A Real Christian

It's a defect in our intellectual development.

Interesting, and kind of sad too. lol

I think it stems from our helplessness as infants and children. Somewhere deep inside us that small being still longs for a parental figure to explain, protect, and love us. As adults we substitute god(s) for parent(s). Some choose a stern and powerful male god; others a loving gentle maternal one.
It's delusional to see any of that as reality, and quite dangerous delusions. Those who see those speculations as reality tend to try and force everyone around them to agree, usually with horrific results.

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We are obviously talking past each other.

Neither science nor religion descibe reality. And I say that as someone trained in science. One provides a probabilistic knowledge of how natural phenomena work, and the other attempts to speak to issues of the human heart, ethics, and fate .

To compare them is to compare apples to orange.

What constitutes actual formal reality is a philosophical debate that has occupied the best minds of humanity for 2,500 years and it will undoubtedly continue long after I am gone.

I personally am never going to join the program which asserts science= good, religion and faith = bad.
We are obviously talking past each other.

Neither science nor religion descibe reality. And I say that as someone trained in science. One provides a probabilistic knowledge of how natural phenomena work, and the other attempts to speak to issues of the human heart, ethics, and fate .

To compare them is to compare apples to orange.

What constitutes actual formal reality is a philosophical debate that has occupied the best minds of humanity for 2,500 years and it will undoubtedly continue long after I am gone.

I personally am never going to join the program which asserts science= good, religion and faith = bad.

Science is neither good nor bad. It simply describes what we know of reality. Religion and faith have nothing to do with reality. They can be either good or bad, depending on the behavior of their adherents. They are based on conjecture, opinion and a hefty dose of wishful thinking.

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Marxism doesn't seem to work either. Humans aren't advanced enough to thrive in a Marxist society.

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Well, they won't get advanced until they get control. To spend your lives being manipulated by various kinds of con-men is to cease to be human, whereas if we can actually take control for ourselves, the process is going to teach us who we are fast, as long as we have the guts and the sense never to hand power back to 'leaders', however bad the situation. Capitalism hugely increases wealth and hugely decreases moral responsibility.
My impression is that Presbyterians, as a mainline Prostestant denomination, are generally moderate, restrained, and practice relative temperance

I generally do not lump them in with the fundamentalist Christian jihadists

Your impression is meaningless.

The fundamentalists Christian jihadists are those that think abortion is OK and the teachings of Jesus mean one group that provides something to society should have the shit taxed out of them to enable the freeloaders of society.
We are obviously talking past each other.

Neither science nor religion descibe reality. And I say that as someone trained in science. One provides a probabilistic knowledge of how natural phenomena work, and the other attempts to speak to issues of the human heart, ethics, and fate .

To compare them is to compare apples to orange.

What constitutes actual formal reality is a philosophical debate that has occupied the best minds of humanity for 2,500 years and it will undoubtedly continue long after I am gone.

I personally am never going to join the program which asserts science= good, religion and faith = bad.

A Buddhist, huh?
Interesting, and kind of sad too. lol

I think it stems from our helplessness as infants and children. Somewhere deep inside us that small being still longs for a parental figure to explain, protect, and love us. As adults we substitute god(s) for parent(s). Some choose a stern and powerful male god; others a loving gentle maternal one.

Unless you choose the one TRUE God, His word is clear about what you'll receive when this life is over.
It works sometimes quite well, but only in small groups. A large complex human society works better with a mix of capitalism and socialism.

A productive society doesn't involve socialism. That does nothing more than enable those unwilling or unable to function in a capitalist society to get something they didn't earn nor don't deserve.
Oh look! Well, never mind. Nothing to see here, folks. lol

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In my opinion it is because the rightwing fundamentalist jihadists know very little about Christian theology, and virtually nothing about the history of Christiananity. I have seen inumerable examples on this board of agnostics and Catholics having to explain Christian theology and Christian history to self identified Bible thumpers who imagine they are pious and informed Christians

The funny part is you think your explanations are correct when you do nothing but state the opposite of what Jesus actually taught.
Oh look! Well, never mind. Nothing to see here, folks. lol

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Just four more examples you're a goddamn coward. Why do you feel the need to keep proving it, cunt? Do it again. I command my inferior to do what the bitch is told to do.
They give lip service to Jesus who they don't know.
And bow to Trump the most unChristian man they could find.

How true. You could take 100 random prison inmates out of a dozen random prisons and be hard-pressed to find one as un-Christ-like as TRE45ON.
It works sometimes quite well, but only in small groups. A large complex human society works better with a mix of capitalism and socialism.
That's just what I've been saying for some time now. Neither pure capitalism nor pure socialism works very well. What seems to work is taking bits of socialism to patch up the great gaping holes in capitalism and taking bits of capitalism to patch up the great gaping holes in socialism.

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Well, they won't get advanced until they get control. To spend your lives being manipulated by various kinds of con-men is to cease to be human, whereas if we can actually take control for ourselves, the process is going to teach us who we are fast, as long as we have the guts and the sense never to hand power back to 'leaders', however bad the situation. Capitalism hugely increases wealth and hugely decreases moral responsibility.

Capitalism hugely increases wealth for those on top. It tends to strip it away from everyone else.

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Interesting, and kind of sad too. lol

I think it stems from our helplessness as infants and children. Somewhere deep inside us that small being still longs for a parental figure to explain, protect, and love us. As adults we substitute god(s) for parent(s). Some choose a stern and powerful male god; others a loving gentle maternal one.
That's probably quite true.

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