A Theology Question

"Oh Really"

So you don't have any way to support your claim? I understand. This is a difficult topic. But simply making claims without evidence really doesn't help move it along.

I made a claim. This is called debating an idea. No system can claim it knows what is outside it.
I made a claim. This is called debating an idea.

You did make a claim. That much is true. You just didn't bother to support it.

No system can claim it knows what is outside it

Yet you seem to be claiming just that. That there IS something outside of it. I am merely hoping to find out what evidence you have that this is the case.

So far the best you have is "thoughts" which, as I noted, can ONLY exist in a physical brain. As such there is no evidence that they are somehow outside of the physical.
You did make a claim. That much is true. You just didn't bother to support it.

Yet you seem to be claiming just that. That there IS something outside of it. I am merely hoping to find out what evidence you have that this is the case.

So far the best you have is "thoughts" which, as I noted, can ONLY exist in a physical brain. As such there is no evidence that they are somehow outside of the physical.

No. Prove to me there is nothing outside of physicality. Not examples, just the argument.
No. Prove to me there is nothing outside of physicality. Not examples, just the argument.

That is a universal negative claim that doesn't make any logical sense. It is impossible.

However, since YOU are the one making a POSITIVE claim it is incumbent upon you to prove it.

That's just how logic works.
You cannot support that claim unless you are able to see all apples throughout all time.

There may very well have been a blue apple at some point on the earth at some time. The BEST you can say is that all apples you are aware of are not blue.

I'm honestly still waiting for your proof of things outside of the physical, in case that is still of interest to you.

Show me a blue apple.
You are saying that a GOD that made the Earth, its moon, the other planets in our solar system...and the more than 200 billion other stars that make up our galaxy...and the trillions of other galaxies, each filled with billions of other stars...and spread them over an area so vast that light takes billions of years to traverse...chose YOU for special treatment. YOU are saying that the GOD sought you out despite your objections to this special treatment.

And you are now upset because I am questioning the possibility that you may just be deluding yourself with this notion.

Is it your contention that your notion of special treatment by the GOD is so reasonable...and my question of whether you might be deluding yourself is so unreasonable...

...that even the mere suggestion of it is reprehensible and insulting?

Do you suppose I owe you an apology for the question, because any reasonable, intelligent, courteous person would never question such a story?

That's what I AM saying
My problem with you is timeline
That's what I AM saying
My problem with you is timeline

Your problem with me is a good deal more than a timeline, MM.

Your problem with your story is that you have not reasonably addressed the question, "How do you know you are not deluding yourself?"
"How do you know you are not deluding yourself?"

Probably because the history of the Church is one of revelation. I always found it fascinating that so much of the faith so many people adhere to so strongly is based on someone "hearing" God speak to them or their "inspiration" from God. But if someone came up to them TODAY and said they heard God speak to them or they were inspired by God to say or do something most people would probably write it off as self-delusion.

I guess if the supernatural conversation is old enough it gets grandfathered in, but modern day people who hear God talk to them don't get a pass.
So if John believes that Superman exist and Bob knows that Superman doesn’t exist due to lack of evidence, the default position is . . . to be agnostic on the issue of whether or not Superman exists?

I don't follow your logic.
Superman is a space alien. Are you saying space aliens don’t exist? Or are you saying you don’t know due to a lack of evidence?

If John has evidence, I’d like to see it. Bob is a fucking moron for declaring space aliens don’t exist because he can’t see one in front of his nose.

IMO, the more logical position is not to accept something as fact without evidence. Same for declaring it to be non-existent because of an absence of evidence.
Probably because the history of the Church is one of revelation. I always found it fascinating that so much of the faith so many people adhere to so strongly is based on someone "hearing" God speak to them or their "inspiration" from God. But if someone came up to them TODAY and said they heard God speak to them or they were inspired by God to say or do something most people would probably write it off as self-delusion.

I guess if the supernatural conversation is old enough it gets grandfathered in, but modern day people who hear God talk to them don't get a pass.
Anyone who claims to be having conversations with God is mentally ill.

It is a common symptom of schizophrenia.