A senseless open door policy on our border that Biden created unnecessarily.

Wrong. Today Democrats are radicals of the Left bent on tearing down the United States and remaking it into a Socialist Worker's paradise.

Well, a 'Worker's Paradise' sounds great, but I don't think you get there by Importing Third World Labor to Replace American Labor.
Sure. Your source article is very vague and says that illegal immigration was six times larger that it was under Obama.... Up six times compared to what number? The article them goes on to really say nothing about true numbers but instead it goes on about what should be done. It really says nothing.

I found an article that does say something and refutes your post:





Dispute this.
Sure. Your source article is very vague and says that illegal immigration was six times larger that it was under Obama.... Up six times compared to what number? The article them goes on to really say nothing about true numbers but instead it goes on about what should be done. It really says nothing.

I found an article that does say something and refutes your post:


forbes fucks just want to glut the labor pool. corporations always lie.
You are blaming the migrant child crisis that predates Biden on Biden's imaginary open door policy? We will see where we are in a year, but I am betting Biden is able to solve the problem much like Obama did.

its been less than three months and its up over 200%........why do you need to wait a whole year?......besides, Obama never solved the problem, why do you think O'Biden can?.......
I think stupid Joe, just wanted to come in and undo everything Trump did, like with OBama and he never paid attention to the residual effects that would encur....now stupid Joe has unnecessarily added to his plate, immigrant kids with no place to go...what a stupid stupid old man he is

Biden is not doing that. What a stupid post. He will work to connect the kids with their parents. He is not doing what Daffy Donald did.