You're seriously telling me that your whole point was to redefine 'a private company' into 'a company that isn't accepting investments' in order to ultimately make the point that "a company that isn't accepting investments" can't be invested in?!

DUHHHHH... Are you now going to also, in all of your "brilliance", make the (blatantly obvious) point that one can't patron a business that doesn't exist?
While some private companies aren't interested in investments, there are plenty of other private companies that ARE interested in investments. Such private companies CAN be invested in. That's MY rebuttal to YOUR stupid point that "people can't invest in private businesses", moron.
WRONG. (another bogus position assignment, another attempt to redefine terminology)
I offered Shark Tank as an example of the ability for people to invest in private businesses. I've offered other examples too. You've denied them, doubling down on your stupid position that people can't invest in private businesses. You've since realized just how stupid your statement was, but are too proud to admit it, so now you are attempting to redefine the term "private business" into "private business that doesn't accept investments" in order to "make your point" that private businesses somehow can't accept investments. Anyone with half a brain can see how stupid you're being right now.
Projection. I've quite literally been describing YOUR twisting and squirming to this forum in real time. You, on the other hand, have just been making baseless accusations towards me (via projecting your own issues onto me).
Nope. I'm not going anywhere. I am telling the truth, thus I am your worst nightmare.
Continued projection.
Continued projection.