A Real Christian

It is the self-styled American evangelicals belonging to Church denominations that have only been around for ~a couple centuries doing that.

The original Christians - the ones who have been around for two thousand years, aka Orthodox, Coptic, and Catholic - are generally not running around the neighborhood knocking on doors and trying to get Jews, Muslims, agnostics, etc. to convert to their church.

True. Mainstream Protestants and Catholics have also seemed to be just fine with the separation of Church and State, and have not shown a huge amount of interest in trying to remake our secular govt. and laws into a form of Xtian sharia. In fact most of them (and the rest of us) have been content to have a system of govt. that guarantees freedom to worship any gods you choose, or no gods at all. A lot of places don't have that particular freedom. It is to be cherished.
Fuck you and your hateful disrespect. Your lies and bullshit won't change the fact you hate us.
I have better things to do than argue with you.

The only "hate" and "disrespect" in this conversation is flowing off your keyboard. I merely pointed out the truth in answer to your question about "who's forcing you".

Again, Fred Rogers IMO was a true Christian. He didn't need to use profanity and hate. He showed Christ's true teachings -- compassion, kindness, acceptance -- by his actions.
The only "hate" and "disrespect" in this conversation is flowing off your keyboard. I merely pointed out the truth in answer to your question about "who's forcing you".

Again, Fred Rogers IMO was a true Christian. He didn't need to use profanity and hate. He showed Christ's true teachings -- compassion, kindness, acceptance -- by his actions.

Wasn't it you who complained this thread went off topic? And then cypress, then you, start with all the lies, projection and disrespect of Christians. Nothing new here folks...
You obviously have no knowledge of Evangelical churches. Again, I've never experienced what you stated. None of us have ever went knocking on doors trying to "push" our beliefs. That is a fact.
You don't speak for all Evangelicals, and your limited anecdotal life experience leaves you are in no position to know what other fundamentalist evangelicals are doing.

Are you aware that certain evangelical Christians have funded, support, and admire the anti-science temple of ignorance known as the Creation Science Museum?

That is exactly the type of thing I am talking about.

I have a great deal of respect for traditional and orthodox Christians who do not make a habit of of spreading ignorance. One of the esteemed Christians in history, Saint Thomas Aquinas, knew that Christianity had to be infused with reason, natural philosophy, and Aristotelian logic - otherwise, he feared that Christians would look like dumb asses. And I am 100 percent positive you did not know that.
You don't speak for all Evangelicals, and your limited anecdotal life experience leaves you are in no position to know what other fundamentalist evangelicals are doing.

Are you aware that evangelical Christians have funded, support, and admire the anti-science temple of ignorance known as the Creation Science Museum?

That is exactly the type of thing I am talking about.

I have a great deal of respect for traditional and orthodox Christians who do not make a habit of of spreading ignorance. One of the esteemed Christians in history, Saint Thomas Aquinas, knew that Christianity had to be infused with reason, natural philosophy, and Aristotelian logic - otherwise, he knew that Christians would look like dumb asses. And I am 100 percent positive you did not know that.

And you think you speak for us? No, you don't.

Prove it. Again, I know nothing of this "museum" or who "admires" or funds it.

Again, do you think you speak for all of us? No, you do not, not even close.

You people just won't quit hating on Evangelicals or Christians in general.
Now get back on topic or make another Christian hating thread so you can profess your hatred.
Wasn't it you who complained this thread went off topic? And then cypress, then you, start with all the lies, projection and disrespect of Christians. Nothing new here folks...

Show me my "lies, projection, and disrespect of Christians." I'll wait.
That’s hilarious, the faux Christian on here are actually the ones who disrespect Christianity.

I know. Simplistic thinkers believe that to utter a word of criticism = unbridled hate. We saw the same thing back in the 60s and 70s. Those who dared to criticize America's involvement in the Vietnam War hated America and by extension "the troops" as well, remember that stupidity? We're seeing the same phenomenon here. Faux Xtians, faux patriots, birds of a feather.
And you think you speak for us? No, you don't.

Prove it. Again, I know nothing of this "museum" or who "admires" or funds it.

Again, do you think you speak for all of us? No, you do not, not even close.

You people just won't quit hating on Evangelicals or Christians in general.
Now get back on topic or make another Christian hating thread so you can profess your hatred.
I am apparently so "hateful" of Christians, that I am one of the few posters who went to extensive efforts to portray and comment on the beauty, spirituality, and serenity of Christians churches, iconography, and services.
>> https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?110176-World-s-greatest-churches

I would be interested to know if you ever started a thread dedicated to an exploration of the beauty and serenity of Christian churches, liturgy, and iconography.

I am also pretty sure I have done a better, more articulate, more elegant and more compelling job of defending real Christians than you have.
>> https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?130404-A-Real-Christian&p=3368962#post3368962
No, it's not. Trump has admitted that he goes right up to "beautiful" women and "just starts kissing." How is that in any way different than some man doing the same to your lady? There is no difference. "They let you do it" indicates someone who sees nothing wrong with it since no one kicked in his nutsack or had him arrested.... yet.

Something I've always thought... when trump said "And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything", why do people believe that? It's the kind of thing the HS quarterback would say about the cheerleaders. I don't recall any woman bragging about letting trump grab her, or even kiss her.
Something I've always thought... when trump said "And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything", why do people believe that? It's the kind of thing the HS quarterback would say about the cheerleaders. I don't recall any woman bragging about letting trump grab her, or even kiss her.

Trump is a case of arrested development that stopped at ~ age 14 or so. You're right -- that was exactly the sort of comment one braggart kid might say to another.

The law is clear on this. If you touch another person against their will, it's assault. Trump assaulted *many* women.
You obviously have no knowledge of Evangelical churches. Again, I've never experienced what you stated. None of us have ever went knocking on doors trying to "push" our beliefs. That is a fact.

In the years I've been on this forum I've had some run-ins with Evangelicals who claim that Catholics aren't Christians.
Trump is a case of arrested development that stopped at ~ age 14 or so. You're right -- that was exactly the sort of comment one braggart kid might say to another.

The law is clear on this. If you touch another person against their will, it's assault. Trump assaulted *many* women.

Yep. And trump saying "they let you do it" isn't proof that they do. I'd like to know who let trump grow up to think he's irresistible to women, his mom or dad? I'll have to check if papa trump was known as a womanizer.
Yep. And trump saying "they let you do it" isn't proof that they do. I'd like to know who let trump grow up to think he's irresistible to women, his mom or dad? I'll have to check if papa trump was known as a womanizer.

Some of our RW friends seem to think that if he groped or kissed a woman who didn't immediately call the police, file charges, and get a conviction -- it never happened.

I bet if Toadstool did that to one of their wives/girl friends, it would be an entirely different story.