APP - A theory on some liberal followers

Yeah, if you repeat a lie over and over and over....people will start accepting it as the truth.....and the bullhsit lies repeated about Conservatives and Republicans proves that ......

Apple wants to know, which party wants to cut programs such as Medicare and Medicaid and SS...and all he needs to do is open his eyes....

(2009)...President Obama outlined $313 billion in Medicare and Medicaid spending cuts over the next decade to help cover the cost of Obamacare..(the wet dream of socialism)
(2009)...Obama wants upper-income seniors to pay more for Medicare drug plans, much as they do for Medicare’s doctor plan, the WSJ reports.

All you need to do is use a little common sense. If there was a universal health plan, a government health plan, there wouldn't be any need for Medicare and Medicaid. Obviously some people are going to require an expensive medical procedure and the pooled funds assist those folks. Is that so difficult to understand?

The fact that Democrats (as well as R's) have been borrowing from the SS system for decades is telling....They borrow for different reasons but the outcome is the same...the freakin' system is going under and all recipients will suffer from their uncontrolled wasteful spending... Republicans wanted to put the taxpayer in control of their own money to prevent the gov. from spending what is OUR MONEY SAVED FOR RETIREMENT....not cut or do away with it.

Then require government not to spend that money. Require government not to waste money. If you believe the people have the power, via voting, to force government to privatize SS then why don't you believe the people have the power to insist government not waste money? If helping is truly your intention and not just selfishness a private company could handle the funds. Like a trust fund. Like, say, pass a law where everyone has to contribute and those who are unable are subsidized and a set annuity is paid out at 65. That way the government wouldn't get a chance to spend it.

Hey, like ObamaCare! Everyone is obliged to contribute. Those unable to contribute a full share are subsidized and everyone would get a pension at 65. What do you think about that idea?

the major problem with liberals is the fundamental thinking that government exists to care for your every need....and that is not why government exists now or ever....

Wrong on two counts. First, no one expects government to care for their every need. Second, as for governments looking out for people's needs that's precisely why government's were instituted, now and always.

The people are the government......banded together to live as one unit, under a system of rules that guarantee all its members freedom to live as they see fit without harming the others in the group.

government exists to control and protect their societies through an agreed upon system of rules and regulations that have, as their #1 tenet, individual freedom as extensive as can be possible for everyone.....

Governments #1 duty is to protect this society from outside enemies.....
and to ensure everyone lives by the rules and regulations they have developed as a collective free society.....[/B]

I agree, completely. Government's duty is to protect society and society is composed of individual citizens. No citizens, no society. If a plague should strike the country should the government do nothing? If people are dying and unable to afford medical care should the government just let them die? If there was a vaccine available should the company that discovered the vaccine sell it for what the market can bear, hauling in as much money as it could, while tens of thousands of citizens died? Hundreds of thousands of citizens? Would you insist the government help when a certain number had died? If so, what number and why?
If a plague should strike the country should the government do nothing? If people are dying and unable to afford medical care should the government just let them die? If there was a vaccine available should the company that discovered the vaccine sell it for what the market can bear, hauling in as much money as it could, while tens of thousands of citizens died? Hundreds of thousands of citizens? Would you insist the government help when a certain number had died? If so, what number and why?
'Republicans care for profits over people.'
What, in your mind, leads you to believe that?
From the OP I have consistently used single quotes to denote the language used by liberals designed to prop up their Democrat Party elite, and demonize those who are against them. In my first response to you, post 11, I demonstrated and clarified that denotation technique by using the word "translation" followed by the phrase in single quotes, and then repeated it in post 12. After that point, beginning in post 13, I stopped repeating the "translation" term as it was obvious to all above a 5th grade reading level. I then used the technique six times before repeating the "translation" clarification again for poet, since he was new to the board since the OP.

In post 45 I again abbreviated the technique with just single quotes and just as predicted, by my original assessment of you as dim, you failed to see the "translation" pattern.