"A Republic, if you can keep it."

Yes I know. Kind of like how your kind treated the refugees from the South. That certainly was not "cruel" in the world of low IQ's anyway.

And since you have yet to prove me wrong guess that makes you dumber then "ignorant".

enforcing borders isnt cruelty.

do you think prison labor and organ harvesting of humans is cruel?

you're dumber than ignorant. lol. that's hilarious.
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Hello NiftyNiblick,

This is true only on a titular basis. The "united" part is an absolute lie. I personal view the desire to maintain the union as indifference to the unnecessary misery it causes.
It's a character flaw from my perspective.

We are stronger and more powerful as a large nation than either part would be if broken up. It was worth fighting for in the Civil War and it still is.

If nations broke apart because of internal cultural differences the number of nations on the planet would expand exponentially. Then some of the great things which have been accomplished would never have been, and future similar great things would never be.
Hello NiftyNiblick,

We are stronger and more powerful as a large nation than either part would be if broken up. It was worth fighting for in the Civil War and it still is.

If nations broke apart because of internal cultural differences the number of nations on the planet would expand exponentially. Then some of the great things which have been accomplished would never have been, and future similar great things would never be.

niblick is a china shill, advocating civil war to weaken our nation.
It is when you endanger the lives of others, and violate our laws.

"Harvesting of humans"?

Well, according to fools like you anyway.
Agreed. Where is that line drawn?

AHZ only sees China, China, China. Is that a ploy or a psychosis?

No comment.
If one has to be drawn then I guess it is up to ones conscience if they have one.

Only country I know of that does such is China, and that is for "parts". Then too, he may be referring to abortions which I oppose.

Everyone has a conscience. They only differ in values.

Nations compete. That's not news to anyone with a HS degree or a GED. I support the individual right to choose.
So do I. The only question is when does that choice occur, after having sex, or before having sex. Has to do with that conscience thing.

But, we have had this conversation before. No sense in rehashing it.

The choice is at every moment of time. All legal sex is by consent. Sex without consent is rape. Do you have feelings of guilt, "Old Trapper"?
The choice is at every moment of time. All legal sex is by consent. Sex without consent is rape. Do you have feelings of guilt, "Old Trapper"?

It is trash like you with your fanciful imagination that makes having an intelligent conversation nigh onto impossible. Kind of like talking to a child who has not gotten to the point of having feelings of shame, and that would be about two years old.

But tell me douchebag, does one feel guilt, or know that it is wrong, before stealing a car, or after?
Disagreeing with you assholes isn’t whining

Look the word up shit lappers

Note this is insulting you not whining

Words have meanings
Some of our ancestors pursued the good , they did better, they contributed to the building of civilization, of something of value.

All the Modern Morons of this Dark Age can manage is tearing down, regression.

It is a very sad story.

My heart weeps.
The most common story of humanity is two steps forward and one step back. We're in a one-step-back phase. No worries.
It is trash like you with your fanciful imagination that makes having an intelligent conversation nigh onto impossible. Kind of like talking to a child who has not gotten to the point of having feelings of shame, and that would be about two years old.

But tell me douchebag, does one feel guilt, or know that it is wrong, before stealing a car, or after?

ROFLMAO. Thank you for providing all the evidence necessary on why an intelligent conversation with you is unlikely.

It depends. For me, before since theft is wrong.
Ahhhh yes, the usual ignorance, and asinine comments from the one with a peanut brain. But tell me foo, you said that the "ideals of the Founders were to grant greater freedoms for all." Now tell me slug, just how does that apply to the slaves who were denied the right to own property, vote, etc.? Why not try to answer that instead of avoiding the obvious?

Here is another POS demonstrating your "intellect": "Freedom is being able to exercise your inalienable right to live your life as you please without interference." Now, in order for that to even be close to true one would have to do away with all laws. Then too, it raises the question as to how does that apply to slaves?

And BTW dumb f**k, I never answered any questions on slavery, and neither have you.
Been many a time when I have almost quit doing so.