Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Meanwhile, for all of JPP's militia/paintball aficionados;

will you join in? bring snacks? or sit at home and watch?He just tweeted that the rubes are "forming in Washington DC" to "Stop the Steal." Let's see how long till the shooting begins.
Benjamin Franklin is often quoted as saying "A Republic if you can keep it" in response to a question following his exit from Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787.
Although there is no proof positive, the response came from Mrs. Elizabeth Willing Powell's question, "Well, Doctor. What have we got? A Republic or monarchy?" Mrs Powell was the wife of Philadelphia Mayor Samuel Powel and both a prominent social figure, but also a friend of Franklin.
Flash forward over 230 years and the question remains the same "Well, Doctor, what have we got? A Republic or a monarchy?" The answer also remains the same: "A Republic if you can keep it."
Already JPP has seen a handful of Alt-Right members favor suspending the Constitution and imposing martial law across the land until further notice. That's not how a Republic does things. That's how a monarch does things.
December 19, 2020 and you consider the US military to be your enemy.
Benjamin Franklin is often quoted as saying "A Republic if you can keep it" in response to a question following his exit from Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787.
Although there is no proof positive, the response came from Mrs. Elizabeth Willing Powell's question, "Well, Doctor. What have we got? A Republic or monarchy?" Mrs Powell was the wife of Philadelphia Mayor Samuel Powel and both a prominent social figure, but also a friend of Franklin.
Flash forward over 230 years and the question remains the same "Well, Doctor, what have we got? A Republic or a monarchy?" The answer also remains the same: "A Republic if you can keep it."
Already JPP has seen a handful of Alt-Right members favor suspending the Constitution and imposing martial law across the land until further notice. That's not how a Republic does things. That's how a monarch does things.
No shit, Fredo. That's why you earned this:I'm an insane, violent shitbag.