A Trip Down Memory Lane: Favorite p.com, fp.com, jpp.com moments

One of my favorite ever threads was the hollow earth filled with "faeries" thread... I still chuckle every time I think of it.
There are so many too chose from, the great 1/3s thread, the drama that caused the eventual fp.com/jpp.com divide........

One of my favorites was a few years back when a fellow Libertarian patted Dano on the back and he took it upon himself to let the board know that they could feel free to use his posts anywhere they chose because he felt it was his obligation to society to pass on the truth about the evils of liberalism.

LOL I think that "fellow libertarian" was me, and the post was something to do with progressivism and communism.

Here is an easy road to complete full government control or Communism.

1. Start with a free society:
2. Promise a public education. Despite food, water and shelter being essentials, education must be the starting point.
3. Tax people to provide it. Very low taxes, the hard part is the introduction, increases are easy.
4. Make the education as completely money-draining as possible, create a huge bureacracy and do not under any circumstances fix any inefficiencies.
5. With less wealth in people's hands as they are now paying government very inefficiently for education, and education is secure in government hands, begin a new area to dominate, health care is good as the easiest places to take over are those areas of the economy that require savings and big, yet infrequent expenses like health care, education and retirement.
6. Begin with health care for the poor and old, under the pretense of caring. Again ensure maximum inefficiency to use as much private wealth as possible.
7. Open up other fronts, retirement is next. Propose government take over retirement responsibilities, as all are now paying lots for health care and education, they will be more receptable to wanting government help, and retirement is the next best area to propose government in.
8. Ensure government retirement is inefficient with no reform.
9. In order to expand health care for all you need to create more of a crisis, allowing trial lawyers giant settlements and more power along with huge amounts of protective regulations should ensure health care costs move up astronomically. As health care is still a business, do not worry for all this can be masked by simply saying the problem is profit. As a general guideline for all of the left, profits can be used as a tool of envy to ensure support for any and all government expansion.
10. If done properly, less money should be in private people's hands and the affected area like health care should have been made much more unaffordable. Now propose universal healthcare, calling it 'free' often helps.
11. The trick here is that the universal healthcare will be for the uninsured, under no circumstances should anyone consider those who freely choose not to buy insurance. The term 'uninsured' must strictly be sold to the public image as people too poor to buy insurance.
12. Once government covers insurance for the poor, they will increase in numbers as more will realize that there is less incentive in doing better in life as you are rewarded with 'free' healthcare for doing worse.
13. This last step should result in increased poverty and a higher number of people with lower incomes.
14. With government heavily involved at this point, more and more families should be broken up with more households needing both parents to go to work, while the children go to daycare.
15. Use same tools as before with healthcare of lawsuits to help jack up the cost and more regulations to do the same. Now combined with money spent in preceding activities, daycare should be fairly expensive. Propose daycare funding to 'help out'.
16. Government should now pay for daycare again as before as inefficiently and costly as possible.
17. Propose government take over paying car insurance. Use same tools as before with regulations and lawsuits to jack up cost. This should justify it with again the lesser amounts of income in private hands more should be receptive to it.
18. Next point to profits in health care and propose having government not only pay for health care but also take it over, telling people that there is no choice left but this if they want to keep health care affordable.
19. Propose lowering daycare requirement down to age 0. This is important, the earlier and more prevalent government is in their lives, the more they will be raised with the notion that they owe government something and that guilt can be used for further support.
20. Continue from here, at this point it should probably not matter, where government moves to be involved next. Apply same tactics to other parts of lives such as government giving 'free' college education, housing, food, etc... Always under the pretense that these are too expensive and need more government help.

All steps properly implemented should yield a system where an individual will be born into government dependance, live off it at all steps and die off it. Better yet, this system is not possible to go back on, people will be dependant on Communistic government until the end of eternity.

There will be some tools you will need to help implement the New Communist Manifesto. Here they are:
Vocabulary: Ensure that words are used carefully. For example:
Welfare = help or social assistance
Money = aid or funding
And so on...
Guilt: As more use government, as more will feel bad turning against that which 'helped' them. No one bites the hand that feeds it, so remind people of the 'good' government has done.
Fear: Despite a life before government did exist ok, fear must be used for those who would turn it back by things like saying that people will die without government health care or government food.
Use national traumas
When a war happens this is a great time to boost taxes and keep them high. A terrorist attack, is a time for government to take over an area. If the attack is with planes, then take over airport security, if the attack is against nuclear industry, then take that over. Use the trauma for justification. People want strong central government in harsh times. Use that.
Envy: By far this is absolutely the essential tool. Always keep the focus on the rich and corporations, use the natural human envy to channel their hate and distract from the gradual pervasiveness of government in their lives.

Suckers of the world unite?
for all he knew he could have been tricked and you may have been a pedo. cut the kid some slack :)

By that time, we knew eachother wll enough. I remember noting how thin his hand was when i shook it. But he really was a nice kid.
He was cool After he posted the "My mom won't let me" thing, you and Maineman were ruthless.
I hope he made it through okay.

Remember when bdw converted to mormonism and then when he saw how retarded it was, claimed it all to have been a joke?

I know. we basically handed him his manhood