APP - A theory on some liberal followers


Loyal to the end
'Democrats look out for my best interest.'
'Republicans only care about the rich.'
'Democrats care about poor people.'
'Republicans hate unions, and love corporate fat cats.'
'Corporations are evil.'

Sound familiar? Its the mantra of some on the left. We've all read it in these pages, over and over again. Do they actually believe this shit?

Maybe they do, maybe they don't. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that this is their mantra, designed to prop up their Democrat Party elite, and demonize those who are against them.

So who are these people? For clues, read their mantra. Each of the lines above- and there are many more like them- indicate something about the persona of the person uttering them.

They are losers in life. They are jealous of those who have succeeded or who were born with better looks, more smarts, or a better inheritance.

This explains Moot, a man with one of the ugliest mugs on the planet. Or Zap, not merely ugly but obese and slovenly. Or Apple (dim), Dune (learning disabled), Bfgrn (parents died and provided inadequate support), or Legion (unemployable).

They want to punish those who have what they can't have. This attribute is shared by vandals, who destroy something of value because they can never have it themselves. Or worse, a rapist, who destroys innocence and beauty, again because he knows he can never have it.
'Democrats look out for my best interest.'
'Republicans only care about the rich.'
'Democrats care about poor people.'
'Republicans hate unions, and love corporate fat cats.'
'Corporations are evil.'

Sound familiar? Its the mantra of some on the left. We've all read it in these pages, over and over again. Do they actually believe this shit?

Maybe they do, maybe they don't. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that this is their mantra, designed to prop up their Democrat Party elite, and demonize those who are against them.

So who are these people? For clues, read their mantra. Each of the lines above- and there are many more like them- indicate something about the persona of the person uttering them.

They are losers in life. They are jealous of those who have succeeded or who were born with better looks, more smarts, or a better inheritance.

This explains Moot, a man with one of the ugliest mugs on the planet. Or Zap, not merely ugly but obese and slovenly. Or Apple (dim), Dune (learning disabled), Bfgrn (parents died and provided inadequate support), or Legion (unemployable).

They want to punish those who have what they can't have. This attribute is shared by vandals, who destroy something of value because they can never have it themselves. Or worse, a rapist, who destroys innocence and beauty, again because he knows he can never have it.

Talking about "dim" which party wants to cut programs such as Medicare and Medicaid and SS?

When you figure out that question contemplate what you wrote. "'Republicans only care about the rich.' 'Democrats care about poor people.' Mantra or the truth?

Let's see just how bright or dim you are.
'Democrats look out for my best interest.'
'Republicans only care about the rich.'
'Democrats care about poor people.'
'Republicans hate unions, and love corporate fat cats.'
'Corporations are evil.'

Sound familiar? Its the mantra of some on the left. We've all read it in these pages, over and over again. Do they actually believe this shit?

Maybe they do, maybe they don't. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that this is their mantra, designed to prop up their Democrat Party elite, and demonize those who are against them.

So who are these people? For clues, read their mantra. Each of the lines above- and there are many more like them- indicate something about the persona of the person uttering them.

They are losers in life. They are jealous of those who have succeeded or who were born with better looks, more smarts, or a better inheritance.

This explains Moot, a man with one of the ugliest mugs on the planet. Or Zap, not merely ugly but obese and slovenly. Or Apple (dim), Dune (learning disabled), Bfgrn (parents died and provided inadequate support), or Legion (unemployable).

They want to punish those who have what they can't have. This attribute is shared by vandals, who destroy something of value because they can never have it themselves. Or worse, a rapist, who destroys innocence and beauty, again because he knows he can never have it.

"They want to punish those who have what they can't have. "

Why do you associate wanting people to help others as some form of punishment? Were you forced to share things with your siblings? Did some disaster occur when helping a schoolmate or fellow Boy Scout?

There has to be something in your past that evokes such a distaste to helping others.

Did the elderly lady you were helping cross the street, at your mother's insistence, end up getting run over due to negligence on your part?

If there's anything you'd like to share, DY, we're listening. :)
"They want to punish those who have what they can't have. "

Why do you associate wanting people to help others as some form of punishment? Were you forced to share things with your siblings? Did some disaster occur when helping a schoolmate or fellow Boy Scout?

There has to be something in your past that evokes such a distaste to helping others.

Did the elderly lady you were helping cross the street, at your mother's insistence, end up getting run over due to negligence on your part?

If there's anything you'd like to share, DY, we're listening. :)
LOL Talk about proving the other's point. Here you come with your anti-conservative bullshit lies dripping vitriol, with absolutely nothing of substance - let alone truth - behind it.

Why do you insist on making the government responsible providing assistance to those in need? Why do you not do it yourselves? Why is it that people associated with conservative ideals of a small fiscally responsible government, which you CLAIM indicates an abhorrence to helping others, habitually give more to private charities, both in money and time as volunteers, than the liberals who supposedly support the ideals of helping others? Why is it studies of charitable contributions show low income conservatives tend to give upwards of 30% more of their income than wealthier liberals? Why is it those associated with conservative lifestyles have it in themselves to actually go out and help others to the extent they are more likely to give blood than their liberal counterparts?

Is it because you can't be bothered to do it yourselves? Or is it because when government does it, they do it with other people's money, so, again, you don't have to be bothered? Or is it because you don't believe in taking personal responsibility for the political ideals you espouse? Is it not, in fact, because one of the central themes of modern liberalism is a general tendency to excuse yourselves from personal responsibility, so you hand it off to your precious mommy government? And, as such, those who prefer PERSONAL responsibility for helping others are somehow the "selfish" ones. You people delude yourselves so thoroughly there is little left in your mental processes that can actually be described as original thought.
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'Democrats look out for my best interest.'
'Republicans only care about the rich.'
'Democrats care about poor people.'
'Republicans hate unions, and love corporate fat cats.'
'Corporations are evil.'

Sound familiar? Its the mantra of some on the left. We've all read it in these pages, over and over again. Do they actually believe this shit?

Maybe they do, maybe they don't. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that this is their mantra, designed to prop up their Democrat Party elite, and demonize those who are against them.

So who are these people? For clues, read their mantra. Each of the lines above- and there are many more like them- indicate something about the persona of the person uttering them.

They are losers in life. They are jealous of those who have succeeded or who were born with better looks, more smarts, or a better inheritance.

This explains Moot, a man with one of the ugliest mugs on the planet. Or Zap, not merely ugly but obese and slovenly. Or Apple (dim), Dune (learning disabled), Bfgrn (parents died and provided inadequate support), or Legion (unemployable).

They want to punish those who have what they can't have. This attribute is shared by vandals, who destroy something of value because they can never have it themselves. Or worse, a rapist, who destroys innocence and beauty, again because he knows he can never have it.

A theory by people so small they're jealous of teachers making $42,000 a year. They cheer when their salaries are cut, their benefits diminished and their rights ripped from them.
Talking about "dim" which party wants to cut programs such as Medicare and Medicaid and SS?

When you figure out that question contemplate what you wrote. "'Republicans only care about the rich.' 'Democrats care about poor people.' Mantra or the truth?

Let's see just how bright or dim you are.

One of the most controversial parts of the new federal healthcare law is the redistribution of funding from Medicare to other programs. If Obamacare is left unchanged, it will take $500 billion from Medicare over the next 10 years.

Medicare beneficiaries will see higher premiums; doctors, nurses, hospitals and medical suppliers will get lower payments. The Medicare reductions will be used to subsidize expanded Medicaid to low-income recipients and to fund insurance for the uninsured.

For the 78 million baby boomers eligible for Medicare over the next decade, this is more than a redistribution of wealth. It is a redistribution of health and wellness. They will get less healthcare; others will get more.

Now... Some people might say that cutting a half trillion dollars from a program that is already insolvent and teetering on collapse, is a CUT....

By the way, Obamacare was passed into law by DEMOCRATS with NO bipartisan support!

Who wants to "CUT" Medicare? Looks like the DEMS to me!
Talking about "dim" which party wants to cut programs such as Medicare and Medicaid and SS?

When you figure out that question contemplate what you wrote. "'Republicans only care about the rich.' 'Democrats care about poor people.' Mantra or the truth?

Let's see just how bright or dim you are.

Translation: 'Republicans want old people to eat dog food.'
"They want to punish those who have what they can't have. "

Why do you associate wanting people to help others as some form of punishment? Were you forced to share things with your siblings? Did some disaster occur when helping a schoolmate or fellow Boy Scout?

There has to be something in your past that evokes such a distaste to helping others.

Did the elderly lady you were helping cross the street, at your mother's insistence, end up getting run over due to negligence on your part?

If there's anything you'd like to share, DY, we're listening. :)

So dim you had to post the same thing twice. :)

Translations: 'Democrats want to help people; Republicans don't'.
'Democrats look out for my best interest.'
'Republicans only care about the rich.'
'Democrats care about poor people.'
'Republicans hate unions, and love corporate fat cats.'
'Corporations are evil.'

Sound familiar? Its the mantra of some on the left. We've all read it in these pages, over and over again. Do they actually believe this shit?

Maybe they do, maybe they don't. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that this is their mantra, designed to prop up their Democrat Party elite, and demonize those who are against them.

So who are these people? For clues, read their mantra. Each of the lines above- and there are many more like them- indicate something about the persona of the person uttering them.

They are losers in life. They are jealous of those who have succeeded or who were born with better looks, more smarts, or a better inheritance.

This explains Moot, a man with one of the ugliest mugs on the planet. Or Zap, not merely ugly but obese and slovenly. Or Apple (dim), Dune (learning disabled), Bfgrn (parents died and provided inadequate support), or Legion (unemployable).

They want to punish those who have what they can't have. This attribute is shared by vandals, who destroy something of value because they can never have it themselves. Or worse, a rapist, who destroys innocence and beauty, again because he knows he can never have it.

This explains Lowaicue (Low IQ): 'Southern Republicans talk like red necks'.
'Democrats look out for my best interest.'
'Republicans only care about the rich.'
'Democrats care about poor people.'
'Republicans hate unions, and love corporate fat cats.'
'Corporations are evil.'

Sound familiar? Its the mantra of some on the left. We've all read it in these pages, over and over again. Do they actually believe this shit?

Maybe they do, maybe they don't. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that this is their mantra, designed to prop up their Democrat Party elite, and demonize those who are against them.

So who are these people? For clues, read their mantra. Each of the lines above- and there are many more like them- indicate something about the persona of the person uttering them.

They are losers in life. They are jealous of those who have succeeded or who were born with better looks, more smarts, or a better inheritance.

This explains Moot, a man with one of the ugliest mugs on the planet. Or Zap, not merely ugly but obese and slovenly. Or Apple (dim), Dune (learning disabled), Bfgrn (parents died and provided inadequate support), or Legion (unemployable).

They want to punish those who have what they can't have. This attribute is shared by vandals, who destroy something of value because they can never have it themselves. Or worse, a rapist, who destroys innocence and beauty, again because he knows he can never have it.

Really?? REALLY!!??!!





Really...Bwaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...:rofl:

OHMYFRICKINGODSTOPTHATISJUSTTOOFRICKINFUNNY!!! OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD STOOOOOOOOOOOP Baaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop...WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO...

Bwaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...:lmao:...

OH NO...I'm gonna pee I'm gonna pee I'm gonna peeeeeeeeeeeeee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee heee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee...:lol: