A ‘saggy pants’ violation led to a fatal police chase

I'm not sure the reason behind the picture you posted; because it doesn't show anyone "pants about to fall down" nor does it show "cops with their shirt tails out and their pants dragging the ground because they were fat-asses and had so much shit hanging off of their belt's they couldn't keep their own pants up!"!!

So this is really just you emoting again; because you're unable to address the OP. :good4u:


Listen up you over-emotional shithead, how does the public even know the gun wasn't a plant by a crooked cop?!

This is more common than people realize.

Isn't that what bad cops do, plant a gun on the dead man, and say, "He pulled his gun on me"?

And isn't that what racists that hear stories like this do, is believe whatever the dirty cop says?

The dead guy is not here to tell his side of the story- So you really don't have shit here BOY!
Like I said, the gun could have been planted by a dirty cop for all any of us know!

If you were not there to see the guy pull his gun- then you don't really know didly dick about poodley squat! LOL!

you have a good point.......that's also why you can't believe Trump broke any laws......thanks.........
Listen up you over-emotional shithead, how does the public even know the gun wasn't a plant by a crooked cop?!

This is more common than people realize.

Isn't that what bad cops do, plant a gun on the dead man, and say, "He pulled his gun on me"?

And isn't that what racists that hear stories like this do, is believe whatever the dirty cop says?

The dead guy is not here to tell his side of the story- So you really don't have shit here BOY!

He didn't have to just plant a gun he had to use it to shoot the guy in the chest first.
Listen up you over-emotional shithead, how does the public even know the gun wasn't a plant by a crooked cop?!

This is more common than people realize.

Isn't that what bad cops do, plant a gun on the dead man, and say, "He pulled his gun on me"?

And isn't that what racists that hear stories like this do, is believe whatever the dirty cop says?

The dead guy is not here to tell his side of the story- So you really don't have shit here BOY!

You actually posted, what you just wrote, and want to accuse me of being "an over-emotional shithead"?? :D

The rest of your reply, is just you showing your angst over losing so many times.

you have a good point.......that's also why you can't believe Trump broke any laws......thanks.........

Just read the report Prophet and you will also be disgusted with this president.

The problem is no one is reading the report.

Here is a link where you can get the damn thing for only 99 cents!


Hell, I'll have it drop shipped to you- if you will just read the damn thing!
Baggy pants are dumb. They were all the rage back in middle school. Drawing down on a police officer is retarded, no matter what you are wearing.
I read the report.......I am disgusted with the demmycunts and their constant lying and whining......get some fucking balls.......start impeachment proceedings and cut your own throats or stfu for the next six years......

and why waste 99 cents.......here....

Hey! Just go fuck yourself idiot! What an asshole!

Dude! I am not a member of Congress- so I can't start or conduct impeachment hearings and it is not up to me to do that!

The only thing that is ever going to shut me up is when I stop breathing- so you telling me to STFU won't help!

And we all listened to you idiots complaining/crying/nagging/lying/smearing Obama/Hillary/Bill Clinton for the last 10 to 20 years.

So never dish shit out- if you can't handle it right back in your fucking face!

You Sir are dumber than a box of pubic hair!
Evince...….these are the types of laws that discriminate against Blacks that white people should be banning together to remove.

This is racism.

Instead, you want me to befriend the killer kop.
I was at Walmart the other day and this guy, about 30, had his pants below his butt. He was right next to the fruit in the fruit aisle. It seemed 'unsanitary'. Yes ... he was a negro.

Since 'saggy pants' is usually a negro proclivity, it is probably 'discriminatory'. At what point is the exposure of underwear a 'crime'?

I was stopped in Downtown New Orleans for not wearing a shirt. Since I was from Southern California, I thought it was funny. They didn't. Told me to put a shirt on. :(

There's nothing discriminatory about expecting someone to wear their pants like a civilized person should wear them.
Evince...….these are the types of laws that discriminate against Blacks that white people should be banning together to remove.

This is racism.

Instead, you want me to befriend the killer kop.

There's nothing racist nor discriminatory about excepting someone to act civilized by not wearing their pants in such a manner.
" according to dash-cam footage of the incident."

Do you even read shit before you go off half-cocked?

If there was a video- why didn't you post it so that it either backed your allegations up- or left it for us to see it for ourselves and make our own observations and conclusions about the incident?

So do you ever prepare for your threads with being able to provide your proof of whatever you claim as true here?

Some forum members may be trusted to provide something here without proof- but YOU! Not You!

You have a history here of creating threads of pure bullshit, Fake News, Unproven allegations, Rhetoric, and over-the-top Hyperbole!

Why! The only thing I can guess is that you are about as dumb as a box of pubic hair!
If there was a video- why didn't you post it so that it either backed your allegations up- or left it for us to see it for ourselves and make our own observations and conclusions about the incident?

So do you ever prepare for your threads with being able to provide your proof of whatever you claim as true here?

Some forum members may be trusted to provide something here without proof- but YOU! Not You!

You have a history here of creating threads of pure bullshit, Fake News, Unproven allegations, Rhetoric, and over-the-top Hyperbole!

Why! The only thing I can guess is that you are about as dumb as a box of pubic hair!

poor demmyjoker.......he's obviously caught his dick in a wringer and doesn't know which way to turn next......