Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
You falsely accused me of taking this thread off topic....
Nawww. This is taking the thread off-topic:

You falsely accused me of taking this thread off topic....
Ummmm.....he has a picture of a Cobra. I doubt he drives one....although he might have one.
Second to that, do you measure a person's value as a human being by the type of car they drive?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You falsely accused me of taking this thread off topic....
Nawww. This is taking the thread off-topic:
I earned it by working and paying attention and learning from those who knew more than me. The experience payed off over the years. I've wanted one since I first saw one when I was eight years old. The rich guy down the street had one.
Yeah, I drive it on nice days (only). Uncomfortable as hell, ear deafeningly loud, no power anything, no roof and very small. A go cart with a big block. Stupidity could kill you in an instance. Nothing on the street compares.
But no, I'd say my value is determined by who my real friends are.
It's good that you achieved your dream.
That post is why you are a joke. You should read SOMETHING besides vulpine crap. Who does not understand that simple truth? https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/how-the-gop-became-the-party-of-the-rich-237247/
Once again for the cheap seats:
Did Biden cause the Covid crisis that screwed EVERYTHING WORLDWIDE?
Did Biden cause OPEC to kick up the oil prices?
Did Biden cause the foreign wars that complicated food and oil shipments?
Are there problems with the A5 law?
Did your link not have a former trucker and now company owner say that Biden's efforts, though not enough, will help some?
Are you correct in trying to lay all blame on the Biden Administration despite ALL information that doesn't support such?
your biased joke of a link aside, YOU are why the left is a joke. your willful ignorance and intentional blindness towards the corruption of your own elected officials is laughable, at best, and is why those of us with sane minds think you're a bunch of morons.
the longer you continue to ignore the fleecing that your left leaning politicians do to you, the more we will consider you incompetent human beings.
Other than be one of the Senators that voted to let Fauci fund it...
Yep. He cut back US production, limited permits, then told the Saudis they are a bunch of terrorists and assholes to their face. The Saudis retaliated by cutting production and telling Biden to pack sand.
Yes. His massive incompetence in part led to the invasion of Ukraine. It was his failure in Afghanistan that led to the country falling back to the Taliban.
AB 5 was a sop to the unions who wanted to force membership. The Democrats passed it because it meant more potential campaign donations. It was a fucked up law passed for purely political reasons by a single party who sought to be enriched by it.
When Biden and the Democrats have fucked up things so badly they can hardly get worse, it's kind of easy to do something that helps a little even if it's you (eg., Biden and the Democrats) that caused things to be so fucked up.
I am correct to lay most of the blame on the Biden Administration.
No, you just don't like my answers.
So stop the BS, grow a pair and answer the question in the OP.
I have. What you don't like little girl is the answers.
1. Possibly....do you have the actual Congressional record link that shows this? I believe such laws that allow outsourcing by private companies to places like China have been around for a LONG time. My question is, WTF does an American Pharma need to outsource to China? Could it be China can do research that is prohibited in America?
2. Wrong. Follow the chronology: OPEC has been yo-yo'ing prices and supply (along with Wall St. speculation) independent of the US Congress for DECADES and LONG before Biden became VP/President. US Big oil sure as hell hasn't been bitching much. I suggest you check this out for yourself instead of relying on Fox News influenced conjecture.
3. Wrong. The Shrub got us into Afghanistan instead of taking the offer of BinLadin on a platter (so long as he was tried at the Hague). How'd that work out for us? Why don't you do some research in Charlie Wilson's War? Then there was the LIE by the Shrub & company that got us into the mess with Iraq....STILL a mess today. And the crap between Russia and Ukraine has been brewing since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991...so if you want to lay blame on Presidents, you've got Slick Willy, the Shrub, Obama & Trump to share that.
4. Will you stop this stupid ass habit of yours that insists on trying to pass your version of reality as fact? I gave a previous link where the actual official people involved point out the positives and negatives. I'll take that over your revisionist right wing BS any day of the week.
5. Again, your opinion and MAGA revisionist clap trap are worthless in comparison to an official actually involved in the situation.
6. Parroting your drivel in the face of contrary FACTS is just insipid MAGA stubbornness.
7. the question was did YOU actually think Walker was a better candidate for the Senate despite all the facts that came out about him. A simple yes or no would have sufficed. Further elaboration would have been appreciated. Instead the chronology of the post just has you and your moronic brethren blowing smoke six ways to Sunday.
Well toodles, your token clown LOST fair and square...despite GOP gerry mandering and voter suppression tactics. Another Trump chump down the drain.
Choke on it.
Again with the insults.....insults and lies is what you have on offer.
Many of us have done better than you in this life.
Translation: another MAGA minion taken to task and faced with the failure of his argument. So he just throws out general bluff and blusters with false accusations the chronology of the posts just don't support.
You're pathetic, Hawk...a true MAGA minion. Sad.
See ya tomorrow.
It is sad how damn stupid you are. https://democrats-budget.house.gov/...benefits-wealthy-and-large-corporations-while I know nobody over the age 12 who does not know the Repubs are the party of wealthy and corporations. Were you in a coma for a couple of decades? Trump did one economic bill, a huge tax cut for the wealthy and corporations. Did you sleep through that? He cut regulations, which make the wealthy richer by cheating and polluting the people. Regulations are what the masses have to defend themselves from the abuse of corporations. You are simply wrong and too damn stupid to know better. Every Repub admin does the same thing. I guess you missed all those bills too. You are simply wrong and do not know what you are prattling about.