A Speech Obama Could Have Given...

The problem with Powel is that he's damaged goods. His credibility has taken enormous damage with the run up to the Iraq war and the, subsequently, false and misleading information he provided. Though Powel would counter the historical implications of an Obama or Clinton or Obama/Clinton candidacy.

I think Romney would be a better balance for the ticket. It would eschew a southern strategy, which the Republican need to consider for long term viability and he brings relative youth and private sector economic prowress to the ticket which Powel simply does not have.
I think the fact that he left soon thereafter would help in the whole thing. If all there was to measure him by is the worst part of his life I might agree. He still has a very high rating with the Rs as well as with many of the Independents.

By Victor Davis Hanson

Had Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., just said the following words last week in his speech on race in America, his problems with his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, would probably now be over:

"You have all heard the racist and anti-American outbursts of my pastor Rev. Wright. They are all inexcusable. His speeches have forced me to re-examine my long association with Trinity United Church of Christ. And so it is with regret that I must now leave that church.

"I had heard similar extremist language of Rev. Wright in the past, and now apologize that I did not earlier end my attendance and contributions. Had I long ago expressed my strong objections to Rev. Wright's views, such opposition might have suggested to him a more moderate path.

"But any good that now might come by remaining steadfast to Rev. Wright in consideration of our long past friendship is outweighed by the damage that would accrue from the sanction of his extremism that my continued attendance at his church might convey.

"I have loyalty aplenty, but it is to the truth, my country and universal tolerance, not to any one friend, however long and close our association.

More at link...

Fortunately, Obama is a lot smarter than this and did not give such a speech.

The Wright controversy is a media creation that has not had the effect on Obama's campaign that it was intended to have.

Obama did just fine with the speech he did give and did not need the speechwriting of this writer who has probably never run for office or been in any like situation.