A Trip Down Memory Lane: Favorite p.com, fp.com, jpp.com moments


JPP Modarater
There are so many too chose from, the great 1/3s thread, the drama that caused the eventual fp.com/jpp.com divide........

One of my favorites was a few years back when a fellow Libertarian patted Dano on the back and he took it upon himself to let the board know that they could feel free to use his posts anywhere they chose because he felt it was his obligation to society to pass on the truth about the evils of liberalism.
Tobys five degrees

LOL. I never forgot that one. When he first started posting his grammer and english was horrible. I have to admit it actually improved over the years, but I remember thinking, "there's no way....."
LOL. I never forgot that one. When he first started posting his grammer and english was horrible. I have to admit it actually improved over the years, but I remember thinking, "there's no way....."
I think toby was a kid, who left for college or went into the military and thus stopped posting. At least that is my theory.
He may have been a kid. He was definately a lying sack of shit.

He also said he had cancer at one point which of course was not true.
Which gets us to Stories4u. Do you think he really died or was it some sick joke that just went out of control?
Remember El Supremo? Maineman and I were riding him about being a chickenhawk and basically teased him about supporting Iraq and not joining considering he was of age. The next thing we knew he went and joined! Shut us up! :p
I think it was real. a couple of months before he died we had a late night conversation which was very touching. He reached out to me because I was there. We talked about his illness and he really did show some great bravery and a tender soul. I liked him very much in the end.
Remember El Supremo? Maineman and I were riding him about being a chickenhawk and basically teased him about supporting Iraq and not joining considering he was of age. The next thing we knew he went and joined! Shut us up! :p

I was just trying to remember his site name. I hope he stayed safe.
I think it was real. a couple of months before he died we had a late night conversation which was very touching. He reached out to me because I was there. We talked about his illness and he really did show some great bravery and a tender soul. I liked him very much in the end.

yeah but do your real life people know about this site? And would they think about it in the midst of dealing with your death to come on and tell everyone?
He was sick and this was one place where he could come and be treated like he was not.
He was very ill and this was a way of being in the world. If I got ill I could understand perfectly why just this kind of a place would be where I would spend time. No one can see that your hair is gone, your eyes are dark with circles and you are just treated like a joe doak.

When you are that ill you are no longer treated the same.
yeah but do your real life people know about this site? And would they think about it in the midst of dealing with your death to come on and tell everyone?
My wife certainly knew about p.com and fpp.com, of course she knows about this one but heck.

If I was dying and might go at any time I'd just tell y'all it was going to happen so my wife wouldn't have to go through the pain of y'all mocking her as Stories' wife did.
Hey I never mocked Stories . I disagreed with her but I defended her when she was attacked that way.