A simple question for the pro life

Did I? Never once did I say that there are times in history where there wasn't violence with non-religious groups.

Why won't you answer the question instead of trying to deflect with another question?

From your previous post. it would seem that you're waging a war on religion; but giving a pass to the non-religious.
It's not a belief. It's an irrefutable truth. The bible never ONCE specifically defines the nature of Satan's existence. It NEVER says he's an angel.

Either you CAN'T admit that because you haven't actually read the bible, or you WON'T admit that because you're too immature to admit when you're wrong.

If you are so sure that my assertion that the bible doesn't specifically define Satan's nature then you show the book, chapter and verse.

If you can't, then what I say MUST be true. Are you so unwilling to just admit that?

You don't have to change your belief to simply say, "Yeah, you know what? The bible really doesn't say specifically what Satan is, but I know what my faith teaches me, so I'll go with that."

This, by the way? This is EXACTLY the kind of thing that demonstrates why religion and laws should never mix. You're all simply helping me prove my point. Ignoring fact and pretending something is what it isn't is precisely why religion should not be involved in making laws.

I also note that not a single one of you has come up with the book, chapter and verse that tells us the nature of Satan's existence while at the same time trying to tell me I'm wrong. That's all I'm looking for. You provide that, and you've shown me up, shut me down, and I'll admit that I'm wrong.

You're all doing a good job at prevaricating on this issue (assisting my point greatly in the process, thank you), but you are very interestingly not providing the answer.

You're ranting, which is usually the sign of someone trying to convince themselves instead of anyone else.
Have you prayed for guidance, over your confusion?
It's not a belief. It's an irrefutable truth. The bible never ONCE specifically defines the nature of Satan's existence.

stop being such a dumbfuck.....it doesn't say he isn't an angel, it certainly doesn't say he's a god and there are certainly consistencies in the biblical text supporting Christianity's belief that he was an angel who led the rebellion against God.......get over it.....
"There's more than one god out there in human history. And many of the world's religions, past and present, had a concept of the personification of evil. The Satan (it's a title) is just one of them, but he was never directly identified as an angel by the bible."

See, when I started a new sentence saying, "And many of the world's religions, past and present, had a personification of evil," you might, if you squint really hard and try to bang those two brain cells of yours together, might... you might just notice that I never, ever, not once, at any time, said some of the gods are personifications of evil (incidentally, some of them are, but I didn't proceed further with that particular line).

That's your interpretation, but it's wrong.

If I had said, "There are many gods and some of them are the personification of evil..." without separating the ideas or thoughts into individual sentences, then you might have an argument there.

Instead, you're displaying an understanding of grammatical structure and contextual comprehension that usually leads to top-notch careers in the subway-guitar-playing industry.

you just repeated it again.....Satan isn't a god......you're wasting your time making that argument.....the simple fact is your interpretations of scripture suck.....
directly and specifically.....no......

We got there! Congratulations and kudos on finally admitting the truth.

indirectly and non-specifically......

Which is extraneous to the question, and is what I've been on about. That and...

it also doesn't tell us he's a god like you did......

Which I never did. This is, once again, your "interpretation" or "belief," which is a complete and utter misinterpretation of what I said.

Now, I'm sure you can find plenty of people on this forum to come in and support you, and that you can find plenty of people on this form to come in and tell you you're wrong.

But in this case the only one who matters is the one who made the statements to begin with, and that'd be me. And I'm telling you that you are 100% wrong in your interpretation of what I said.

For the last time (and I actually mean for the last time, because I'm not rehashing this with you again because you're acting like an obstinate toddler when you actually know what I meant and are pretending you don't), I never said that Satan was a god. You're incorrectly inferring that from separate sentences that did not refer to each other. I know what I said, I know what I meant when I said it, and you're wrong. Here endeth the lesson. Halle-feckin'-luja.
You're ranting, which is usually the sign of someone trying to convince themselves instead of anyone else.
Have you prayed for guidance, over your confusion?

You see emphasis, but you certainly have yet to see me rant.

I have nothing to convince myself of, because of course I am, as postmodernprophet has finally admitted, correct.

Have YOU prayed for guidance that will allow you to hold both truth AND faith? The two don't have to be mutually exclusive.
stop being such a dumbfuck.....

More profanity. All Christian and no Christ. :)

it doesn't say he isn't an angel

So I'm right. Can't say it, can you? Can't bring yourself to simply say, "Look, you were right, Stelakh. The only argument you made was that the bible doesn't specifically state that Satan was an angel, so you were right." But I'll accept that you at least made the admission that the bible doesn't tell us he's an angel as your saying I'm right, because it's the same thing.

, it certainly doesn't say he's a god and there are certainly consistencies in the biblical text supporting Christianity's belief that he was an angel who led the rebellion against God.......get over it.....

I never, ever, said that he's a god (see my previous post) and I never once said that there are biblical inconsistencies which neither support nor deny the belief of Christians that he was an angel that led a rebellion against god. And this is what YOU need to get over.

My entire point here is that you (especially) have made inferences with regard to my statements, and that Christianity (in this example, but all religions generally) engages in leaps of faith (faith: "belief without evidence"), supposition, presumption and the subjugation and/or eradication of fact in an attempt to bolster its dogmatic views.

As such, it is my assertion that the last people making law and policy for an entire nation of people that includes non-Christians should be the Christians who are leading the charge for abortion legislation, as all legislation should be based solely on truth and fact and not on the doctrine of a thing (faith) which by its very nature requires belief without knowledge.

Laws should not be made solely on supposition, presumption and a refusal to accept fact and truth. All of the things that you, patriot66 and USfreedom911 have been engaging in as you attempted to avoid admitting a simple, honest truth (that the bible does not specifically tell us what Satan was) are perfect examples of exactly what I'm saying.

Footnote: now that at least one of you has admitted that what I said is true, I will say that were this not the US and this particular issue I would have been quite content with going further afield by saying, "religions" not just "Christianity." It's just that Christians push so hard on the abortion issue that bringing specificity on them was appropriate.
More profanity. All Christian and no Christ. :)

So I'm right. Can't say it, can you? Can't bring yourself to simply say, "Look, you were right, Stelakh. The only argument you made was that the bible doesn't specifically state that Satan was an angel, so you were right." But I'll accept that you at least made the admission that the bible doesn't tell us he's an angel as your saying I'm right, because it's the same thing.

I never, ever, said that he's a god (see my previous post) and I never once said that there are biblical inconsistencies which neither support nor deny the belief of Christians that he was an angel that led a rebellion against god. And this is what YOU need to get over.

My entire point here is that you (especially) have made inferences with regard to my statements, and that Christianity (in this example, but all religions generally) engages in leaps of faith (faith: "belief without evidence"), supposition, presumption and the subjugation and/or eradication of fact in an attempt to bolster its dogmatic views.

As such, it is my assertion that the last people making law and policy for an entire nation of people that includes non-Christians should be the Christians who are leading the charge for abortion legislation, as all legislation should be based solely on truth and fact and not on the doctrine of a thing (faith) which by its very nature requires belief without knowledge.

Laws should not be made solely on supposition, presumption and a refusal to accept fact and truth. All of the things that you, patriot66 and USfreedom911 have been engaging in as you attempted to avoid admitting a simple, honest truth (that the bible does not specifically tell us what Satan was) are perfect examples of exactly what I'm saying.

Footnote: now that at least one of you has admitted that what I said is true, I will say that were this not the US and this particular issue I would have been quite content with going further afield by saying, "religions" not just "Christianity." It's just that Christians push so hard on the abortion issue that bringing specificity on them was appropriate.

Can you show me a list of words, chapter and verse cited, that someone shouldn't say.

Footnote: No one admits what you said is true because it wasn't. That's just like the education you claim to have falsely believing that posting a picture of A diploma with the name covered is proof that it's yours and you earned it.
More profanity. All Christian and no Christ. :)

So I'm right. Can't say it, can you? Can't bring yourself to simply say, "Look, you were right, Stelakh. The only argument you made was that the bible doesn't specifically state that Satan was an angel, so you were right." But I'll accept that you at least made the admission that the bible doesn't tell us he's an angel as your saying I'm right, because it's the same thing.

I never, ever, said that he's a god (see my previous post) and I never once said that there are biblical inconsistencies which neither support nor deny the belief of Christians that he was an angel that led a rebellion against god. And this is what YOU need to get over.

My entire point here is that you (especially) have made inferences with regard to my statements, and that Christianity (in this example, but all religions generally) engages in leaps of faith (faith: "belief without evidence"), supposition, presumption and the subjugation and/or eradication of fact in an attempt to bolster its dogmatic views.

As such, it is my assertion that the last people making law and policy for an entire nation of people that includes non-Christians should be the Christians who are leading the charge for abortion legislation, as all legislation should be based solely on truth and fact and not on the doctrine of a thing (faith) which by its very nature requires belief without knowledge.

Laws should not be made solely on supposition, presumption and a refusal to accept fact and truth. All of the things that you, patriot66 and USfreedom911 have been engaging in as you attempted to avoid admitting a simple, honest truth (that the bible does not specifically tell us what Satan was) are perfect examples of exactly what I'm saying.

Footnote: now that at least one of you has admitted that what I said is true, I will say that were this not the US and this particular issue I would have been quite content with going further afield by saying, "religions" not just "Christianity." It's just that Christians push so hard on the abortion issue that bringing specificity on them was appropriate.

PMP, claims to have a Divinity degree, lol

The story of Lucifer, the fallen angel is St Jeromes' fault, he used a Latin text to translate a Hebrew document.
He made the verses in Isiah about a fallen angel instead of a fallen nation. A lot of Christian tenets are based on mistranslations of Hebrew text. The Virgin Mary is another.
We got there! Congratulations and kudos on finally admitting the truth.

Which is extraneous to the question, and is what I've been on about. That and...

Which I never did. This is, once again, your "interpretation" or "belief," which is a complete and utter misinterpretation of what I said.

Now, I'm sure you can find plenty of people on this forum to come in and support you, and that you can find plenty of people on this form to come in and tell you you're wrong.

But in this case the only one who matters is the one who made the statements to begin with, and that'd be me. And I'm telling you that you are 100% wrong in your interpretation of what I said.

For the last time (and I actually mean for the last time, because I'm not rehashing this with you again because you're acting like an obstinate toddler when you actually know what I meant and are pretending you don't), I never said that Satan was a god. You're incorrectly inferring that from separate sentences that did not refer to each other. I know what I said, I know what I meant when I said it, and you're wrong. Here endeth the lesson. Halle-feckin'-luja.

I find it amusing that you think you are due congratulations because I recognize the Bible doesn't specifically say the Devil is an angel but you remain clueless that the Bible certainly doesn't support what you claim is the truth about him........
PMP, claims to have a Divinity degree, lol

The story of Lucifer, the fallen angel is St Jeromes' fault, he used a Latin text to translate a Hebrew document.
He made the verses in Isiah about a fallen angel instead of a fallen nation. A lot of Christian tenets are based on mistranslations of Hebrew text. The Virgin Mary is another.

You're talking to someone who speaks, reads and writes Hebrew.

There isn't enough space on these forums to get started on mistranslations of Hebrew text and whether or not the mistranslations were intentional.

Please, PLEASE don't get me started. LOL
PMP, claims to have a Divinity degree, lol

The story of Lucifer, the fallen angel is St Jeromes' fault, he used a Latin text to translate a Hebrew document.
He made the verses in Isiah about a fallen angel instead of a fallen nation. A lot of Christian tenets are based on mistranslations of Hebrew text. The Virgin Mary is another.

and I do have a divinity degree, Rana......and I can tell you that far more claims about Christianity raised by unbelievers are based on mistranslations than any Christian doctrine......the denials of the virginity of Mary conspicuously among them......
You're talking to someone who speaks, reads and writes Hebrew.

There isn't enough space on these forums to get started on mistranslations of Hebrew text and whether or not the mistranslations were intentional.

Please, PLEASE don't get me started. LOL

then why do you start so many threads based on mistranslations of the text?.......
So I'll ask the question again:

Who are you to dictate whether or not other people must be forced to have a baby?

No one is being forced they have simply accepted responsibility for the carelessness. Actions have consequences, own up to em and the world will be a better place.
You're talking to someone who speaks, reads and writes Hebrew.

There isn't enough space on these forums to get started on mistranslations of Hebrew text and whether or not the mistranslations were intentional.

Please, PLEASE don't get me started. LOL

Why don't you get started proving your claims about your degrees.
I find it amusing that you think you are due congratulations because I recognize the Bible doesn't specifically say the Devil is an angel but you remain clueless that the Bible certainly doesn't support what you claim is the truth about him........

The only thing I claimed is that the bible doesn't specifically and definitively tell us that Satan was an angel. That is the whole of what I claimed.

And the congratulations comes not from the fact that you now suddenly, "...recognize the bible doesn't specifically say the Devil is an angel...". It's because I got you to admit you were wrong and I was right, even though you won't come out and say it because you're too dishonest to do so.