A Speech Obama Could Have Given...

You just hope it doesn't die. You're already wrong; there have been 3 polls in the past week showing Obama back in either a dead heat or above McCain, and he is back to leading Hillary, as well.

I knew this story was nothing. You know who cares & who is going to talk about it until November? Right-wing voters, who never would have considered Obama, anyway. Guys like Hanson. Obama still beats Hillary, and McCain doesn't have a prayer in a year of recession when he openly admits he is clueless about the economy.

For once, voters seem to have their priorities worked out, at least according to polls.

I got news for you. If McCain picks either Mitt Romney or Collin Powel as running mates, any disadvantages you pointed out will be mitigated. The key to success for Obama will be winning over southern white voters by showing understanding and respect for their views and values. If he cannot do that, and that's a tough road to hoe for him, then it's going to be a very close election again.
Again, many of the respondents do not yet know about it even with "round the clock coverage". Hence my statement that it will cut again, none will be fatal in themselves.

As I said, we will see how it goes. Claiming "victory" before the election is held and still this early and when 50% of the respondents are still clueless? Come on. You are more honest than that. First you said that the story was already over when it wasn't before, you are making the same mistake again.

You are both half right. Obviously the story is not over and the 527 will use this to attack Obama and this will continue up to the election. However, we have all ready seen how Obama will face the issue and he will continue to address the issue as he did in his speech. This is a losing strategy for the Republicans as it only appeals to the lesser angels of their nature. McCain is bright enough to know this. I doubt that he will condone such acts. Besides, such attacks will really only appeal to those inclined to vote against Obama for racial reasons. I'd like to think America has outgrown such silliness but I'm not niave enough to believe it. Time will tell. I can tell you this. I am very pleased. This will be the best election with the best slate of candidates in the 8 presidential elections I'll have voted in. Can you imagine tickets of McCain/Romney or McCain/Powell vs Obama/Clinton? This will be good for our country! :-)
You are both half right. Obviously the story is not over and the 527 will use this to attack Obama and this will continue up to the election. However, we have all ready seen how Obama will face the issue and he will continue to address the issue as he did in his speech. This is a losing strategy for the Republicans as it only appeals to the lesser angels of their nature. McCain is bright enough to know this. I doubt that he will condone such acts. Besides, such attacks will really only appeal to those inclined to vote against Obama for racial reasons. I'd like to think America has outgrown such silliness but I'm not niave enough to believe it. Time will tell. I can tell you this. I am very pleased. This will be the best election with the best slate of candidates in the 8 presidential elections I'll have voted in. Can you imagine tickets of McCain/Romney or McCain/Powell vs Obama/Clinton? This will be good for our country! :-)
I would love to see McCain/Powell. I would vote for that ticket. Powell is one of the people I have heard speak against the WPA, it would add that last bit I've been waiting for...
It is stupid generalizations, like, the left has no heroes that turn me off to sites like the mudvilleone, aptly names, I might add.
:rolleyes: When was the last time...if any...you got your hands dirty...besides the pc key board? Join Darla,cypress and soco at a protest of the recruiting centers...let's see how brave y'all really are!

I have family that is military. They know and respect my views, some even share them.

Got my hands dirty? I am married to a Viet Nam vet. You can kiss my shiny hinny!
You are as dumb as darla and soco...........

It is stupid generalizations, like, the left has no heroes that turn me off to sites like the mudvilleone, aptly names, I might add.

this site is written by those serving IC...with actual experience...never mind y'all love the Lt.Kerry with his exaggerated 3 purps...well orchestrated!(I May add):rolleyes:
this site is written by those serving IC...with actual experience...never mind y'all love the Lt.Kerry with his exaggerated 3 purps...well orchestrated!(I May add):rolleyes:

Slamming a man for his service, I thought it was the thing all good patriots hated!

How many Purple Hearts do you have exaggerated or otherwise? They all have to go up before a review board. A soldier can't decide to give one to himself.

I have family that is military. They know and respect my views, some even share them.

Got my hands dirty? I am married to a Viet Nam vet. You can kiss my shiny hinny!

and my ex was married to one...I kicked her to the curb...for being so dumb...and a cheater to boot!:rolleyes:
Read the history of Lt.Kerry's exploits..........

Slamming a man for his service, I thought it was the thing all good patriots hated!

How many Purple Hearts do you have exaggerated or otherwise? They all have to go up before a review board. A soldier can't decide to give one to himself.

I bash him for the fraud he was...he brought it on himself when he chose to bash those who served honorably! Get a clue already!
I bash him for the fraud he was...he brought it on himself when he chose to bash those who served honorably! Get a clue already!

I do have a clue and even though I disagree with Senators McCain's policies, I would never discredit his service, the difference between us lefties and whatever you are...he also served honorably and wanted the world to know what soldiers were being asked to do in America's name.

You need to grow a clue!
Sorry ditz...............

I do have a clue and even though I disagree with Senators McCain's policies, I would never discredit his service, the difference between us lefties and whatever you are...he also served honorably and wanted the world to know what soldiers were being asked to do in America's name.

You need to grow a clue!

Lt.Kerry brought it on himself...he cast the proverbial 'first stone'...John did no such thing...nor any other honorable vet...you get a clue!
I would love to see McCain/Powell. I would vote for that ticket. Powell is one of the people I have heard speak against the WPA, it would add that last bit I've been waiting for...
The problem with Powel is that he's damaged goods. His credibility has taken enormous damage with the run up to the Iraq war and the, subsequently, false and misleading information he provided. Though Powel would counter the historical implications of an Obama or Clinton or Obama/Clinton candidacy.

I think Romney would be a better balance for the ticket. It would eschew a southern strategy, which the Republican need to consider for long term viability and he brings relative youth and private sector economic prowress to the ticket which Powel simply does not have.
I do have a clue and even though I disagree with Senators McCain's policies, I would never discredit his service, the difference between us lefties and whatever you are...he also served honorably and wanted the world to know what soldiers were being asked to do in America's name.

You need to grow a clue!

You don't have to. As a preliminary to the infamous swift boating of John Kerry, Bush's surrogate, during the South Carolina primaries started a whisper campaign that that McCain divulged millitary secrets during interrogation as a North Vietnamese captive. The implication being that McCain was a traitor.