A smarter way to get 'free' electricity

So you don't have solar panels yet you don't pay for electricity each month?
How did you come to the conclusion that he doesn't pay for electricity each month?

Because I have solar panels and I always generate an excess each month
Suuuuuuure you do.

so I don't pay a bill
Yes, you do. You even admit so below.

(I pay a connection fee to keep up the grid,
This is a bill, dude.

but that's not my electricity bill....
Yes, it is (in part).

I don't get charged for any electricity being used.)
Suuuuure you don't... but even IF that were true, you're still paying for the connection so you're still receiving a bill each month. You can't just ignore those costs.

$0 is pretty low
It's not $0. You've already admitted that much within this comment alone, so stop lying.

Solar panels cost money. You can't ignore that cost. Maintenance is needed on them; that costs money too (but not for you since you ignore the maintenance). Grid connection costs money. You can't ignore that cost either. Interest on a loan to pay for your panels is an additional expense. You can't ignore that cost either. And on and on and on...

You have to include ALL costs that are incurred whenever comparing different options. Otherwise, you're just making shit up.

but I will wait for you to explain how you pay less.
It's already been explained.
that's my question: HOW?

Apart from washing them off occasionally, what exactly do I need to do. I'm guessing you don't know because you don't own any.
Why would I pay more for electricity than I need to? If all you do is squirt some water on your panels a couple times a year, then you're not maintaining them. You're not cleaning them. You're not keeping them clear of dust/debris/snow/etc. You're not inspecting them for damage, you're not checking over their components for proper functionality, and on and on and on.

yet you can't tell me what maintenance is required. Hmmmmmm.
I can, but you'd just pretend that it doesn't exist just as you pretend that your electric bills don't exist, and that a number of costs associated with your electricity usage don't exist.

The fact you can't answer is all the answer I actually need.
The fact you can't be honest is all the answer I actually need.

LOL. You talk a big game. But like most wussies you can't bring it.
:rofl2: TOO FUNNY!! :rofl2:
How soon before Obtenebrator (et al.) switches over to yet ANOTHER sock account?

A sock account is one that is in ADDITION to another account. I have no other accounts.

So you know all about "socks" but you don't know anything about owning solar panels. Interesting.,
Still find it UTTERLY FASCINATING that you can't tell me what maintenance I need to do on my solar panels. LOLOLOLOL.
I already gave you a few examples.

And, like I said would happen, you've ignored them in the same manner as you've been ignoring numerous costs associated with your electricity usage.

You can't pretend your higher costs away to claim that you're "saving money".
Why would I pay more for electricity than I need to? If all you do is squirt some water on your panels a couple times a year, then you're not maintaining them. You're not cleaning them. You're not keeping them clear of dust/debris/snow/etc. You're not inspecting them for damage, you're not checking over their components for proper functionality, and on and on and on.

So basically just clean them off occasionally and occasionally make sure it is still operational (best clue it isn't is that it doesn't work).

And that's a particularly onerous level of commitment for a possible home purchaser?

Got it.
So basically just clean them off occasionally and occasionally make sure it is still operational (best clue it isn't is that it doesn't work).

And that's a particularly onerous level of commitment for a possible home purchaser?

Got it.

Takes more than that. I already know you don't take care of them.
Tell me what specifically. Or just StFU. No one cares what you think normally, and this would be a good time for you to share with the class something useful.

RQAA. I've already described the kinds of things that you should maintain or that might cause you to have to replace the panels or associated wiring.
It was YOUR choice to buy into the most expensive method of producing power.