A Real Christian

If Jesus told you to 'Kill the Infidels' would you do it?

Strange? I have looked all over the scriptures and fail to find the Book, Chapter and Verse where Jesus commands someone to kill Infidels. And if you are suggesting that Jesus talks to anyone TODAY void of what you can read in scripture. You are one bat shit crazy person....I'd go get that checked out. ;) Those little voices in your head. :thinking:
Yep, little Mr. Meoff IS a bit dim.

Have you met Toxic Top yet? You would make a great couple. Neither one of you has anything intelligent or interesting to say about politics. You just come here to make fun of ppl, particularly if you can find someone else to join in.

Don't you have anything to say about Mr. Rogers?
Have you met Toxic Top yet? You would make a great couple. Neither one of you has anything intelligent or interesting to say about politics. You just come here to make fun of ppl, particularly if you can find someone else to join in.

Don't you have anything to say about Mr. Rogers?

Hey, TOW, if you WERE intelligent enough to notice, I posted a very nice message about him towards the beginning of this thread. I think those Owl feathers are clouding your mind, mentally challenged one. It's post #8, moron.
Hey, TOW, if you WERE intelligent enough to notice, I posted a very nice message about him towards the beginning of this thread. I think those Owl feathers are clouding your mind, mentally challenged one. It's post #8, moron.

See what I mean? Thanks for proving me right, Vanderp. We've all been wondering when your self-proclaimed massive IQ would show its face. Guess not today. lol

Yeah....I can see why you disagree, it makes you a lying sinner.

Don't care....as there is no interpretation, I presented Book, Chapter and Verse that stated the actual content of the Holy Bible. You can disagree all you want....is that not the reason that you are a non-repentant sinner? You don't accept the truth found in the Scriptures? What's new under the sun? Fools refuse to accept the truth contained therein.

Personal "interpretation" is forbidden as per Christian Doctrine that is recorded in scripture.

I find it amusing that anyone that refuses to accept the scripture as Doctrine.....attempt to use the scriptures to serve their own private purposes.

What does the Holy Spirit of Truth have to say about such people...as the entire record of the Holy Scriptures is divinely inspired.

Private Interpretation? "And so we have the prophetic word confirmed {when something is confirmed.....it does not require further INTERPRETATION}, which we {those that follow the Christ's teachings} do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star {Jesus is that morning star as defined clearly in revelation and other scripture -- 2 Peter 1:19, Rev. 2:28, Rev. 22:16} rises in your hearts; KNOWING THIS FIRST, THAT NO PROPHECY OF SCRIPTURE IS OF ANY PRIVATE INTERPRETATION, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." -- 2 Peter 1:19-21

Private interpretation is for those who refuse to accept the judgments contained in these Holy Prophecies.

What is Peter saying in lay terms? Since these words were confirmed {through the miracles witnessed by many that accompanied these words as proof these words came from God through the Holy Spirit of Truth -- Hebrews 2:3-4}...these words are God's words and no man can place their private SPIN to them.

Not knowing what the Bible is teaching is an indicator that the person who spins them to his/her own gain....is UNWISE, "Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is." -- Eph. 3:17

NO ONE CAN MAKE YOU READ THE BIBLE. But...if you do, void of any preconceived bias one thing is vividly clear. God reveals His will through the recorded word.

We find in scripture that God had a plan for man's salvation through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus, this plan existed even before the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:20). Or...as Paul stated; BEFORE TIME BEGAN (2 Tim 1:9).

We are told within the pages of recorded scripture that God chose to hide this plan from mankind until a time as He pre-ordained ( Eph. 3:5,6 1 Peter 1:10-12). He even hid the meaning from the prophets in the Old Testament Covenant....they revealed the prophecies but did not comprehend their true meaning until such a time as was pre-planned by God Himself.

When God decided the time was correct His plan was revealed in the 1st century by the Holy Spirit of Truth through the Apostles that were hand picked by the Christ (Eph. 3:5, 1 Peter 1:12)

We are told that when we read what is written via the Holy Spirit of Truth we can understand it. (Eph. 3:4), Not only can we understand the revealed word void of personal interpretation....WE ARE COMMANDED to understand the will of God (Eph. 5:17).

We are told that God desires that ALL MEN COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE of the TRUTH (1 Tim 2:3,4)


Scriptures are not for PRIVATE INTERPRETATION as per the advise from the Holy Spirit that drafted the scriptures.

God desires that we read and comprehend the scriptures as recorded.

If God declared it......IT IS POSSIBLE to comprehend the scriptures as recorded.

In Fact God tells us that the scriptures are our only weapon against the Powers and Principalities of this earth. ….The word is our SWORD....it cuts deep against those who would attempt to pervert that Word.


You claiming you're not a sinner?
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1st grade , two hours of hebrew school after regular school, my granddaughter is 4 and learning hebrew now

Beautiful. Question: Have you been to Israel? If so, can you understand and be understood? I wonder if the spoken language has morphed between your ancestral lands, and here.
Beautiful. Question: Have you been to Israel? If so, can you understand and be understood? I wonder if the spoken language has morphed between your ancestral lands, and here.

Even better questions, why is Guano such a racist bastard and why does nobody that claims to detest racism call him out?