when your very life is in danger.

Jesus ordered His apostles to ARM THEMSELVES. First the Christ had sent out many of his disciples... the 12 was sent first and the Christ told them to take no provisions with them, but to rely solely on the generosity of those they encountered along the way.....after the 12, He sent 70 messengers with the same instructions. (Luke, 9:1-6,Luke 10:1-17)….why, no arms for protection, not food...etc.,? The Christ had directed their path to include only their own countrymen and neighborhoods.(Matthew 10:5-6).

It was a totally different circumstance when the Christ sent the Apostles to evangelize the then know world. Before His death, He prepared the Apostles for a mission after His death (Matthew 28:18-20)

He commanded them thus, "When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and scandals, did you lack anything....So they (the apostles said, NOTHING, then He (the Christ) said to them BUT NOW, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; AND HE WHO HAS NO SWORD, LET HIM SELL HIS GARMENT AND AND BUY ONE." -- Luke 22:35-36.

Why the change? Before the Christ sent them among their neighbors....now He was sending them on a mission outside their own nation......to regions known to be populated by thieves and murderers. (Luke 10:30). When one's physical life is at stake the Christ taught, its more important to be armed and ready for danger than to be clothed...what good are clothes to the dead, what truthful message can the dead evangelize? :bigthink:
Did CHRIST turn the other cheek toward those who propagated FALSE DOCTRINE? The Christ is a very "intolerant" King. As evidenced via the actual words of wisdom found in HIS WORD....the Holy Scriptures. There is a great deal of difference in turning your cheek toward a mere insult or slap on the face that does not actually endanger your personal safety or ideology. One can turn from anger by simply choosing to walk away. But those who propagate physical harm to a Christian or propagate FALSE DOCTRINE can not hide behind the expected tolerance of a Christian.

The Christian has every right to protect both his life, his loved ones and the TRUTH.

The scriptures teach. "There is a Time to Kill...." -- Eccl. 3:3

They also teach that God has authorized the governments of the world to revenge any wrongdoing against the Christian (Rom. 13:1-4)….and he...the government does not bear the sword in vain, meaning that sometimes the death penalty is authorized for certain crimes against humanity.

God permits Christians to serve in a government position to include the Military. (Luke 3:14, Acts 10:1-8, 34-38, Acts 11: 18) In fact it was a soldier, a Roman Commander who was the first Gentile convert into Christianity (Cornelius...a centurion who commanded a hundred soldiers)…...this conversion did not take place until a decade after the death of the Christ on the Cross.

The Apostle states very clearly that a man who does not defend and provide for his charges...family, he is worse than an infidel (1 Tim. 5:8)

According to the Christ's own words (The red letters for those who are uneducated in Christianity) tells us directly in a teaching parable, "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace.....his goods are at peace." -- Luke 11:21

Speaking of Turning the other Cheek.....The Christ also enlightens us to the fact there is a time when this practice is useless....when your very life is in danger.

Jesus ordered His apostles to ARM THEMSELVES. First the Christ had sent out many of his disciples... the 12 was sent first and the Christ told them to take no provisions with them, but to rely solely on the generosity of those they encountered along the way.....after the 12, He sent 70 messengers with the same instructions. (Luke, 9:1-6,Luke 10:1-17)….why, no arms for protection, not food...etc.,? The Christ had directed their path to include only their own countrymen and neighborhoods.(Matthew 10:5-6).

It was a totally different circumstance when the Christ sent the Apostles to evangelize the then know world. Before His death, He prepared the Apostles for a mission after His death (Matthew 28:18-20)

He commanded them thus, "When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and scandals, did you lack anything....So they (the apostles said, NOTHING, then He (the Christ) said to them BUT NOW, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; AND HE WHO HAS NO SWORD, LET HIM SELL HIS GARMENT AND AND BUY ONE." -- Luke 22:35-36.

Why the change? Before the Christ sent them among their neighbors....now He was sending them on a mission outside their own nation......to regions known to be populated by thieves and murderers. (Luke 10:30). When one's physical life is at stake the Christ taught, its more important to be armed and ready for danger than to be clothed...what good are clothes to the dead, what truthful message can the dead evangelize? :bigthink:

I don't agree with Your interpretation of the Bible.
Do you think 'Turning the other cheek' is a real good idea?

Do you think "guarding you own palace" is a good idea?

Luke 11:21
When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are safe;

Exodus 22:2-3
If a thief is found breaking in and is struck so that he dies, there shall be no bloodguilt for him, but if the sun has risen on him, there shall be bloodguilt for him. He shall surely pay. If he has nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.
Do you think "guarding you own palace" is a good idea?

Luke 11:21
When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are safe;

Exodus 22:2-3
If a thief is found breaking in and is struck so that he dies, there shall be no bloodguilt for him, but if the sun has risen on him, there shall be bloodguilt for him. He shall surely pay. If he has nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.

If Jesus told you to 'Kill the Infidels' would you do it?
I don't agree with Your interpretation of the Bible.

That's the beauty of that book. There is something for everyone. It's been translated, mistranslated, edited, expunged, added to, misinterpreted, and authored by hundreds over 2,000 years. Whether you're a devout nun who prays on her knees every night (even if you look the other way when Father abuses your students), a fundie evangelical KKK Grand Pompbooger, a missionary who gave up a good life to minister to bush ppl in the Amazon, or a Ralph trying poorly to represent Jeebus on an obscure chat forum -- you can find whatever you need to justify your actions and inactions!
That's the beauty of that book. There is something for everyone. It's been translated, mistranslated, edited, expunged, added to, misinterpreted, and authored by hundreds over 2,000 years. Whether you're a devout nun who prays on her knees every night (even if you look the other way when Father abuses your students), a fundie evangelical KKK Grand Pompbooger, a missionary who gave up a good life to minister to bush ppl in the Amazon, or a Ralph trying poorly to represent Jeebus on an obscure chat forum -- you can find whatever you need to justify your actions and inactions!

And that is the beauty of Jewish Torah, no translation from original Hebrew for thousands of years , it takes highly trained scribes years to finish one , and it is constantly checked as one hebrew letter can change context, you can read a Torah from 500 years ago and it is the same today

christian Mistranslations of Jewish Texts


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That's the beauty of that book. There is something for everyone. It's been translated, mistranslated, edited, expunged, added to, misinterpreted, and authored by hundreds over 2,000 years. Whether you're a devout nun who prays on her knees every night (even if you look the other way when Father abuses your students), a fundie evangelical KKK Grand Pompbooger, a missionary who gave up a good life to minister to bush ppl in the Amazon, or a Ralph trying poorly to represent Jeebus on an obscure chat forum -- you can find whatever you need to justify your actions and inactions!

One thing I will give the Muslims - they insist that the word of God was transmitted to the Prophet Muhammad in Arabic, and to this day Arabic is the only language permissible in reproductions of the Quran. That obviously circumvents the probability of what is perceived to be God's word being mis-translated, mis-intrepreted, or losing any of its original meaning in translation.

The numerous translations of the bible from the original Hebrew, then Greek, then Latin, then to the various and sundry vernacular languages of Europe undoubtedly resulted in modifications of the meaning in the original language. My cousin, who was a prominent professional interpreter for an allied NATO government, always said that one cannot actually translate words; that is not possible - the best one can do it to attempt to interpret meanings as best they can.
One thing I will give the Muslims - they insist that the word of God was transmitted to the Prophet Muhammad in Arabic, and to this day Arabic is the only language permissible in reproductions of the Quran. That obviously circumvents the probability of what is perceived to be God's word being mis-translated, mis-intrepreted, or losing any of its original meaning in translation.

The numerous translations of the bible from the original Hebrew, then Greek, then Latin, then to the various and sundry vernacular languages of Europe undoubtedly resulted in modifications of the meaning in the original language. My cousin, who was a prominent professional interpreter for an allied NATO government, always said that one cannot actually translate words; that is not possible - the best one can do it to attempt to interpret meanings as best they can.

True Christians know to ask for the Holy Spirit to translate the Bible with you.
That's the beauty of that book. There is something for everyone. It's been translated, mistranslated, edited, expunged, added to, misinterpreted, and authored by hundreds over 2,000 years. Whether you're a devout nun who prays on her knees every night (even if you look the other way when Father abuses your students), a fundie evangelical KKK Grand Pompbooger, a missionary who gave up a good life to minister to bush ppl in the Amazon, or a Ralph trying poorly to represent Jeebus on an obscure chat forum -- you can find whatever you need to justify your actions and inactions!
What’s funny about RB verse is that Luke Chapter 11 then continues, it’s why verses shouldn’t be taken out of context!!

[h=1]Luke 11:22 New International Version (NIV)[/h][FONT=&quot]22 But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up his plunder.[/FONT]
What’s funny about RB verse is that Luke Chapter 11 then continues, it’s why verses shouldn’t be taken out of context!!

[h=1]Luke 11:22 New International Version (NIV)[/h][FONT="]22 But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up his plunder.[/FONT]

Oops. lol
And that is the beauty of Jewish Torah, no translation from original Hebrew for thousands of years , it takes highly trained scribes years to finish one , and it is constantly checked as one hebrew letter can change context, you can read a Torah from 500 years ago and it is the same today

christian Mistranslations of Jewish Texts



That's interesting.... thanks for the link. Do you speak/read Hebrew?
I don't agree with Your interpretation of the Bible.

Yeah....I can see why you disagree, it makes you a lying sinner.

Don't care....as there is no interpretation, I presented Book, Chapter and Verse that stated the actual content of the Holy Bible. You can disagree all you want....is that not the reason that you are a non-repentant sinner? You don't accept the truth found in the Scriptures? What's new under the sun? Fools refuse to accept the truth contained therein.

Personal "interpretation" is forbidden as per Christian Doctrine that is recorded in scripture.

I find it amusing that anyone that refuses to accept the scripture as Doctrine.....attempt to use the scriptures to serve their own private purposes.

What does the Holy Spirit of Truth have to say about such people...as the entire record of the Holy Scriptures is divinely inspired.

Private Interpretation? "And so we have the prophetic word confirmed {when something is confirmed.....it does not require further INTERPRETATION}, which we {those that follow the Christ's teachings} do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star {Jesus is that morning star as defined clearly in revelation and other scripture -- 2 Peter 1:19, Rev. 2:28, Rev. 22:16} rises in your hearts; KNOWING THIS FIRST, THAT NO PROPHECY OF SCRIPTURE IS OF ANY PRIVATE INTERPRETATION, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." -- 2 Peter 1:19-21

Private interpretation is for those who refuse to accept the judgments contained in these Holy Prophecies.

What is Peter saying in lay terms? Since these words were confirmed {through the miracles witnessed by many that accompanied these words as proof these words came from God through the Holy Spirit of Truth -- Hebrews 2:3-4}...these words are God's words and no man can place their private SPIN to them.

Not knowing what the Bible is teaching is an indicator that the person who spins them to his/her own gain....is UNWISE, "Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is." -- Eph. 3:17

NO ONE CAN MAKE YOU READ THE BIBLE. But...if you do, void of any preconceived bias one thing is vividly clear. God reveals His will through the recorded word.

We find in scripture that God had a plan for man's salvation through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus, this plan existed even before the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:20). Or...as Paul stated; BEFORE TIME BEGAN (2 Tim 1:9).

We are told within the pages of recorded scripture that God chose to hide this plan from mankind until a time as He pre-ordained ( Eph. 3:5,6 1 Peter 1:10-12). He even hid the meaning from the prophets in the Old Testament Covenant....they revealed the prophecies but did not comprehend their true meaning until such a time as was pre-planned by God Himself.

When God decided the time was correct His plan was revealed in the 1st century by the Holy Spirit of Truth through the Apostles that were hand picked by the Christ (Eph. 3:5, 1 Peter 1:12)

We are told that when we read what is written via the Holy Spirit of Truth we can understand it. (Eph. 3:4), Not only can we understand the revealed word void of personal interpretation....WE ARE COMMANDED to understand the will of God (Eph. 5:17).

We are told that God desires that ALL MEN COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE of the TRUTH (1 Tim 2:3,4)


Scriptures are not for PRIVATE INTERPRETATION as per the advise from the Holy Spirit that drafted the scriptures.

God desires that we read and comprehend the scriptures as recorded.

If God declared it......IT IS POSSIBLE to comprehend the scriptures as recorded.

In Fact God tells us that the scriptures are our only weapon against the Powers and Principalities of this earth. ….The word is our SWORD....it cuts deep against those who would attempt to pervert that Word.

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If Jesus told you to 'Kill the Infidels' would you do it?


Yeah....I can see why you disagree, it makes you a lying sinner.

Don't care....as there is no interpretation, I presented Book, Chapter and Verse that stated the actual content of the Holy Bible. You can disagree all you want....is that not the reason that you are a non-repentant sinner? You don't accept the truth found in the Scriptures? What's new under the sun? Fools refuse to accept the truth contained therein.

Personal "interpretation" is forbidden as per Christian Doctrine that is recorded in scripture.

I find it amusing that anyone that refuses to accept the scripture as Doctrine.....attempt to use the scriptures to serve their own private purposes.

What does the Holy Spirit of Truth have to say about such people...as the entire record of the Holy Scriptures is divinely inspired.

Private Interpretation? "And so we have the prophetic word confirmed {when something is confirmed.....it does not require further INTERPRETATION}, which we {those that follow the Christ's teachings} do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star {Jesus is that morning star as defined clearly in revelation and other scripture -- 2 Peter 1:19, Rev. 2:28, Rev. 22:16} rises in your hearts; KNOWING THIS FIRST, THAT NO PROPHECY OF SCRIPTURE IS OF ANY PRIVATE INTERPRETATION, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were by the Holy Spirit." -- 2 Peter 1:19-21

Private interpretation is for those who refuse to accept the judgments contained in these Holy Prophecies.

What is Peter saying in lay terms? Since these words were confirmed {through the miracles witnessed by many that accompanied these words as proof these words came from God through the Holy Spirit of Truth -- Hebrews 2:3-4}...these words are God's words and no man can place their private SPIN to them.

Not knowing what the Bible is teaching is an indicator that the person who spins them to his/her own gain....is UNWISE, "Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is." -- Eph. 3:17

NO ONE CAN MAKE YOU READ THE BIBLE. But...if you do, void of any preconceived bias one thing is vividly clear. God reveals His will through the recorded word.

We find in scripture that God had a plan for man's salvation through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus, this plan existed even before the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:20). Or...as Paul stated; BEFORE TIME BEGAN (2 Tim 1:9).

We are told within the pages of recorded scripture that God chose to hid this plan from mankind until a time as He pre-ordained ( Eph. 3:5,6 1 Peter 1:10-12). He even hid the meaning from the prophets in the Old Testament Covenant....they revealed the prophecies but did not comprehend their true meaning until such a time as was pre-planned by God Himself.

When God decided the time was correct His plan was revealed in the 1st century by the Holy Spirit of Truth through the Apostles that were hand picked by the Christ (Eph. 3:5, 1 Peter 1:12)

We are told that when we read what is written via the Holy Spirit of Truth we can understand it. (Eph. 3:4), Not only can we understand the revealed word void of personal interpretation....WE ARE COMMANDED to understand the will of God (Eph. 5:17).

We are told that God desires that ALL MEN COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE of the TRUTH (1 Tim 2:3,4)


Scriptures are not for PRIVATE INTERPRETATION as per the advise from the Holy Spirit that drafted the scriptures.

God desires that we read and comprehend the scriptures as recorded.

If God declared it......IT IS POSSIBLE to comprehend the scriptures as recorded.

In Fact God tells us that the scriptures are our only weapon against the Powers and Principalities of this earth. ….The word is our SWORD....it cuts deep against those who would attempt to pervert that Word.
