A View from the Frontlines | Scott Ritter

Guno צְבִי;5901895 said:
Yes a Russian operative, literally

I'm nothing of the sort. Now, I could say that you're a CIA operative "literally", but unlike you, I don't make assumptions of this nature.
Guno צְבִי;5901900 said:
He spent 3 years in prison for it, He has since married a Russia

Never forget that Scott Ritter is a TWICE convicted sex offender in 2 different states

He got busted for soliciting sex from kids on the internet and claimed it was the Deep State that set him up, in spite of pleading guilty.


NBC is a stenographer for the CIA.

I don't think it's -that- bad, but i suspect they probably have some journalists on their payroll.

The judge threw the sex cases against Ritter out of court.

Not quite. The first case was dismissed:
He was charged in June 2001 with trying to set up a meeting with an undercover police officer posing as a 16-year-old girl.[40][41] He was charged with a misdemeanor crime of "attempted endangerment of the welfare of a child". The charge was dismissed and the record was sealed after he completed six months of pre-trial probation.[41][8]

He was convicted in the second, however:
Ritter was arrested again in November 2009[42] over communications with a police decoy he met on an Internet chat site. Police said that he exposed himself, via a web camera, after the officer repeatedly identified himself as a 15-year-old girl.[5]

The next month, Ritter waived his right to a preliminary hearing and was released on $25,000 unsecured bail. Charges included "unlawful contact with a minor, criminal use of a communications facility, corruption of minors, indecent exposure, possessing instruments of crime, criminal attempt and criminal solicitation".[2] Ritter rejected a plea bargain and was found guilty of all but the criminal attempt count in a courtroom in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, on April 14, 2011.[5][43]

In October 2011, he received a sentence of one and a half to five and a half years in prison.[3] He was sent to Laurel Highlands state prison in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, in March 2012 and paroled in September 2014.[4][7][8]



The important thing in my view is that no minors were harmed or even involved in any way. There is also the fact that his first charge was sealed. How did it get out? Some believe that politics were involved- I believe it was leaked at around the time that he was trying to keep the U.S. from going to war in Iraq by pointing out that there was no evidence that Iraq had WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction).

You're a zionist who gets off sexually on genocide.

Let's not go to places like this. Guno has frequently been on the line in terms of what he posts in my threads, but he is -generally- respectful, so I've let him cast aspersions as to what I do for a living for a bit now. But let's not follow him into casting wild allegations. I suspect you're right about him being a zionist, but I haven't seen him ever post anything of a sexual nature in regards to the deaths in Gaza.

The government always charges a whistleblower with a sex offence because they know punks like you will continue to spread the lie.

I wouldn't go that far, but the U.S. government and other western countries have certainly smeared the reputations of upstanding citizens of the U.S. and elsewhere in the past. Julian Assange's Swedish trial comes to mind. In Scott Ritter's case, one thing I'm suspicious of is why he was the target of not one but 2 undercover officer stings. I can't help but thing that entrapment may have been involved. In any case, the last time he got caught up in a sting was back in 2009. He's done a lot of good work since then, I'd rather dwell on that.

Uhh, that's kinda Russia, brah. :dunno:

I bet they got the Russian apartments in "Georgia".

They're kinda next door neighbors and have been more in the past.

After looking, it seems they have teh A1A condos there now! :laugh:

Little movie theater, some boutiques on the bottom, and yeah! :laugh:

Hey if that uh..Letitia James thing works? NYC will be a ghost town. They'll all be on A1A buiding mini cities.

And I just know that's right where they'll go.
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Yes, I know all about the 2 sting operations that ultimately landed Scott Ritter in jail for a few years. If that was all he'd ever done with his life, that'd be one thing, but it's not. Anyway, you're hardly the first person to bring up this aspect of Mr. Ritter's past, and I doubt you'll be the last, so in order to avoid repeating certain points over and over again, I've decided it would be best to just create a thread on Scott Ritter over in Above Plain Politics and you or others who can engage in respectful debate with me can discuss Scott Ritter in more detail if that's what you desire to do. The link is here:

Scott Ritter gave his side of the story. Wikipedia is not a reliable source. I can make it say whatever I want it to. I'll try to do a deep dive when I have time.
Uhh, that's kinda Russia, brah. :dunno:

No, it's not. It used to be part of the U.S.S.R., but that's about it.

Georgia's population has around 0.7% Russians. See for yourself, it's on the right hand side on this Wikipedia page under ethnic groups:

You know what country is a lot -more- Russian? Ukraine. Orders of magnitude more Russian. Not only were they also part of the U.S.S.R. before, but their population was composed of around 17% Russians according to the last census data on Wikipedia:
Yes, I know all about the 2 sting operations that ultimately landed Scott Ritter in jail for a few years. If that was all he'd ever done with his life, that'd be one thing, but it's not. Anyway, you're hardly the first person to bring up this aspect of Mr. Ritter's past, and I doubt you'll be the last, so in order to avoid repeating certain points over and over again, I've decided it would be best to just create a thread on Scott Ritter over in Above Plain Politics and you or others who can engage in respectful debate with me can discuss Scott Ritter in more detail if that's what you desire to do. The link is here:


Scott Ritter gave his side of the story. Wikipedia is not a reliable source. I can make it say whatever I want it to. I'll try to do a deep dive when I have time.

I've done a deep dive. I've been reading articles from Scott Ritter for some time now. He's confessed to what Wikipedia says above. He's questioned why the first charges, which were sealed, were leaked and suspects the motivations were political, but he doesn't deny the charges themselves.

The thing is, if we only focus on people's faults, we may never see their strengths. When it comes to reporting on the situation in Ukraine, especially in regards to military aspects, I think he's one of the best American reporters out there.
No, it's not. It used to be part of the U.S.S.R., but that's about it.

Georgia's population has around 0.7% Russians. See for yourself, it's on the right hand side on this Wikipedia page under ethnic groups:

You know what country is a lot -more- Russian? Ukraine. Orders of magnitude more Russian. Not only were they also part of the U.S.S.R. before, but their population was composed of around 17% Russians according to the last census data on Wikipedia:

They have similarities to Russians. Yet have always been their own people.

You got Wikipedia, I got a Ukranian uncle. Emigrated to the US in 1933. Er..had.

He died from spreading fertilizer by hand, and that wasn't no bullshit! :awesome:
His conviction is highly misleading- he was lured by 2 undercover police officers -pretending- to be minors. No minors were involved.

Yea in two different states two different times He Pleaded guilty , 16 is a minor

He was charged in June 2001 with trying to set up a meeting with an undercover police officer posing as a 16-year-old girl.

Police said that he had tried to lure a 16-year-old girl — actually a Colonie undercover officer posing online — to a Burger King in Menands. That case was later adjourned in contemplation of dismissal — essentially dropped — and the record was sealed. At the time, Ritter suggested that the case was a smear campaign designed to silence him.

Less than a decade after that arrest, Ritter found himself in similar legal trouble.

He was convicted in 2011 in Monroe County, Pa., after Barrett Township police presented evidence that in 2009 he had masturbated in front of a webcam being viewed by an undercover officer who was posing as a 15-year-old girl.

Under the terms of his parole, Ritter can't possess weapons, must refrain from alcohol, and has agreed to drug testing and "outpatient sex offender treatment."

He can't have contact with anyone younger than 18 without approval from parole officials.


Very telling that you defend him
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His conviction is highly misleading- he was lured by 2 undercover police officers -pretending- to be minors. No minors were involved.

He thought they were minors, which makes him a child predator.

Do you want child predators off the street or not?
The judge thew the phony sex charges out.

Ritter was convicted of most of the charges, which is the exact opposite of having the charges being thrown out. Ritter is a convicted felon. He served time in prison for his crimes. He was not allowed to leave the USA for a time, and now is not allowed into most other countries.

If I wanted to go to Canada, I could just go to Canada. I would answer a few questions at the border, and be in the country in a matter of minutes. Ritter would not be allowed into Canada. His felony conviction as a sex offender means Canada will not accept him.

So why is Russia letting him in?
I have to wonder why and how the fuck a Texas native got elected to Governor of Florida.

Jeb Bush lived in Florida for 19 years before becoming Governor of Florida. We can debate how long the residency should be before being elected governor, but 19 years seems reasonably long to me.

I am not a Bush supporter(any of the Bushs), but I do support Jeb Bush's eligibility to run for Governor.
Ritter was convicted of most of the charges, which is the exact opposite of having the charges being thrown out. Ritter is a convicted felon. He served time in prison for his crimes. He was not allowed to leave the USA for a time, and now is not allowed into most other countries.

If I wanted to go to Canada, I could just go to Canada. I would answer a few questions at the border, and be in the country in a matter of minutes. Ritter would not be allowed into Canada. His felony conviction as a sex offender means Canada will not accept him.

So why is Russia letting him in?
Walt, your crime is being a government stooge. Ritter is a little too creepy for me but I don't know of a whistleblower who isn't.
No, it's not. It used to be part of the U.S.S.R., but that's about it.

Georgia's population has around 0.7% Russians. See for yourself, it's on the right hand side on this Wikipedia page under ethnic groups:

You know what country is a lot -more- Russian? Ukraine. Orders of magnitude more Russian. Not only were they also part of the U.S.S.R. before, but their population was composed of around 17% Russians according to the last census data on Wikipedia:

They have similarities to Russians.

The separatists of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, certainly. The rest of Georgia, not so much. Bidzina Khatiashvili, Scott Ritter's father in law, lived in the city of Sukhumi, a town that was captured by the Abkhazia separatists on September 27, 1993. He along with many other Georgian civilians fled on foot, never to return to his home again. Scott Ritter wrote an article about Bidzina's ordeal you might be interested in taking a look at:

The Bridge | Scott Ritter

You got Wikipedia, I got a Ukranian uncle. Emigrated to the US in 1933. Er..had.

He died from spreading fertilizer by hand, and that wasn't no bullshit! :awesome:

I certainly have no Ukrainian family members, but I saw a documentary done of the Ukrainian Civil War before Russia's military intervention, wherein Ukrainians from the Donbass Republics speak of the bombardments of civilians undertaken by the Western Ukrainian government. Well worth a watch in my view. It's here:

Guno צְבִי;5902080 said:
His conviction is highly misleading- he was lured by 2 undercover police officers -pretending- to be minors. No minors were involved.

Yea in two different states two different times He Pleaded guilty , 16 is a minor

I agree that 16 is a minor. I also repeat that no actual minors were involved. If you really want to get into the details of the case, I suggest you take a look at the thread I made on Scott Ritter here:

Former U.S. Marine and U.N. Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter | justplainpolitics.com