A Real Christian

Jack, Cypress, Mason, Stone by Stone and domer (especially Jack and domer) have made a few disrespectful comments about Christians in general, but none directly about Mr. Rogers.
Of course, domer and Jack hate us passionately.

Over a two decade message board career, I have probably said something disrespectful of every group of people except for the San Francisco 49ers.

A reasonable and honest person would recognize that, on balance, I try to be fair to Christianity.
On the flip side, I am eternally hostile to ignorance and radical fundamentalist cults in all religions - Islam, Christianity, Judaism.

Cypress wrote:

"I do not agree that Christianity is a joke. The scientific method is only one manifestation of the human experience. There are other ways to experience human existence. Whether or not there is a scientific basis for the parables found in the Bible, I have seen many instances where a genuine and devout Christian piety has intangible benefits to many people."
Cypress wrote:

"It is perfectly possible to practice the tenets of the scientific method, while holding religious, spiritual, even superstitious views. There are many ways of experiencing the world, examining life. The problem only comes when faith, superstition, or unsubstantiated assertion is conflated with - or substituted for - the scientific method."
Over a two decade message board career, I have probably said something disrespectful of every group of people except for the San Francisco 49ers.

A reasonable and honest person would recognize that, on balance, I try to be fair to Christianity.
On the flip side, I am eternally hostile to ignorance and radical fundamentalist cults in all religions - Islam, Christianity, Judaism.

"Many come in my name,but they aren't mine"
Over a two decade message board career, I have probably said something disrespectful of every group of people except for the San Francisco 49ers.

A reasonable and honest person would recognize that, on balance, I try to be fair to Christianity.
On the flip side, I am eternally hostile to ignorance and radical fundamentalist cults in all religions - Islam, Christianity, Judaism.

Are you suggesting Christianity is a cult? I have yet to see it as such. Where have you seen this radicalization?
Jim Jones,the crazy guy in Waco,any nut case that claims,Trump is God's chosen one.

Can't you read?

If they let you do it, it's not assault, is it?

So you've taken your lady out to dinner. She excuses herself mid-meal to visit the restroom. On her way back to your table, she's accosted by a man who steps up, grabs her arms and starts kissing her. If she doesn't immediately give him a knee to the groin or a punch to the face, she gave consent? It's not assault?
Are you suggesting Christianity is a cult? I have yet to see it as such. Where have you seen this radicalization?

Do not put words in my mouth. My post could not have been more crystal clear.

Some examples of what I consider ignorance or cultish-ness in alleged Christian Churches:

Any Church who believes in a young Earth, and that the scientific tenets of evolution are a Satanic attempt to dupe us.

Any Church that believes the OT is literally an accurate historical account of events.

And so-called Christian who either does not know, or denies, that Catholics or Coptics are Christians.

Any so-called Christian who believes Jews are going to burn in Hell.

Any end-times Christian who posts threads which anticipate the imminent Rapture.

Christian terrorists and murderers, aka Jim Jones, Lord's Resistance Army, et al.

dispensational christianity

^ a partial list
So you've taken your lady out to dinner. She excuses herself mid-meal to visit the restroom. On her way back to your table, she's accosted by a man who steps up, grabs her arms and starts kissing her. If she doesn't immediately give him a knee to the groin or a punch to the face, she gave consent? It's not assault?

That is a scenario of completely different sorts.
Who is forcing our beliefs on you?

Let's begin. Xtians who want their symbols placed on/in public places -- nativity scenes on city hall's front lawn, Ten Sugges... er, Commandments posted in court houses. "Creationism" taught in public high school science classes. Teacher-led daily prayers in public schools. God stuff on our coins. Bans against SSM, abortion, discrimination against LGBTQ and others based on "my religious beliefs." Then of course there are the door-knockers and tract-pushers who invade your personal privacy at home. Weirdly, I've yet to have an atheist, a Muslim, a Jew, a Wiccan, or even a Moonie come knocking selling me their god(s).

We've discussed this 1001 times; you know very well that Xtians have tried to breach the church-state barrier many times.
That is a scenario of completely different sorts.

No, it's not. Trump has admitted that he goes right up to "beautiful" women and "just starts kissing." How is that in any way different than some man doing the same to your lady? There is no difference. "They let you do it" indicates someone who sees nothing wrong with it since no one kicked in his nutsack or had him arrested.... yet.
Let's begin. Xtians who want their symbols placed on/in public places -- nativity scenes on city hall's front lawn, Ten Sugges... er, Commandments posted in court houses. "Creationism" taught in public high school science classes. Teacher-led daily prayers in public schools. God stuff on our coins. Bans against SSM, abortion, discrimination against LGBTQ and others based on "my religious beliefs." Then of course there are the door-knockers and tract-pushers who invade your personal privacy at home. Weirdly, I've yet to have an atheist, a Muslim, a Jew, a Wiccan, or even a Moonie come knocking selling me their god(s).

We've discussed this 1001 times; you know very well that Xtians have tried to breach the church-state barrier many times.
It is the self-styled American evangelicals belonging to Church denominations that have only been around for ~a couple centuries doing that.

The original Christians - the ones who have been around for two thousand years, aka Orthodox, Coptic, and Catholic - are generally not running around the neighborhood knocking on doors and trying to get Jews, Muslims, agnostics, etc. to convert to their church.
Do not put words in my mouth. My post could not have been more crystal clear.

Some examples of what I consider ignorance or cultish-ness in alleged Christian Churches:

Any Church who believes in a young Earth, and that the scientific tenets of evolution are a Satanic attempt to dupe us.

Any Church that believes the OT is literally an accurate historical account of events.

And so-called Christian who either does not know, or denies, that Catholics are Christians.

Any so-called Christian who believes Jews are going to burn in Hell.

Any end-times Christian who posts threads which anticipate the imminent Rapture.

Christian terrorists and murderers, aka Jim Jones, Lord's Resistance Army, et al.

dispensational christianity

^ a partial list

I asked you a question (two actually), I put no "words in your mouth" whatsoever. Read it again (and again...) if you couldn't comprehend it was a question.

I've never believed, nor experienced what you listed as ignorance or cultism in any church I've ever attended. I've also never "pushed" my beliefs on anyone. I have only defended them when they were ridiculed by those who insulted me or others for having them.
It is the self-styled American evangelicals belonging to Church denominations that have only been around for ~a couple centuries doing that.

The original Christians - the ones who have been around for two thousand years, aka Orthodox, Coptic, and Catholic - are generally not running around the neighborhood knocking on doors and trying to get Jews, Muslims, agnostics, etc. to convert to their church.

You obviously have no knowledge of Evangelical churches. Again, I've never experienced what you stated. None of us have ever went knocking on doors trying to "push" our beliefs. That is a fact.
Let's begin. Xtians who want their symbols placed on/in public places -- nativity scenes on city hall's front lawn, Ten Sugges... er, Commandments posted in court houses. "Creationism" taught in public high school science classes. Teacher-led daily prayers in public schools. God stuff on our coins. Bans against SSM, abortion, discrimination against LGBTQ and others based on "my religious beliefs." Then of course there are the door-knockers and tract-pushers who invade your personal privacy at home. Weirdly, I've yet to have an atheist, a Muslim, a Jew, a Wiccan, or even a Moonie come knocking selling me their god(s).

We've discussed this 1001 times; you know very well that Xtians have tried to breach the church-state barrier many times.

Fuck you and your hateful disrespect. Your lies and bullshit won't change the fact you hate us.
I have better things to do than argue with you.