A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable.

your liberal cheerleading in ignorance is dangerous. your desire to believe that no matter what democrats do, it will always be better than republicans is just as dangerous as republicans believing that no matter what republicans do, it will always be better than democrats. It's that partisan idiotology that allows you to ignore the bad that both parties do. congrats on your part in the destruction of a free society

Trump and his army of sycophantic Repubs are at a level America has never sunk to. Trump plans on seizing powers that no president ever has. Biden is a normal president who is no threat to the continuation of the American political experiment. Trump has stated what terrible plans he has for 2024. We need to keep him from running because even if he loses again, he will do much worse than he did on 1-6. So that does not dismay you. You are off into superficial land talking about teams . Trump is a serious threat to the Republic. I am not talking about the Repub party as such. They are a mess. but most of them are normal politicians. The Trumpys while being a slim majority, have wrecked the house. They do not need a majority to wreak havoc.
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Why not have me put in prison?

$20 says your ex will take care of that problem. :thup:

Down Under Dumbass said:
I mean, that's what your Reich does to people who speak against you. 21 in Georgia right now facing prison for "speech crimes against the democrat party."
Link to those charges, Down Under? I fully understand the fact you don't understand US law and can't provide a single shred of evidence that the charges are violations of their First Amendment rights.

BTW, best of luck to Mrs. Down Under. I hope she takes a souvenir off you before she splits and files for divorce. LOL
That comment, "A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable" is part of the title of an essay in today's Washington Post by Robert Kagan.

Here is a link to it:


It may be behind a paywall. Sorry if you cannot read it. Sorry that every person in the United States does not read it.

Just a few quotes:

“Like people on a riverboat we have long known there is a waterfall ahead but assume we will somehow find our way to shore before we go over the edge. But now the actions required to get us to shore are looking harder and harder, if not downright impossible.”

"If an asteroid were hurtling toward Earth, would we not try everything we could to stop it? Even if those things required sacrifice? Even if they might not work?"

"...we continue to drift toward dictatorship, still hoping for some intervention that will allow us to escape the consequences of our collective cowardice, our complacent, willful ignorance and, above all, our lack of any deep commitment to liberal democracy. As the man said, we are going out not with a bang but a whimper."

This is why republicans have been screaming for decades that “America is not a democracy”

The party owners want to kill American democracy
your liberal cheerleading in ignorance is dangerous. your desire to believe that no matter what democrats do, it will always be better than republicans is just as dangerous as republicans believing that no matter what republicans do, it will always be better than democrats. It's that partisan idiotology that allows you to ignore the bad that both parties do. congrats on your part in the destruction of a free society

Says a brain addled trump cult whore
He has always been smitten with despotism and 'strength' when used to shut down any form of dissent. He really does not care if the dissent was on the side of 'right' as this old Playboy Interview, shows.
