A smarter way to get 'free' electricity

Yet ANOTHER leftist who brags about not maintaining his solar panels.

Seriously, what am I supposed to do with them? I'm asking because you seem to know so much about them and I've only had them for like 10 years or so. Help me. Or don't, if you don't I'll assume you don't know what you are talking about.
Some private companies are privately held, but many are publicly traded.

Have you ever seen a stock certificate? Privately held stocks are often actually handed to you. They are neat.

While all publicly traded stocks in the USA are technically owned Cede. Cede has all the certificates in vaults in NYC, and we buy and sell the rights to those stocks. Rights that are almost never exercised.

Anyway, a privately held company is only allowed a limited number of investors, and does not have any price discovery, so is not interested in small investors. Apple, Amazon, Exon, etc. will allow almost anyone to buy a share on the stock market. But a privately held company is not interested in your money.

Private companies are all privately held, Sock. Even ones you can buy stock in.
She's going to continue to pick the nits off of herself until someone gets bored with her.

My rather wealthy cousin has a group of investors who run a hedge fund. They only take on healthcare related companies, and the minimum investment is $1,000,000.00

No matter how much I claim that I can invest with them if I want...it's simply not possible for me. Nor for gfm.

It certainly is, Sock.
Or looked at another way, when these alt right posters would go to a privately held company, they would say, "I have $100, and barely graduated from high school. I used to work at a low paying job, but got fired 20 years ago, and decided to call it retirement."

They do not even know the difference between publicly traded companies, and privately held companies.

You are just making shit up, Sock. There is no difference.
Someone who buys the house gets the solar panels for the cost of the house, the solar panels are sufficient for this house resulting in a zero balance electricity bill every month, so it kinda feels "free" relative to the overall cost of the house.

But I get it, you don't like solar PV systems. Whoopdeedoo. I guarantee you I enjoy mine every day of the year.

It ain't free. TANSTAAFL.
Seriously, what am I supposed to do with them? I'm asking because you seem to know so much about them and I've only had them for like 10 years or so. Help me. Or don't, if you don't I'll assume you don't know what you are talking about.

Bragging about not maintaining your solar panels won't work, Sock.
Well, how about this? It's a whole fuck of a lot cheaper than YOU have to pay every month. I've long ago paid off the purchase of the panels and given many years of essentially no electricity bills it's pretty close to ROI.

No, it isn't, Sock. You are making shit up again.
No, it isn't, Sock. You are making shit up again.

So you don't have solar panels yet you don't pay for electricity each month? Because I have solar panels and I always generate an excess each month so I don't pay a bill (I pay a connection fee to keep up the grid, but that's not my electricity bill....I don't get charged for any electricity being used.)

$0 is pretty low but I will wait for you to explain how you pay less.
So you don't have solar panels yet you don't pay for electricity each month?
I pay far less than you do, Sock.
Because I have solar panels and I always generate an excess each month
Making shit up won't work, Sock.
so I don't pay a bill (I pay a connection fee to keep up the grid, but that's not my electricity bill....I don't get charged for any electricity being used.)
Making shit up won't work, Sock.
$0 is pretty low but I will wait for you to explain how you pay less.
It ain't free, Sock.
Seriously, what am I supposed to do with them?
It would be a good idea to properly maintain them, but you do you.

I'm asking because you seem to know so much about them
I know more about them than you do, apparently.

and I've only had them for like 10 years or so.
... and in all that time, you haven't bothered to learn how to properly maintain them.

You're not actually seeking any help. Ask me how I know.

Or don't, if you don't I'll assume you don't know what you are talking about.
You go ahead and do that, you thooper thmart perthon, you.
Well, how about this? It's a whole fuck of a lot cheaper than YOU have to pay every month.
No it isn't.

I've long ago paid off the purchase of the panels

and given many years of essentially no electricity bills
So you still had/have SOME electricity bills? You can't ignore THAT cost either.

it's pretty close to ROI.
Purchasing solar panels is NOT an investment, so there is no ROI involved. It is effectively a prepaid expense for electricity usage. You would've been further ahead if you had simply invested the money that you used to purchase the panels (or did you take out a loan and have to pay it back with interest?) ... That would be yet ANOTHER cost that you can't ignore.
It would be a good idea to properly maintain them, but you do you.

that's my question: HOW? Apart from washing them off occasionally, what exactly do I need to do. I'm guessing you don't know because you don't own any.

I know more about them than you do, apparently.

yet you can't tell me what maintenance is required. Hmmmmmm.

You're not actually seeking any help. Ask me how I know.

The fact you can't answer is all the answer I actually need.

You go ahead and do that, you thooper thmart perthon, you.

LOL. You talk a big game. But like most wussies you can't bring it.