as some here are inclined to say.....I understand why you can't.....
But I can.
In Kansas, a religious group sued to remove Evolution from schools. Their reasoning? Science is a religion. What's more, a religion that wasn't theirs.
"Creationist" challenges in many states try to force the indoctrination of Creation fantasy into the science class - and in some cases they've won.
Laws are being enacted in the south which legalize discrimination, in violation of the Constitution's guarantees of equality - laws pushed by "religious" organizations who seem to understand very much exactly what you do: being "Christian" without being Christ-like.
In Uganda, the "christian right" from the United States have been getting involved in African politics, condemning homosexuality and supporting legislation that calls for the death sentence for gays. Yes, the "Conservative Christians" have been meddling in the legislation processes of foreign countries and advocating the turning of human rights violations into law.
And of course, there's the point this thread - abortion. The religious right is trying to force their beliefs by pressing legislation that would deny a woman the right to choose.
Christmas is a national holiday, that's a law, and displays of Christmas trees and decorations are everywhere (which I frankly don't mind, they're pretty). Alternate displays, however, often get short shrift. Back in 2006 in Fort Collins, CO, the city allowed a Menorah lighting ceremony but said that the menorah couldn't stay for the full holiday, and had to be removed after the ceremony - while the Christmas trees could stay where they were.
Christian organizations have for years been trying to get the public education system changed, preferring the use of "school vouchers" that would, I know you'll find this amusing, be funded by the Federal government and be used for, wait for it... "a specified maximum sum per child per year
if spent on approved educational services." Services which the conservative christians would be the ones to approve.
They try, through legislation, to force the removal of sex education from schools and try to tell students that the only way to stay disease-free is to abstain from sex despite the fact that there is NO empirical data which shows that abstinence-only "education" is anything but harmful.
Christians are constantly meddling in legislation, trying to get legislation passed, and in some cases accomplish those goals - because their belief and reliance on supposition and presumption instead of fact and knowledge are met with little to no resistance from the GOP legislators.