A simple question for the pro life

You're welcome to your own opinions beliefs; but that don't make them fact.

(sigh) At this point all I can do is shake my head in pity at you.

The OPINION that religions shouldn't meddle in laws is in fact my opinion, but that's not what I stated was fact. What I stated as fact (and IS fact) is that the bible never specifically tells us that Satan is an angel.

Why are you having such a hard time with such simple concepts?
(sigh) At this point all I can do is shake my head in pity at you.

The OPINION that religions shouldn't meddle in laws is in fact my opinion, but that's not what I stated was fact. What I stated as fact (and IS fact) is that the bible never specifically tells us that Satan is an angel.

Why are you having such a hard time with such simple concepts?

Why do you have such a hard time producing proof of your claim about your education?
(sigh) At this point all I can do is shake my head in pity at you.

The OPINION that religions shouldn't meddle in laws is in fact my opinion, but that's not what I stated was fact. What I stated as fact (and IS fact) is that the bible never specifically tells us that Satan is an angel.

Why are you having such a hard time with such simple concepts?

Don't shake your head to hard.
We don't want you to suffer from the adult version of "shaken baby syndrome". :good4u:

If you truly want to fit the persona of the your soap box rant, you need to grow a beard.
And yet you railed so hard for so long against admitting the only claim I made, that the bible does not specifically and directly tell us the nature of Satan's existence.

if anyone decides to read my posts they will see I only ever complained about your assertion that Satan was a god......you're wasting your time pretending it was ever about anything else......
That is a lie, because you most certainly did.

I said:

To which you replied:

And you dare to try and tell me not to talk to you about dishonesty.

are you claiming that after reading the scriptures one isn't left with the conclusion that Satan was an angel?.......are you denying all Christian doctrine or just the parts you want to lie about?........
Ah, so you realize that it's pivoted back to the whole point: that religions should not be engaged in making or influencing law. Yes?
is that another thing you are pretending?........that our religion is engaged in making law?......can you give an example?.....
are you claiming that after reading the scriptures one isn't left with the conclusion that Satan was an angel?.......are you denying all Christian doctrine or just the parts you want to lie about?........

No. I'm claiming that you stated quite clearly that the nature of Satan is specifically stated in the bible, then said you didn't say that. Unfortunately for you, I was able to quote you directly.

You lied about saying something after you said it. That's what I'm claiming. And, as the evidence shows, I'm right about that, too.
then said you didn't say that.

but actually, I didn't......I said the Bible indicates specifically that he was an angel......you asked for book, chapter and verse and I responded that it is a doctrine of Christianity.....it is drawn summarily from all that the Bible teaches....

when you consider everything that the Bible teaches about creation, God, Satan; Christianity has drawn the conclusion that he is the angel who led the rebellion against God and was punished for his actions......it is not considered vague by Christianity.....there are no varying and competitive doctrines which separate different denominations of Christianity......all of Christianity agrees that the Bible identifies Satan as an angel......Stelakh disagrees.......I am pretty sure we don't care......
as some here are inclined to say.....I understand why you can't.....

But I can.

In Kansas, a religious group sued to remove Evolution from schools. Their reasoning? Science is a religion. What's more, a religion that wasn't theirs.

"Creationist" challenges in many states try to force the indoctrination of Creation fantasy into the science class - and in some cases they've won.

Laws are being enacted in the south which legalize discrimination, in violation of the Constitution's guarantees of equality - laws pushed by "religious" organizations who seem to understand very much exactly what you do: being "Christian" without being Christ-like.

In Uganda, the "christian right" from the United States have been getting involved in African politics, condemning homosexuality and supporting legislation that calls for the death sentence for gays. Yes, the "Conservative Christians" have been meddling in the legislation processes of foreign countries and advocating the turning of human rights violations into law.

And of course, there's the point this thread - abortion. The religious right is trying to force their beliefs by pressing legislation that would deny a woman the right to choose.

Christmas is a national holiday, that's a law, and displays of Christmas trees and decorations are everywhere (which I frankly don't mind, they're pretty). Alternate displays, however, often get short shrift. Back in 2006 in Fort Collins, CO, the city allowed a Menorah lighting ceremony but said that the menorah couldn't stay for the full holiday, and had to be removed after the ceremony - while the Christmas trees could stay where they were.

Christian organizations have for years been trying to get the public education system changed, preferring the use of "school vouchers" that would, I know you'll find this amusing, be funded by the Federal government and be used for, wait for it... "a specified maximum sum per child per year if spent on approved educational services." Services which the conservative christians would be the ones to approve.

They try, through legislation, to force the removal of sex education from schools and try to tell students that the only way to stay disease-free is to abstain from sex despite the fact that there is NO empirical data which shows that abstinence-only "education" is anything but harmful.

Christians are constantly meddling in legislation, trying to get legislation passed, and in some cases accomplish those goals - because their belief and reliance on supposition and presumption instead of fact and knowledge are met with little to no resistance from the GOP legislators.
but actually, I didn't......I said the Bible indicates specifically that he was an angel......you asked for book, chapter and verse and I responded that it is a doctrine of Christianity.....it is drawn summarily from all that the Bible teaches....

While you are certainly capable of going to great lengths to engage in typical Straw Man nonsense and you can prevaricate like a champ, you are simply not going to wiggle out of this.

You ignore a question (because you're trying to spin this out the way you've been trying through this entire discussion) that was posed as simple as the request for book, chapter and verse, which was "Does the bible specifically and directly state that Satan was an angel?"

You spent days dancing like a group on "Britain's Got Talent" trying to not answer that question because you knew that no, the bible doesn't tell us directly and specifically that Satan was an angel. You failed to provide the book, chapter and verse that specifically and directly tells us that Satan is an angel because it does not exist, while also spending days in this thread trying to throw distracting and deflecting comments and questions out in an attempt to hide the fact that you simply couldn't be adult enough to say, "No, it doesn't say specifically and directly that Satan is an angel."

I never asked what anyone infers from the bible. This had absolutely nothing to do with inference, presumption, assumption, belief, faith or hypothesis.

I didn't ask what YOU believed. I asked if the bible made a direct statement. It was a really simple question that only has one honest answer, and it took you days to finally be honest and give that answer.

I asked a very clear, very specific question, and you spent all your time dancing around the question and pretending I had said something I in fact hadn't. Proving my point that you were unwilling to admit simple fact and serving as an example for my real point.

I'd say I was sorry for using you as a puppet to help prove my overall point that when it comes to Christians (specifically in this matter, abortion) pushing for a religious agenda to become law we should worry because they refuse to accept or admit the truth, but that would be a lie because I'm really not sorry since in truth I enjoy exposing perjurious fakes who rely more on semantics than truth, such as yourself. And THAT is silencing your silliness. (It's "silliness" by the way. "Sillyness" is just bad spelling.)
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While you are certainly capable of going to great lengths to engage in typical Straw Man nonsense and you can prevaricate like a champ, you are simply not going to wiggle out of this.

You ignore a question (because you're trying to spin this out the way you've been trying through this entire discussion) that was posed as simple as the request for book, chapter and verse, which was "Does the bible specifically and directly state that Satan was an angel?"

You spent days dancing like a group on "Britain's Got Talent" trying to not answer that question because you knew that no, the bible doesn't tell us directly and specifically that Satan was an angel. You failed to provide the book, chapter and verse that specifically and directly tells us that Satan is an angel because it does not exist, while also spending days in this thread trying to throw distracting and deflecting comments and questions out in an attempt to hide the fact that you simply couldn't be adult enough to say, "No, it doesn't say specifically and directly that Satan is an angel."

I never asked what anyone infers from the bible. This had absolutely nothing to do with inference, presumption, assumption, belief, faith or hypothesis.

I didn't ask what YOU believed. I asked if the bible made a direct statement. It was a really simple question that only has one honest answer, and it took you days to finally be honest and give that answer.

I asked a very clear, very specific question, and you spent all your time dancing around the question and pretending I had said something I in fact hadn't. Proving my point that you were unwilling to admit simple fact and serving as an example for my real point.

I'd say I was sorry for using you as a puppet to help prove my overall point that when it comes to Christians (specifically in this matter, abortion) pushing for a religious agenda to become law we should worry because they refuse to accept or admit the truth, but that would be a lie because I'm really not sorry since in truth I enjoy exposing perjurious fakes who rely more on semantics than truth, such as yourself. And THAT is silencing your silliness. (It's "silliness" by the way. "Sillyness" is just bad spelling.)

'nuff said.
But I can.

In Kansas, a religious group sued to remove Evolution from schools.

did they make any laws, Stela?....

And of course, there's the point this thread - abortion. The religious right is trying to force their beliefs by pressing legislation that would deny a woman the right to choose.

????....did you think only the religious think its wrong to kill your unborn children?......if anything, looking at history, its people acting on their own beliefs who made abortion LEGAL in this country.....how's that for imposing what you believe on the law?.....

Christmas is a national holiday, that's a law, and displays of Christmas trees and decorations are everywhere

so you're one of those incredibly stupid people who think Christmas trees and Santa Claus are religious symbols......./chortle....

Christian organizations have for years been trying to get the public education system changed, preferring the use of "school vouchers" that would, I know you'll find this amusing, be funded by the Federal government and be used for, wait for it... "a specified maximum sum per child per year if spent on approved educational services." Services which the conservative christians would be the ones to approve.

inner city blacks also support the voucher system......is "inner city black" a religion?......

Christians are constantly meddling in legislation, trying to get legislation passed, and in some cases accomplish those goals - because their belief and reliance on supposition and presumption instead of fact and knowledge are met with little to no resistance from the GOP legislators.

the real problem isn't that religion is writing law......the real problem is you are one of those liberals that think "Republican" equals "religious right".......to you anything the Republicans want is something religion wants and the GOP hasn't stopped......in short, the problem isn't the religious right, the problem is the ignorant left.......
did they make any laws, Stela?....

Pressuring, influencing, funding, electing, lobbying. These are all things they are doing to get laws enacted. They meddle in political and legislative fields where they do not belong (if for no other reason than because of their charitable, tax-exempt status, but that's the least reason to worry about). Yes, by means-to-an-end they make law in very much the same way the NRA does.

....did you think only the religious think its wrong to kill your unborn children?......

Did I say so? You continue to prevaricate.

if anything, looking at history, its people acting on their own beliefs who made abortion LEGAL in this country.....how's that for imposing what you believe on the law?.....

In fact, it's not the same thing, because the laws that permit women to seek abortions are moot to those who do not seek abortions. There are no abortion laws on record that force women to get abortions while laws seeking to end access to abortion are attempting to limit the personal choices of others. You are arguing apples to oranges as you try to turn this to your favor, and it's not going to work.

so you're one of those incredibly stupid people who think Christmas trees and Santa Claus are religious symbols......./chortle....

No, I'm not. But that argument is idiotic in the extreme. Christmas trees are an accepted symbol of Christmas, whether or not their origination is of religious significance (which is why you find them in churches at Christmas).

While you chortle yourself into fits of stupidity, don't forget that Starbucks took heat from Christians this past Christmas for having plain red cups that this time around omitted snowmen, trees and snowflakes. Christians claimed that that was part of the "war on Christmas." So apparently, Christmas trees, snowmen, Santa and snowflakes are all part of the religion, now. I guess the incredibly stupid people who think Christmas trees and Santa Claus are religious symbols are the ones who claim to be religious.

inner city blacks also support the voucher system......is "inner city black" a religion?......

I'm relatively certain that inner city blacks don't support a voucher system that would require the teaching of "approved study" which receives its approval from religious organizations.

....the real problem is you are one of those liberals that think "Republican" equals "religious right".......to you anything the Republicans want is something religion wants and the GOP hasn't stopped......in short, the problem isn't the religious right, the problem is the ignorant left.......

The real problem is dissembling prevaricators such as yourself who make wild assertions about things and people they know nothing about, which is easily evidenced by your referring to me as a "liberal." I'm not, postmodernperjuror. I'm an Independent who does not vote along party lines and does not rely on anyone else to tell him how to think and vote.

The real problem is that you can't say the same.
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