A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable.

The CIA almost certainly killed JFK all those decades ago, and successfully covered it up...

For anyone who believes this can't happen, a quick reminder - it almost happened already.

We were one kind of principled VP away from it. One guy.
That comment, "A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable" is part of the title of an essay in today's Washington Post by Robert Kagan.

Here is a link to it:


It may be behind a paywall. Sorry if you cannot read it. Sorry that every person in the United States does not read it.

Just a few quotes:

“Like people on a riverboat we have long known there is a waterfall ahead but assume we will somehow find our way to shore before we go over the edge. But now the actions required to get us to shore are looking harder and harder, if not downright impossible.”

"If an asteroid were hurtling toward Earth, would we not try everything we could to stop it? Even if those things required sacrifice? Even if they might not work?"

"...we continue to drift toward dictatorship, still hoping for some intervention that will allow us to escape the consequences of our collective cowardice, our complacent, willful ignorance and, above all, our lack of any deep commitment to liberal democracy. As the man said, we are going out not with a bang but a whimper."

For anyone who believes this can't happen, a quick reminder - it almost happened already.

We were one kind of principled VP away from it. One guy.

You say as we get new reports that Obama set up a shadow government before he walked out of the WH, that on a good day Trump ran the WH...he never had control of the government...our Constitutional government has already been overthrown and what we have now is both illegal and illegitimate.
this is you, isn't it?

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Is that all you can do? Biden governs like any other president and is no danger to the nation's existence. Trump is unable or uninterested in how it is done. Trump was a terrible president before and he signals that if you think that was bad, you ain't seen nothin' yet. He has far worse plans if he gets back in. Can you try? Your drive by insults are so worthless.
Is that all you can do? Biden governs like any other president and is no danger to the nation's existence. Trump is unable or uninterested in how it is done. Trump was a terrible president before and he signals that if you think that was bad, you ain't seen nothin' yet. He has far worse plans if he gets back in. Can you try? Your drive by insults are so worthless.

your liberal cheerleading in ignorance is dangerous. your desire to believe that no matter what democrats do, it will always be better than republicans is just as dangerous as republicans believing that no matter what republicans do, it will always be better than democrats. It's that partisan idiotology that allows you to ignore the bad that both parties do. congrats on your part in the destruction of a free society
That comment, "A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable" is part of the title of an essay in today's Washington Post by Robert Kagan.

Here is a link to it:


It may be behind a paywall. Sorry if you cannot read it. Sorry that every person in the United States does not read it.

Just a few quotes:

“Like people on a riverboat we have long known there is a waterfall ahead but assume we will somehow find our way to shore before we go over the edge. But now the actions required to get us to shore are looking harder and harder, if not downright impossible.”

"If an asteroid were hurtling toward Earth, would we not try everything we could to stop it? Even if those things required sacrifice? Even if they might not work?"

"...we continue to drift toward dictatorship, still hoping for some intervention that will allow us to escape the consequences of our collective cowardice, our complacent, willful ignorance and, above all, our lack of any deep commitment to liberal democracy. As the man said, we are going out not with a bang but a whimper."

I don't believe you. The polls are meaningless and until we start seeing some votes roll in we don't even know if Trump will win the nomination much less the presidency. Trumps popularity is dropping every day and with the economy doing fine and expected to do better this next year and Biden being the incumbent it is practically impossible that he will be defeated.
I don't believe you. The polls are meaningless and until we start seeing some votes roll in we don't even know if Trump will win the nomination much less the presidency. Trumps popularity is dropping every day and with the economy doing fine and expected to do better this next year and Biden being the incumbent it is practically impossible that he will be defeated.

no. its rising.

as we get further from the covid lockdowns, mass poisoning, dem power grab, fbi targetting parents, and complete corruption of the judiciary to "get trump", the people have learnded who dems and deep state are, the worst.
What a dreck of an article that is! So, an op ed piece by radical Leftist Robert Kagen in the Leftist newspaper the WaPo, decries that Trump is likely to win the presidential election in 2024 and that he will be a... wait for it... dictator!

Kagen offers nothing in support of this argument other than vague generalities, argument from repetition, and worst of all, even invokes argumentum ad Hitlerum.

In Weimar Germany, Hitler and other agitators benefited from the squabbling of the democratic parties, right and left, the endless fights over the budget, the logjams in the legislature, the fragile and fractious coalitions.

Trump administration will be filled with people who will not need explicit instruction from Trump, any more than Hitler’s local gauleiters needed instruction. In such circumstances, people “work toward the Führer,”

(from article in OP)

Kagen also invokes comparisons to Caeser taking power in Rome, Napolean in France, hell, even the fictional King Kong isn't left out of this rant. The radical Left is scared that their power will come to an end in 2024 and is pulling out all the stops to try and keep that from happening. The problem is, writers like Kagen have turned to such insane hyperbole that it almost becomes parody rather than serious journalism. No example, claim, comparison is too extreme. Trump must be stopped or the Left is doomed, so the Left tells us. Well, I for one see this as a good thing. Fuck the Left.

Trump has all but promised to be a dictator, you aren't listening. He flat out said he would appoint an attorney general loyal to him that would do his bidding. He would put the military on the streets. He would like to try and execute a couple past generals. That is just the beginning and all dictators start out sounding like they may not be but not this asshole. You are just too fucking stupid to see it coming, just like a good Nazi.
Trump said he would purge federal workers he sees as insufficiently loyal to him.
Appoint a prosecutor to go after Biden and his family.
If I see someone on left doing well,I will indict him.
I will purge the deep state as I see it.
I will gut the justice department of non loyalists.
Reuse stop and frisk
I will deploy the national guard to cities as I see needed.
I will move the homeless to inexpensive land staffed by healthcare workers . Move or go to jail.
This is what the Trumpys want.

Precisely and that sounds more like Adolf Hitler did BEFORE he seized power.
Trump has all but promised to be a dictator, you aren't listening. He flat out said he would appoint an attorney general loyal to him that would do his bidding. He would put the military on the streets. He would like to try and execute a couple past generals. That is just the beginning and all dictators start out sounding like they may not be but not this asshole. You are just too fucking stupid to see it coming, just like a good Nazi.

"I’m still enjoying what I’m doing, there’s still work to be done. I’m still the President’s wing-man, so I’m there with my boy. So we’ll see,"

Sound familiar?

In case you're just stupid, that quote was from Obama's AG.
What a fucking dumbshit.

I suspect that when Trump is president again, the 1st Amendment will be restored.

Isn't it true that the fascist democrat dictatorship is currently trying to put 21 American citizens in prison for speech crimes? For political speech opposing your filthy Reich?

In fact Trump will restore all of the Bill of Rights, which Xi's Biden dictatorship ended, including the 4th Amendment right to be secure in ones person and papers that your filthy Nazi party ended to scour the tax returns of Trump in a political witch hunt hoping to find something to use against him. You found nothing, but the 4th is still null and void. The Reich can search the private papers of anyone they view as an enemy of the democrat dictatorship.

democrats have put a lot of effort and money into ending civil rights. Trump will restore the Constitution you fought so hard to end, setting your agenda to turn America into North Korea back a decade or more.

I feel your pain, comrade.
This site really needs to have ignorant shitheads like you removed. You really bring the entire site down with your fucking stupid posts.

Why not have me put in prison?

I mean, that's what your Reich does to people who speak against you. 21 in Georgia right now facing prison for "speech crimes against the democrat party."

But I do notice that neither you nor any other fascist democrat can ever quite refute what I post. All you ever do is pound your fists and scream
