circle jerk shuffle...discuss anything BUT the subject they can't BS past. Sad, but not surprising.
You take threads off topic yourself, so shut the fuck up and quit you're damn crying.
circle jerk shuffle...discuss anything BUT the subject they can't BS past. Sad, but not surprising.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Ahh, the communal circle jerk by two MAGA morons.
Riddle me this, your state, who elects the State representative to the STATE and FEDERAL Congress?
Just givin' beck what you're throwing at me. Quit crying.
Look it up if you don't know. Google knows...
You take threads off topic yourself, so shut the fuck up and quit you're damn crying.
Another intellectually impotent, dishonest MAGA coward showing no creativity.
Like I told your dim witted friend, LOCAL citizens elect BOTH State officials and LOCAL Congressmen AND representations to the national (federal) Congress.
Matters of fact, matters of historical documentation. Read your Constitution. Read your state Constitution (that is, if you are an American). Carry on, toodles.
The chronology of the posts makes you out to be a liar no matter how many times and ways you repeat that lie.
If you answered the OP, then referring that post number should be a snap (same deal with your equally absurd compadre here). If not, you're just full of it as usual. Carry on.
Folks, if ever there was a fantastic display of sheer insipid stubbornness and intellectual impotence, our sheet wearing Street Glider just gave it.
He previously stated this: I didn't have a candidate in that race. I don't live in Georgia...
So for all the BS he just shuffled here, he can't rationally or logically deny the following:
1. the thread asked to question to all GOP/conservative Walker supporters. If SG is NOT one, then why waste all these days and posts going after any and everyone who pointed out Walker's inadequacy as a candidate...trying to contradict them at every turn and/or change the subject with false equivalency assertions?
2. Why did SG bring up his non-Georgian residency? I mean, you had two GOP party Senators who were non residents make pubic support, an ex-President as well who is NOT a Georgian. It's was a national debate due to the effect that election would have on the US Senate. So for SG to join a debate on the subject, then claim he didn't support the candidate and is not a state resident makes his very presence on this thread a conundrum. Normally, if I don't care about a subject, I don't post to it. Clearly, SG is not being honest here.
3. But wait, NOW SG says he was interested in Walker and the Georgia race! Sheer contradiction that SG dumbly tries to excuse with blather about "varied interest". As the old saying goes, you can't have it both ways.
Bottom line: once again, I've exposed yet another bigoted MAGA minion with delusions of cleverness and general intelligence. Now all SG can do is just parrot his drivel in various ways, touting it as a victory (so long as he ignores logic and rationality). This is the mindset behind the GOP/conservative defense for all the MAGA candidates that subsequently lost. MAGA folk, like their orange god, NEVER fully admit defeat or error. How's that working out for Dump?
circle jerk shuffle...discuss anything BUT the subject they can't BS past. Sad, but not surprising.
You're just jealous because he drives a Cobra and you drive this:
You're just jealous because he drives a Cobra and you drive this:
Ummmm.....he has a picture of a Cobra. I doubt he drives one....although he might have one.
Second to that, do you measure a person's value as a human being by the type of car they drive?
I don't have a Cobra, Stevie. The fact you believe I claimed I did says something about your level of intelligence and education.Only a pathetic poser like you would post a photo of a car you don't have...
I don't have a Cobra, Stevie. The fact you believe I claimed I did says something about your level of intelligence and education.
BTW, not a car guy. I'm one of those that drives a reliable beater then plays chicken with assholes in Beemers just to see them pull away. LOL
If you knew my call sign, you'd understand.
LOL Good one! I love it when people underestimate me.I know your call sign: "Rainman"...
LOL Good one! I love it when people underestimate me.
Of course, by identifying you as a stolen valor lying scumbag, it's probably far more likely that I'm giving you too much credit...
You're very brave behind your keyboard, Stevie. You constantly prove why you are a petty officer and not a Chief. <--- see what I did there? LOL
You constantly prove that you're a fucking wife-beating retard and a stolen valor scumbag...
How so, Stevie? Can you quote anything I've written that would lead an intelligent, mature person to think you are telling the truth?
The sheer volumes of diarrhea you post here is all anyone needs to conclude that you're a lying, stolen valor scumbag...
What the hell did I lie about?
Why do you keep bring him into it? I don't speak for him, I just sometimes agree with him. Is that against the rules?