A ‘saggy pants’ violation led to a fatal police chase

If there was a video- why didn't you post it so that it either backed your allegations up- or left it for us to see it for ourselves and make our own observations and conclusions about the incident?

So do you ever prepare for your threads with being able to provide your proof of whatever you claim as true here?

Some forum members may be trusted to provide something here without proof- but YOU! Not You!

You have a history here of creating threads of pure bullshit, Fake News, Unproven allegations, Rhetoric, and over-the-top Hyperbole!

Why! The only thing I can guess is that you are about as dumb as a box of pubic hair!
I quoted from the OP...
Hey! Just go fuck yourself idiot! What an asshole!

Dude! I am not a member of Congress- so I can't start or conduct impeachment hearings and it is not up to me to do that!

The only thing that is ever going to shut me up is when I stop breathing- so you telling me to STFU won't help!

And we all listened to you idiots complaining/crying/nagging/lying/smearing Obama/Hillary/Bill Clinton for the last 10 to 20 years.

So never dish shit out- if you can't handle it right back in your fucking face!

You Sir are dumber than a box of pubic hair!



Because fcking negroes violate small public order laws, we have to do away with small public order laws? Coloreds are at war with civilization, including quality of life in public areas.

Can we not train the pubic-haired chimps to pull up their pants?