A View from the Frontlines | Scott Ritter

The think tanks that the NeoCons came out of were right wing think tanks, like the Project for the New American Century. The universities were all sorts of universities. For instance, Rice got her PHD from the University of Denver, and taught at Stanford.

Did you know Rice wrote the Chicken Kiev Speech? I did not. It was a speech where Bush senior tried to preserve the USSR, and keep Ukraine from getting independence. It was bizarre how the Bush Administration tried to keep the USSR, and even the Berlin Wall.

And still the Republican descendants of the NeoCons are against Ukraine.
From Wikipedia

Murray Rothbard
Rothbard argued that all services provided by the "monopoly system of the corporate state" could be provided more efficiently by the private sector and wrote that the state is "the organization of robbery systematized and writ large". He called fractional-reserve banking a form of fraud and opposed central banking. He categorically opposed all military, political, and economic interventionism in the affairs of other nations. According to his protégé Hans-Hermann Hoppe, "[t]here would be no anarcho-capitalist movement to speak of without Rothbard"

Libertarians go right and left. Libertarian basically means anarchist: fiscal or social.
In fact, every weapons inspector agreed there were no WMDs in Iraq.
You and goat are both delusional, and are trying to rewrite history. The weapons inspectors were all in agreement that they weren't being allowed to inspect. They were not, and could not have been, all in agreement that there weren't any WMDs because they had not been allowed to inspect. Saddam gave the appearance that he definitely had WMDs by never allowing inspections. Eventually, George Bush got a unanimous UN resolution (UNSCR 1441) supporting invading Iraq, which Bush used to support invading Iraq to enforce the inspections.

The fact that no WMDs were found upon invasion only means that Saddam Hussein was very stupid, and that the weapons convoys that we observed going from Iraq into Syria probably carried the WMDs in question.

It must suck to have a completely fictitious world view.
From Wikipedia

Murray Rothbard
Rothbard argued that all services provided by the "monopoly system of the corporate state" could be provided more efficiently by the private sector and wrote that the state is "the organization of robbery systematized and writ large". He called fractional-reserve banking a form of fraud and opposed central banking. He categorically opposed all military, political, and economic interventionism in the affairs of other nations. According to his protégé Hans-Hermann Hoppe, "[t]here would be no anarcho-capitalist movement to speak of without Rothbard"

Libertarians go right and left. Libertarian basically means anarchist: fiscal or social.

Even with Rothbard, there is not much of a anarcho-capitalist movement... But yes, one could use anarcho-capitalism and libertarian somewhat interchangeably. Anarcho-capitalism is often a bit more extreme, but basically the same ideas.

Libertarians in America are mostly right wing. Anarchists can be on either side of the spectrum, but anarcho-capitalists tend to also be right wing in America.

If you want an easy way to tell the difference between a Republican and a libertarian, ask them whether drugs should be legalized. Republicans are extremely against legalizing drugs, where as libertarians are extremely for it.

Want to have your mind blown... Communists consider themselves anarchists!!!
Even with Rothbard, there is not much of a anarcho-capitalist movement... But yes, one could use anarcho-capitalism and libertarian somewhat interchangeably. Anarcho-capitalism is often a bit more extreme, but basically the same ideas.

Libertarians in America are mostly right wing. Anarchists can be on either side of the spectrum, but anarcho-capitalists tend to also be right wing in America.

If you want an easy way to tell the difference between a Republican and a libertarian, ask them whether drugs should be legalized. Republicans are extremely against legalizing drugs, where as libertarians are extremely for it.

Want to have your mind blown... Communists consider themselves anarchists!!!
Last year we talked about why fractional-reserve banking is a problem for a CBDC. Do you remember that conversation? How would the fed get around fractional-reserve banking? This is an easy one so keep it short.
Last year we talked about why fractional-reserve banking is a problem for a CBDC. Do you remember that conversation? How would the fed get around fractional-reserve banking? This is an easy one so keep it short.

The Fed is making no effort to get around fractional reserve banking. But I can only imagine the runs on banks if the Fed ever did announce that it was going to try to get around fractional reserve banking. We have a system that is working well, so no one in the Fed wants to mess with it.

I would personally be more willing to mess with it. I tend to think that things can be better. I am probably wrong, so it is a good thing I have no say in the Fed.

Now Xi has totally been willing to mess things up, but I think he has reached the temporary limit for that. He might be willing to take things a step further in a few years.
The Fed is making no effort to get around fractional reserve banking. But I can only imagine the runs on banks if the Fed ever did announce that it was going to try to get around fractional reserve banking. We have a system that is working well, so no one in the Fed wants to mess with it.

I would personally be more willing to mess with it. I tend to think that things can be better. I am probably wrong, so it is a good thing I have no say in the Fed.

Now Xi has totally been willing to mess things up, but I think he has reached the temporary limit for that. He might be willing to take things a step further in a few years.
Then I showed you how the fed and Wall Street were trying to co-opt bitcoin.
And how many countries signed up for Belt and Road.
Finally, the dollar having competition.
It's easy to connect the dots.
Will bitcoin go up or down?
Then I showed you how the fed and Wall Street were trying to co-opt bitcoin.

You did claim that, but I think you are just a conspiracy theorist.

Bitcoins only have value because we believe they have value. If we do not want Bitcoins to have value, we can create a new cryptocurrency, or just pick a new cryptocurrency from one of the thousands already out there.

It makes far more sense to claim that Wall Street has coopted gold. But even that is a stretch. Besides, when you make these claims it sounds antisemitic. Investment firms just try to invest other people's money the way they want. You make it sound like it is "the Jews" doing it, the Jewish people are just a small percent of all the people.

And how many countries signed up for Belt and Road.

A lot have a Belt and Road project. Most of those have minor Belt and Road projects. Those with huge Belt and Road projects are almost all losing China money by refusing to pay. China is a terrible development investor.

Finally, the dollar having competition.

The Dollar has always had competition.

It's easy to connect the dots.

I am sure it is easy for you to connect the dots... Not to be cruel, but you do seem conspiracy minded.

Will bitcoin go up or down?

Yes, that is part of the torture of Bitcoins. It is up and down, wildly fluctuating. Its highest price ever was 2.5 years ago, so it is down since then. It has been rising more than falling over the last few months. I don't even want to see what it is doing today.

Honestly, if you can connect the dots for Bitcoin prices in the future, you are either a genius, or a madman.
You did claim that, but I think you are just a conspiracy theorist.

Bitcoins only have value because we believe they have value. If we do not want Bitcoins to have value, we can create a new cryptocurrency, or just pick a new cryptocurrency from one of the thousands already out there.

It makes far more sense to claim that Wall Street has coopted gold. But even that is a stretch. Besides, when you make these claims it sounds antisemitic. Investment firms just try to invest other people's money the way they want. You make it sound like it is "the Jews" doing it, the Jewish people are just a small percent of all the people.

A lot have a Belt and Road project. Most of those have minor Belt and Road projects. Those with huge Belt and Road projects are almost all losing China money by refusing to pay. China is a terrible development investor.

The Dollar has always had competition.

I am sure it is easy for you to connect the dots... Not to be cruel, but you do seem conspiracy minded.

Yes, that is part of the torture of Bitcoins. It is up and down, wildly fluctuating. Its highest price ever was 2.5 years ago, so it is down since then. It has been rising more than falling over the last few months. I don't even want to see what it is doing today.

Honestly, if you can connect the dots for Bitcoin prices in the future, you are either a genius, or a madman.
The adhoms say a lot. How long do you project the national debt reaching $50 trillion?
How long do you project the national debt reaching $50 trillion?

The internet says the government prediction is at 2033, but we have all seen how this plays out. Democrats always have realistic predictions that they do better than, so assuming Biden wins reelection, I would guess by around 2050. Republicans always have impossible predictions that they do far worse than, so if trump is elected, then around 2028 or 2029.

Hey remember when Clinton was President, and the debt clock needed to go backwards?
I corrected a lot of Walt's allegations in my previous post. As to Ritter being "creepy", I don't think so, but there's no question that he was charged and did time for at least playing along with the notion that he was sexually interacting with a minor.

There are plenty of whistleblowers that haven't been charged with this type of thing, some of whom have also covered the war in Ukraine. Canadian American journalist Eva Bartlett comes to mind, as well as former Navy petty officer Patrick Lancaster, who arrived in Ukraine in 2014 to cover the aftermath of the Maidan revolution and has been covering the conflict in Ukraine ever since.

That being said, I think that Scott Ritter is better than the aforementioned journalists when it comes to his expertise in military strategy.

Daniel Ellsberg seems to be the most normal whistleblower to me. I love Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and Julian Assange but we have to admit they're unique. Being different or outcast is something I enjoy. I refuse to be part of groupthink yet somehow business owners love me. They know to stay out of my way.

Of the whistleblowers you've mentioned, the one that stands out to me is actually Daniel Ellsberg. He's the only one who wasn't imprisoned or had to flee the country of their birth to avoid the same. I'm glad at least he hasn't had to do either, he was a great guy. I just wish the other whistleblowers you said could have had the same freedom of movement.
Of the whistleblowers you've mentioned, the one that stands out to me is actually Daniel Ellsberg. He's the only one who wasn't imprisoned or had to flee the country of their birth to avoid the same. I'm glad at least he hasn't had to do either, he was a great guy. I just wish the other whistleblowers you said could have had the same freedom of movement.
Chris Hedges is holding on to the slimmest hope that Julian Assange extradition will be delayed or denied. Hedges said Assange will be piling on to all the embarrassments Biden is drowning in. Chris hedged his bet by saying Julian could also be on a plane to the states in 2 weeks.
Actually, he was only convicted of most of the charges in the second instance.

There was a plea bargain on the first violation, that allowed him to have the charges dismissed after 6 months probation. That gave them 6 months to try to find children in his life being sexually abused. If there was no viable charges, the charges would have been dismissed immediately. This was part of a plea bargain where he promised never to offend again.

The charges were based solely on him falling for a police sting. No minors were involved.

Then there was the second violation. That is when he found the legal system was not so generous. He was going to keep offending, so giving another promise of not offending again is worthless.

Again, his only "offense" was falling for yet another police sting. Again, no minors were involved. Furthermore, he testified that he didn't believe the police officer was actually a minor. He was right.

Ritter was attempting to meet with minors to have sex with them.

I think the following excerpt from a New York Times article on him is important:
According to court testimony, by 2004, when he stopped attending therapy, Ritter had made an almost daily habit of trying to meet adult women from the chat rooms, in cars or out-of-the-way places, so they could watch him masturbate. (Ritter maintains that he never engaged with an actual minor online, and there’s no evidence to suggest he did, beyond his interactions with undercover police officers in chat rooms for over-18-year-olds.) In 2007, he started using the webcam instead. He admits he couldn’t stop.

Scott Ritter’s Other War | The New York Times

Ritter has admitted he had a problem in terms of his desire to be an exhibitionist with adult women, and this apparently meant that he would agree to this even if the adult in question pretended they were below 18. I think he would definitely agree that this was unwise, as it led to his incarceration. He also maintained that he never thought he was talking to any -actual- minors online, and the fact that I've seen no evidence that he was ever in chat rooms that -weren't- for over 18 year olds backs up the case that he was not looking for minors, but police officers posing as minors entrapped him.
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Ritter was a weapons inspector who said there were no WMDs in Iraq. Ritter turned out to be correct but we invaded Iraq anyway. The judge thew the phony sex charges out.

Blix was a weapon inspector who said there were no WMDs in Iraq... In fact, every weapons inspector agreed there were no WMDs in Iraq.

Do you have evidence for that? I'd certainly like it to be true. Definitely doesn't make the Bush Jr. Administration look good.

Let's not forget that the weapons inspectors were forced by Bush to leave just before the war, because they kept saying there were no WMDs in Iraq.

I suspect that Saddam Hussein's stopping weapons inspections had something to do with it. That being said, I've seen evidence that the weapons inspections were being used to gather intel on Iraq for a possible invasion if memory serves, so I can understand why Saddam decided to pull the plug on them.

And, that Bush refused to let the weapons inspectors back in when Iraq was invaded.

I hadn't heard of this, but if true, it certainly doesn't look good on Bush Jr's administration. I suspect that like me, you don't have a very good view of said administration.
I’m sure Scott Ritter says whatever Putin wants him to say.

Do you have any evidence for your belief?

The fact Scott Ritter isn’t in prison.

Care to try to explain your logic?

It needs no explanation, it’s evident.

If that were the case, I wouldn't be asking you to elaborate on your logic.

Why would any American move to Russia

Well, your own government could be persecuting you for doing the right thing. Tell me, have you heard of Edward Snowden? There's a Wikipedia article on him in case you haven't:

But getting back to Scott Ritter, are you suggesting that he's moved to Russia? If so, I've seen no evidence of this.

and how does he remain unmolested while other high profile Americans are arrested?

At this point, I'm not even sure as to who is doing the arresting of these high profile Americans you're referring to. So who are these high profile Americans and who arrested them?
Again, his only "offense" was falling for yet another police sting.

So Ritter was arrested for trying to lure children into sex, said he did not understand how serious it was.... THEN WAS ARRESTED A COUPLE OF YEARS LATER FOR THE SAME OFFENSE!!!

The first time, he could legitimately argue that it was all play acting, and just a game. The courts decided to let him go with a warning. At that point, he knew that doing it was a huge crime that he would serve felony time for.

Then there was the second time. If he knew that a second time would lead to prison, and he did it anyway, that shows a compulsion, a strong drive. Ritter has a strong drive to have sex with children.

The Russians know this. Ritter has a conviction as a sex predator of children. There is no requirement he be admitted into Russia.

Almost every country on earth would reject Ritter. America is forced to take him, because he was born here. Canada, Mexico, UK, Australia, France, Germany, etc. would not admit Ritter.

Russia has admitted Ritter because he is an asset.

but police officers posing as minors entrapped him.

Here is a trick to avoid being "entrapped" by police... Just say no. If someone repeatedly says "yes, I will buy an underage girl a bus ticket to have sex with them", even after being warned that it is a felony, one must start asking why are they so susceptible to police "entrapment".
Again, his only "offense" was falling for yet another police sting.

So Ritter was arrested for trying to lure children into sex

I've seen no evidence that Ritter has ever tried to lure children into sex. The New York Times article written about him makes it quite clear that his pattern was to meet with -adult- women, either in person or online:

According to court testimony, by 2004, when he stopped attending therapy, Ritter had made an almost daily habit of trying to meet adult women from the chat rooms, in cars or out-of-the-way places, so they could watch him masturbate. (Ritter maintains that he never engaged with an actual minor online, and there’s no evidence to suggest he did, beyond his interactions with undercover police officers in chat rooms for over-18-year-olds.) In 2007, he started using the webcam instead.

What appears to have happened is that undercover police officers lured -him- into attempting to be an exhibitionist with them. Again, no minors were actually involved.

The first time, he could legitimately argue that it was all play acting, and just a game. The courts decided to let him go with a warning. At that point, he knew that doing it was a huge crime that he would serve felony time for.

The irony is that the first time, he actually attempted to -meet- with the undercover officers pretending to be minors. The second time, all he did was expose himself to an undercover officer via webcam. In both cases, no minors were involved. They were victimless crimes, which wouldn't have even happened had undercover cops not lured him into engaging in them. This is also called entrapment, as I imagine you're aware.

The Russians know this. Ritter has a conviction as a sex predator of children. There is no requirement he be admitted into Russia.

I can certainly believe that the Russians know that he was entrapped by police officers a few times, certainly. They probably also know that no minors were involved in any of the incidents for which he was charged. There is also another issue that is ignored, one that Scott Ritter brings up in the New York Times article. In that case, he's referring to Iraq, but it could certainly be brought up in the cases of Ukraine and Gaza, 2 recent wars that he has also covered in great detail:

Those who came to Ritter’s defense around Iraq always argued that he was a courageous and patriotic American, unjustly defamed by opponents, while his critics portrayed him as unreliable and attention-starved — an “unstable” character, as Richard Perle, one of the administration’s war planners, once described him.

I imagine you know who Richard Perle is? Well known journalist Seymour Hersh, writing for the New Yorker wrote an article on him that packed quite a punch. From Wikipedia's article on the man:

Seymour Hersh and "Lunch with the Chairman"

In July 2001, George W. Bush appointed Perle chairman of the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee, which advises the Department of Defense. Two years later a newspaper article accused Perle of a conflict of interest, claiming Perle stood to profit financially by influencing government policy. The article alleged that Perle had business dealings with Saudi investors and linked him to the intelligence-related computer firm Trireme Partners LLP, which he claimed stood to profit from the war in Iraq.[37]

That same day, Perle was being interviewed on the issue of Iraq by CNN's Wolf Blitzer. Shortly before the interview ended, Blitzer quoted the aforementioned news article and asked for Perle's response. Perle dismissed the premise of the article and argued that it lacked "any consistent theme". Added Perle: "Sy Hersh is the closest thing American journalism has to a terrorist, frankly."[38]

On March 11, Perle told the New York Sun as regards Hersh's article that "I intend to launch legal action in the United Kingdom. I'm talking to Queen's Counsel right now".[39] He claimed it was easier to win libel cases in England, and that therefore made it a better location. In the end, Perle did not file any legal case. Instead, on March 27, 2003, he resigned as chairman of the Defense Policy Board, although he still remained a member of the board.[citation needed]

As you can see, Perle has a penchant for attacking people who expose his machinations. Interestingly, Hersh also came to Ritter's defense as a character witness. This is also detailed in the New York Times article:

As the last American troops left Iraq, it’s fair to say that the war and the debate that surrounded it produced few real heroes; rather, it served as a kind of vortex of destruction that sucked in and defiled nearly everyone associated with it. In Ritter’s case, the public vindication to which he would seem entitled — and which he has never quite received — has now been replaced by a very public disgrace, his life having slowly come undone in the years after the invasion. “It’s tragic,” Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker’s investigative reporter, said when we spoke this fall. Hersh grew close to Ritter in the late ’90s and appeared as a character witness at his trial in Pennsylvania last April. “He understands the Arab world in a way that few Westerners I know do. You have no idea how smart he is.”

As to Ritter's own feelings as to whether he should be acknowledged for his role in trying to stop the Iraq war, again from the New York Times article:
“I’ll tell you why it doesn’t matter,” Ritter was saying. This was in October, a few weeks before he was to be sentenced for his crimes. I had asked him whether he thought he deserved some public acknowledgment that his warnings about Iraq and its supposed W.M.D.’s were correct. “Because today everybody knows I was right. I was right about one of the most significant issues in modern American history.


“And yet,” Ritter went on, “the common reaction seems to be: ‘Well, that was then, this is now. Yeah, he was right back then, but how does that impact us today, 10 years later?’ ” He shook his head in disbelief. Ritter is an uncommonly articulate man, and when he gets going, the indignation flows in fully formed paragraphs. “What is the relevance of being right 10 years ago? I don’t know — talk about all the dead Americans. It’s relevant to their families, I would think. Talk about the tens of thousands of wounded Americans and the hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded Iraqis.”

Almost every country on earth would reject Ritter.

Do you have any evidence for that assertion?

Russia has admitted Ritter because he is an asset.

I can certainly agree that Ritter has benefitted Russia in that he's one of the few relatively well known Americans who has provided Americans with a window into the true Russian world, as opposed to the usual propaganda from the mainstream media. I personally only know of 4 Americans that Russia has allowed to cover the Ukraine war from their side of the front- Tucker Carlson, Eva Bartlett, Patrick Lancaster and Ritter.

Here is a trick to avoid being "entrapped" by police... Just say no.

That would certainly work if the undercover cops would tell their targets that they were undercover cops from the get go. They don't, ofcourse. Ritter has testified that he believed the undercover cop that ultimately helped send him to jail was just a housewife pretending to be a minor. He learned the hard way that though he was right that the cop was only -pretending- to be a minor, exposing himself to him still meant he'd get jail time.