A Real Christian

The only "hate" and "disrespect" in this conversation is flowing off your keyboard. I merely pointed out the truth in answer to your question about "who's forcing you".

Again, Fred Rogers IMO was a true Christian. He didn't need to use profanity and hate. He showed Christ's true teachings -- compassion, kindness, acceptance -- by his actions.
Rb 60 demonstrated long ago that he is anything but a true Christian.

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You don't speak for all Evangelicals, and your limited anecdotal life experience leaves you are in no position to know what other fundamentalist evangelicals are doing.

Are you aware that certain evangelical Christians have funded, support, and admire the anti-science temple of ignorance known as the Creation Science Museum?

That is exactly the type of thing I am talking about.

I have a great deal of respect for traditional and orthodox Christians who do not make a habit of of spreading ignorance. One of the esteemed Christians in history, Saint Thomas Aquinas, knew that Christianity had to be infused with reason, natural philosophy, and Aristotelian logic - otherwise, he feared that Christians would look like dumb asses. And I am 100 percent positive you did not know that.

Many modern Christians, with RB 60 as the leading example, do appear to be dumb asses.

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No. I have no desire to dabble in cultism, sorry. IMO they're weird. But no weirder than some of the other Xtian groups including the snake handlers, tongue-speakers, women-are-lesser-than-men, modern medicine is quakery, Earth-is-6000-yrs.-old, evolution-is-bunk fruitcakes.

They were giving away copies somewhere,so I started reading it.
It's a story that has not one bit of historical truth,that people that it claims came to America from Israel ever existed.
Many modern Christians, with RB 60 as the leading example, do appear to be dumb asses.

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Lots of highly educated Christians out there, to be fair.

I maintain that cause-and-effect of ignorance may have been misinterpreted.

If anything, I think it is socio-economic class that plays more of a role in ignorance, than religion.

Unitarians, Episcopalians, Quakers, Anglicans, Presbyterians tend to have more education, and are more often college graduates than are Southern Baptists, Pentacostals, Church of Christ, et al.

Of course, one has to consider the cultural and historical fact that there is a strain of Protestantism that does not place as much value on education as do traditional Catholics, Jews, Quakers, etc. And I believe some of that anti-education posture goes back to the Protestant Reformation. To these Calvinist strains of Protestanism it has always been all about Salvation, more so than about earthly deeds.
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Have you met Toxic Top yet? You would make a great couple. Neither one of you has anything intelligent or interesting to say about politics. You just come here to make fun of ppl, particularly if you can find someone else to join in.

Don't you have anything to say about Mr. Rogers?

OH - LOOK, Owl is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl bitchy cunt hypocritical self"??

So, do you believe that the 6th Commandment is "Thou shalt not kill", as the KJV puts it? That's quite a problem for all the places where the Bible demands killing.

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The correct wording is, "That shall not murder" and yes there is a difference.

<makes note to self to add JPP's ignore function to the Thanksgiving gratitude list>

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I recommend you get a hold of your paranoia and delusions. Making assumptions and having a thin skin, I have observed, can create problems in all facets of one's life.

There is nothing I wrote that you could possibly have interpreted to mean I was talking about you, unless you think the Earth is 6,000 years old and that the Creation Science Museum is an esteemed testament to modern science.

I suggest that you get a hold of yours. It is me you have been replying to with your assumptions and paranoid delusions.
I suggest that you get a hold of yours. It is me you have been replying to with your assumptions and paranoid delusions.
So now the most clever and articulate response you can think of is to plagiarize me?

The bottom line here is I reserve the right to disrespect ignorance, and to defend genuine Christians worthy of defending

The Vatican has artwork placing Plato, Aristotle, Euclid, Pythagoras in a context of honor and veneration

I can think of no better metaphor for the Catholic Church's commitment to education and knowledge. Which undoubtedly dates back to Charlemagne and the first Medieval universities.

I seriously doubt any Pentecostal churches reserve places of honor for Plato and Euclid
Many modern Christians, with RB 60 as the leading example, do appear to be dumb asses.

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I am not sure what you mean by many..

No question the young earthers are willfully ignorant.

What it comes down to for me is that science and religion are two different traditions that cannot really be compared.

The inductive reasoning of science gives us a probabilistic, mechanistic knowledge of how natural phenomena occur. How, rather than why. Science utterly fails and is unsuited for metaphysical questions. Leaving plenty of room in the human intellectual tradition to invoke theological and philosophical inquiry.
I am not sure what you mean by many..

No question the young earthers are willfully ignorant.

What it comes down to for me is that science and religion are two different traditions that cannot really be compared.

The inductive reasoning of science gives us a probabilistic, mechanistic knowledge of how natural phenomena occur. How, rather than why. Science utterly fails and is unsuited for metaphysical questions. Leaving plenty of room in the human intellectual tradition to invoke theological and philosophical inquiry.

Science deals with reality. Religion deals with wishful thinking and delusions.

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Science deals with reality. Religion deals with wishful thinking and delusions.

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Leaving aside what actually constitutes reality, which Plato and 2000 years of western philosophical thought have contemplated, science only explains how natural phenomena work, not why. Even the most eminent scientist of the Enlightenment, Newton, recognized a humble kind of science. He knew he could mathematically show how gravity and the of mechanics work, but not why they work, or work in that particular way.
Leaving aside what actually constitutes reality, which Plato and 2000 years of western philosophical thought have contemplated, science only explains how natural phenomena work, not why. Even the most eminent scientist of the Enlightenment, Newton, recognized a humble kind of science. He knew he could mathematically show how gravity and the of mechanics work, but not why they work, or work in that particular way.

What science demonstrates is a purely mechanistic universe. The only exceptions are random sub atomic reactions. Religion has failed to demonstrate anything.

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