APP - A theory on some liberal followers

Really?? REALLY!!??!!





Really...Bwaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...:rofl:

OHMYFRICKINGODSTOPTHATISJUSTTOOFRICKINFUNNY!!! OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD STOOOOOOOOOOOP Baaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop...WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO...

Bwaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...:lmao:...

OH NO...I'm gonna pee I'm gonna pee I'm gonna peeeeeeeeeeeeee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee heee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee...:lol:

'Republicans are bat shit crazy.'
'Democrats look out for my best interest.'
'Republicans only care about the rich.'
'Democrats care about poor people.'
'Republicans hate unions, and love corporate fat cats.'
'Corporations are evil.'

Sound familiar? Its the mantra of some on the left. We've all read it in these pages, over and over again. Do they actually believe this shit?

Maybe they do, maybe they don't. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that this is their mantra, designed to prop up their Democrat Party elite, and demonize those who are against them.

So who are these people? For clues, read their mantra. Each of the lines above- and there are many more like them- indicate something about the persona of the person uttering them.

They are losers in life. They are jealous of those who have succeeded or who were born with better looks, more smarts, or a better inheritance.

This explains Moot, a man with one of the ugliest mugs on the planet. Or Zap, not merely ugly but obese and slovenly. Or Apple (dim), Dune (learning disabled), Bfgrn (parents died and provided inadequate support), or Legion (unemployable).

They want to punish those who have what they can't have. This attribute is shared by vandals, who destroy something of value because they can never have it themselves. Or worse, a rapist, who destroys innocence and beauty, again because he knows he can never have it.

No, it's been my experience that hard right reactionary men like you have two things in common. You're angry and your pussies. You're angry because you're mostly a bunch of pencil dicks with deep seated feelings on inadequacies, that's why you have to be such hard asses, to make up for your insecurities and you inadequacies. You're pussies because....well you just are. Ya'll talk real tough but when it comes time to walk the talk, you just keep flapping your gums, which is the hall mark of a chickenhawk pussy and it's why no one really takes you serious.
No, it's been my experience that hard right reactionary men like you have two things in common. You're angry and your pussies. You're angry because you're mostly a bunch of pencil dicks with deep seated feelings on inadequacies, that's why you have to be such hard asses, to make up for your insecurities and you inadequacies. You're pussies because....well you just are. Ya'll talk real tough but when it comes time to walk the talk, you just keep flapping your gums, which is the hall mark of a chickenhawk pussy and it's why no one really takes you serious.
'Conservatives are pussies, because they are pussies.'
Damn, I missed the theory? A theory needs to be demonstrated. I am a liberal and when I go into my head, I find none of the things you found in your head. Could it be they are only in your small world? Do this, go back in there, find the few brain cells you have, and come back with a theory and not a list of your stupid assumptions. I'll come back and test it.
Damn, I missed the theory? A theory needs to be demonstrated. I am a liberal and when I go into my head, I find none of the things you found in your head. Could it be they are only in your small world? Do this, go back in there, find the few brain cells you have, and come back with a theory and not a list of your stupid assumptions. I'll come back and test it.
'Conservatives are stupid'.
LOL Talk about proving the other's point. Here you come with your anti-conservative bullshit lies dripping vitriol, with absolutely nothing of substance - let alone truth - behind it.

Talking about proving the other's point if Conservatives are so giving why do they have a problem giving to the government and letting government disperse the funds? I suppose that's a rhetorical question as we all know the answer. It's because they help the people they want to help, not necessarily those in greater need.

Why do you insist on making the government responsible providing assistance to those in need? Why do you not do it yourselves?……Why is it studies of charitable contributions show low income conservatives tend to give upwards of 30% more of their income than wealthier liberals?

Try to grasp the following. Conservatives may give more to charities but charities have a certain mission or purpose. A Children's Fund helps children. A fund directed towards helping victims of domestic violence helps strictly those victims.

I’ll try to dumb this down for you. Does the person who lost their home in the New Orleans Hurricane deserve help more than the person who lost their home in Alabama due to a tornado? Does the 30 year old female domestic violence victim deserve more help than the 3 year old child who has suffered broken bones from abuse? Does the 60 year old female choir member of the local church who recently lost her husband deserve more help than the unemployed, single mom with 3 kids who lives on the other side of the tracks?

Do you get to decide? Does your neighbour decide? The guy down the street? The woman at the pastry shop?

Is it because you can't be bothered to do it yourselves? Or is it because when government does it, they do it with other people's money, so, again, you don't have to be bothered? Or is it because you don't believe in taking personal responsibility for the political ideals you espouse? Is it not, in fact, because one of the central themes of modern liberalism is a general tendency to excuse yourselves from personal responsibility, so you hand it off to your precious mommy government?

As I, hopefully, made clear above it’s because neither you nor I nor the guy down the street nor the woman at the pastry shop can see the big picture. We have no idea who requires help on the other side of town, let alone the other side of the country.

And, as such, those who prefer PERSONAL responsibility for helping others are somehow the "selfish" ones. You people delude yourselves so thoroughly there is little left in your mental processes that can actually be described as original thought.

Original thought? Maybe if you just tried thinking and left original thoughts to others you might be able to grasp what I wrote. Taking personal responsibility and helping a family member or neighbor is great but it does not replace government.

People do what they want and they help those they want to help, not necessarily those most in need. The average person does not know who is in greater need. How can they possibly know so to say it should be left up to the individual is….well, it’s definitely not thinking, original or otherwise.

One of the most controversial parts of the new federal healthcare law is the redistribution of funding from Medicare to other programs. If Obamacare is left unchanged, it will take $500 billion from Medicare over the next 10 years.

Medicare beneficiaries will see higher premiums; doctors, nurses, hospitals and medical suppliers will get lower payments. The Medicare reductions will be used to subsidize expanded Medicaid to low-income recipients and to fund insurance for the uninsured.

For the 78 million baby boomers eligible for Medicare over the next decade, this is more than a redistribution of wealth. It is a redistribution of health and wellness. They will get less healthcare; others will get more.

Now... Some people might say that cutting a half trillion dollars from a program that is already insolvent and teetering on collapse, is a CUT....

By the way, Obamacare was passed into law by DEMOCRATS with NO bipartisan support!

Who wants to "CUT" Medicare? Looks like the DEMS to me!

As I said before ObamaCare is a start in the right direction. Once the conversation changes from "should everyone have access to medical care" to "how do we improve everyone's access to medical care" the system itself will change. It has to do with that Overton Window concept (

When people talk about cuts to Medicare it depends on what cuts and what replaces them. For example, let's say there's a policy where those who suffer from a certain illness are entitled to a wheel chair regardless of their degree of mobility. Some may have difficulty walking around the mall while others may have difficulty walking around in their home. The cut may involve not providing wheel chairs to those in the first group but everyone in the second group, regardless of what illness they may have, would be entitled to a wheel chair.

Again, I have to emphasize that government medical plans are efficient and approximately 1/3 cheaper. Every country with a government medical plan started out with a plan the same as the US currently has, a "pay or suffer" system, and not one country has reverted to such a system. Not ONE country.

The opponents of government medical do not have one example they can give where the citizens of a country with a government medical plan desire a change back to the old ways. There is not even one political party (that I'm aware of) in any country with a government medical plan campaigning on such an idea. If the citizens desired a return to the old system there wouldn't be any shortage of politicians wanting to get on the band wagon.

Medical care is going through a transformation. We can't look at just one aspect and judge the entire scheme.
'Conservatives are stupid'.

LOL You caught me - but in truth I am probably more 'conservative' than you in many areas, I buy American, been married forever, support a level playing field for all, never shop in walmart as they treat Americans badly, visit and support mom etc etc. These things I consider good 'conservative' values. But I am liberal too in that the gays in my family deserve the same rights as I, taxes help all as they build our infrastructure, welfare is necessary, affirmative action after 250 years of racism isn't enough, Healthcare should be for all not just the wealthy, women should decide on their own their family decisions, the rich should pay way more as they don't make the big bucks in a vacuum they make it in America and america provides it because we have powerful central government of legislation and law. But my values are my values, they exist in the community ideas I was raised in and later decided had value and purpose. My conservative side doesn't constantly belittle efforts to make America a better place. On the other hand as I have asked too often, name a 'modern partisan conservative' accomplishment that has helped the nation on the level of social security, medicare, equal rights etc etc. ??? PS my conservative side is as smart as my liberal side only a bit more fixed in place. ;)
LOL You caught me - but in truth I am probably more 'conservative' than you in many areas, I buy American, been married forever, support a level playing field for all, never shop in walmart as they treat Americans badly, visit and support mom etc etc. These things I consider good 'conservative' values. But I am liberal too in that the gays in my family deserve the same rights as I, taxes help all as they build our infrastructure, welfare is necessary, affirmative action after 250 years of racism isn't enough, Healthcare should be for all not just the wealthy, women should decide on their own their family decisions, the rich should pay way more as they don't make the big bucks in a vacuum they make it in America and america provides it because we have powerful central government of legislation and law. But my values are my values, they exist in the community ideas I was raised in and later decided had value and purpose. My conservative side doesn't constantly belittle efforts to make America a better place. On the other hand as I have asked too often, name a 'modern partisan conservative' accomplishment that has helped the nation on the level of social security, medicare, equal rights etc etc. ??? PS my conservative side is as smart as my liberal side only a bit more fixed in place. ;)

"Republicans think gays shouldn't have rights, welfare is unnecessary, and they don't want America to be a better place.'
Talking about "dim" which party wants to cut programs such as Medicare and Medicaid and SS?

When you figure out that question contemplate what you wrote. "'Republicans only care about the rich.' 'Democrats care about poor people.' Mantra or the truth?

Let's see just how bright or dim you are.
Yeah, if you repeat a lie over and over and over....people will start accepting it as the truth.....and the bullhsit lies repeated about Conservatives and Republicans proves that ......

Apple wants to know, which party wants to cut programs such as Medicare and Medicaid and SS...and all he needs to do is open his eyes....

(2009)...President Obama outlined $313 billion in Medicare and Medicaid spending cuts over the next decade to help cover the cost of Obamacare..(the wet dream of socialism)
(2009)...Obama wants upper-income seniors to pay more for Medicare drug plans, much as they do for Medicare’s doctor plan, the WSJ reports.

The fact that Democrats (as well as R's) have been borrowing from the SS system for decades is telling....They borrow for different reasons but the outcome is the same...the freakin' system is going under and all recipients will suffer from their uncontrolled wasteful spending... Republicans wanted to put the taxpayer in control of their own money to prevent the gov. from spending what is OUR MONEY SAVED FOR RETIREMENT....not cut or do away with it

the major problem with liberals is the fundamental thinking that government exists to care for your every need....and that is not why government exists now or ever....

The people are the government......banded together to live as one unit, under a system of rules that guarantee all its members freedom to live as they see fit without harming the others in the group.

government exists to control and protect their societies through an agreed upon system of rules and regulations that have, as their #1 tenet, individual freedom as extensive as can be possible for everyone.....

Governments #1 duty is to protect this society from outside enemies.....
and to ensure everyone lives by the rules and regulations they have developed as a collective free society.....

LOL You caught me - but in truth I am probably more 'conservative' than you in many areas, I buy American, been married forever, support a level playing field for all, never shop in walmart as they treat Americans badly, visit and support mom etc etc. These things I consider good 'conservative' values.

But I am liberal too in that the gays in my family deserve the same rights as I, Homos have the very same rights as everyone else....but homo or not, rich or poor, ugly or homely, fat or skinny..... men cannot marry men and women cannot marry women
taxes help all as they build our infrastructure, welfare is necessary, We agree....Taxes certainly are necessary and welfare is necessary, both with certain parameters and limits....
affirmative action after 250 years of racism isn't enough, AA is unconstitutional, plain and simple..EQUAL TREATMENT UNDER THE LAW is the law of the land, so why don't you want obey the law
Healthcare should be for all not just the wealthy, Healthcare is for all....but don't expect me to pay for your healthcare, or your clothes, or your car, or your food....try personal responsibility
women should decide on their own their family decisions, They can and do....excluding killing others....the science proves abortion is killing another individual person at its earlier-est stages....
the rich should pay way more as they don't make the big bucks in a vacuum they make it in America and america provides it because we have powerful central government of legislation and law. Rich is relative...people that have money might earn it her in the US or in some other country, thats irrelevant...FAIR should mean EQUAL TREATMENT UNDER THE LAW

But my values are my values, they exist in the community ideas I was raised in and later decided had value and purpose. My conservative side doesn't constantly belittle efforts to make America a better place. On the other hand as I have asked too often, name a 'modern partisan conservative' accomplishment that has helped the nation on the level of social security, medicare, equal rights etc etc. ??? PS my conservative side is as smart as my liberal side only a bit more fixed in place. ;)

The US was created as not only a symbol of freedom for all people but as a FREE country in reality .... You should no rights or privileges that I don't enjoy....You and I are free to thrive or starve, learn or remain uneducated, build or destroy, get fat or be skinny, care for our bodies or kill ourselves....whatever....Thats YOUR personal freedom...

You have no right to my possessions, my life, my knowledge, my body, my health, my money, or anything to I've personally accumulated by my labors....

You have no right to dictate to me how to live my life, how to raise my children, what values I should hold dear, etc......

The cost of this freedom is to
obey common rules, laws and regulations that, WE THE PEOPLE as a society have agreed to....

Thats why we protect and defend this country with our very lives......
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'Democrats look out for my best interest.'
'Republicans only care about the rich.'
'Democrats care about poor people.'
'Republicans hate unions, and love corporate fat cats.'
'Corporations are evil.'

Sound familiar? Its the mantra of some on the left. We've all read it in these pages, over and over again. Do they actually believe this shit?

Maybe they do, maybe they don't. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that this is their mantra, designed to prop up their Democrat Party elite, and demonize those who are against them.

So who are these people? For clues, read their mantra. Each of the lines above- and there are many more like them- indicate something about the persona of the person uttering them.

They are losers in life. They are jealous of those who have succeeded or who were born with better looks, more smarts, or a better inheritance.

This explains Moot, a man with one of the ugliest mugs on the planet. Or Zap, not merely ugly but obese and slovenly. Or Apple (dim), Dune (learning disabled), Bfgrn (parents died and provided inadequate support), or Legion (unemployable).

They want to punish those who have what they can't have. This attribute is shared by vandals, who destroy something of value because they can never have it themselves. Or worse, a rapist, who destroys innocence and beauty, again because he knows he can never have it.

This also explains poet, who grew up without a father figure as an effeminate boy. And thus following the liberal mantra:

Barack Obama... cares more about the middle class and the poor than does the right.
Translation (line 2 of the OP): 'Republicans only care about the rich.'