A Real Christian

Why are you dodging the question, Thumper? Why do I need to believe in fairytales?

For some -- I'll leave it to you to figure out who -- it's a way to feel like they're superior to others. "My god can beat up your god" or something. People who feel the need to constantly advertise their faux high IQ or their income or their possessions or their wonderful home in an affluent area need something to make them feel like they are better than you.
In the years I've been on this forum I've had some run-ins with Evangelicals who claim that Catholics aren't Christians.
Not from me.
She was not talking about you.
I wasn't talking about you.

There is not the slightest indication anyone was talking about you.

The fact that you assume we were talking about you says to me that you identify with Christian ignoramuses - aka, those who are so uninformed as to believe that Catholics are not Christians, that the Earth is 6000 years old, and that dinosaurs frolicked at play with ancient humans.
Something I've always thought... when trump said "And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything", why do people believe that? It's the kind of thing the HS quarterback would say about the cheerleaders. I don't recall any woman bragging about letting trump grab her, or even kiss her.
Yeah, even Melania ;)
In the years I've been on this forum I've had some run-ins with Evangelicals who claim that Catholics aren't Christians.
I literally think there are some bible thumpers who are completely unaware that the Roman Catholic Church is Christian. Arguably, the very first and original Christians.

At that point, we are talking real ignorance, from people who purport to be Christian, but actually do not know or understand the religion they claim to belong to.

I value Aleksander Solzhenitsyn's comment that every Christian denomination represents some face of God - Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Protestant.

Of course, one cannot declare that only my faith is correct and all other faiths are not. Of course God is endlessly multi-dimensional so every religion that exists on earth represents some face, some side of God. One must not have any negative attitude to any religion but nonetheless the depth of understanding God and the depth of applying God's commandments is different in different religions. In this sense we have to admit that Protestantism has brought everything down only to faith. Calvinism says that nothing depends on man, that faith is already predetermined. Also in its sharp protest against Catholicism, Protestantism rushed to discard together with ritual all the mysterious, the mythical and mystical aspects of the Faith.

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
She was not talking about you.
I wasn't talking about you.

There is not the slightest indication anyone was talking about you.

The fact that you assume we were talking about you says to me that you identify with Christian ignoramuses - aka, those who are so uninformed as to believe that Catholics are not Christians, that the Earth is 6000 years old, and that dinosaurs frolicked at play with ancient humans.

Yet you are replying to me with your accusations. Well, it's no secret you are not only misinformed, but also an "ignoramus." I've never mentioned Catholics, ever. I've never said the earth is 6000 years old or that dinosaurs frolicked at play with ancient humans." And being an Evangelical, you sure as hell are including me right along with those I know who don't believe what you claim.

Then, the subject changes to Trump and how evil we are because we support some of his policies. Of course we get chastised if we mention Bill Clinton's or the celestial JFK's infidelity, both, by the way, occurred while they were in office. But speaking for myself, I really didn't give a shit. It's no secret that the rich and famous have a harem of groupies following them. I spent a summer I was laid off to make a few extra dollars back in the late 80's as a roadie for a prominent R&R band. Believe me, I know all too well.

And since it's so acceptable to go off topic, how about you tell us more about "military ballistics" while your at it? Hell, a surgeon knows more about ballistics than some stupid "barrel stroker" like me, as I've so often been called. You should also bold and supersize the words as you seem to think it's so relevant to emphasize your point.
I literally think there are some bible thumpers who are completely unaware that the Roman Catholic Church is Christian. Arguably, the very first and original Christians.

At that point, we are talking real ignorance, from people who purport to be Christian, but actually do not know or understand the religion they claim to belong to.

I value Aleksander Solzhenitsyn's comment that every Christian denomination represents some face of God - Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Protestant.

Smart man. I agree in a way. If one god is valid, they all are. Or none are.
Jesus warned us! "Many came in my name,but they aren't mine"!
Have you read the Book of Mormon?

No. I have no desire to dabble in cultism, sorry. IMO they're weird. But no weirder than some of the other Xtian groups including the snake handlers, tongue-speakers, women-are-lesser-than-men, modern medicine is quakery, Earth-is-6000-yrs.-old, evolution-is-bunk fruitcakes.
Yet you are replying to me with your accusations. Well, it's no secret you are not only misinformed, but also an "ignoramus." I've never mentioned Catholics, ever. I've never said the earth is 6000 years old or that dinosaurs frolicked at play with ancient humans." And being an Evangelical, you sure as hell are including me right along with those I know who don't believe what you claim.

Then, the subject changes to Trump and how evil we are because we support some of his policies. Of course we get chastised if we mention Bill Clinton's or the celestial JFK's infidelity, both, by the way, occurred while they were in office. But speaking for myself, I really didn't give a shit. It's no secret that the rich and famous have a harem of groupies following them. I spent a summer I was laid off to make a few extra dollars back in the late 80's as a roadie for a prominent R&R band. Believe me, I know all too well.

And since it's so acceptable to go off topic, how about you tell us more about "military ballistics" while your at it? Hell, a surgeon knows more about ballistics than some stupid "barrel stroker" like me, as I've so often been called. You should also bold and supersize the words as you seem to think it's so relevant to emphasize your point.
I recommend you get a hold of your paranoia and delusions. Making assumptions and having a thin skin, I have observed, can create problems in all facets of one's life.

There is nothing I wrote that you could possibly have interpreted to mean I was talking about you, unless you think the Earth is 6,000 years old and that the Creation Science Museum is an esteemed testament to modern science.