A well-armed militia

Hello Dutch,

Before you claim I ran from the question you might want to read my very direct answer to both parts of it.

Read the bolded in my reply. Once a person accuses me of being dishonest, I stop reading and address that issue.
Regulating where you can carry loaded weapons is not unconstitutional.

A lot of things in life carry a low risk, but we generally choose which risks we consent to tolerating.

I don't trust MAGA fat asses to be locked and loaded in third grade classes, public libraries, court rooms, public libraries, hospitals.

I don't care if MAGA losers have guns on their private property or in their car.

I don't trust you with the right to vote. you've already shown you're voting is dangerous to liberty
Hello Flash,

You don't think if the 2nd is repealed it would change anything?

OK, no problem. We should proceed in that case.

Explain how.

What law could be passed that is not constitutionally possible today? It would only be outright bans of something and that has no possibility of passing. About any laws people are proposing today can already be passed and have been passed in some states.
Are you denying you are against "globalists"? Are you denying that you believe the election was "stolen"?

can you find any of my posts that says I believe the election was stolen? or that I claimed some jewish led globalist conspiracy is out there????? should I wait for you to show these or can you admit you're an idiot?
can you find any of my posts that says I believe the election was stolen? or that I claimed some jewish led globalist conspiracy is out there????? should I wait for you to show these or can you admit you're an idiot?
Your backpedaling is an interesting switch from your days of posting about murdering Americans as "collateral damage". Wassamatter? FBI make a house call? Are you flipping on your friends like Stewie Rhodes?

Does the idea of even six months to a couple years in prison cause you to rethink your heated rhetoric repeatedly posted all over JPP? Examples:

so any number of deaths is good for you, so long as you get what you want. tell me again why you shouldn't be included in the collateral damage then?

Your manifesto: civil war is inevitable

The entire thread is illuminating evidence of your ideology:

child, I'm one of those most suited for a civil war..........better find a bunker to hide in when it starts
I haven't had any interest in an olive branch for 20 years............but thanks

the only thing I have an interest in expanding is the maximum effective range of my AR-15
government has become tyrannical and those that support it are collaborators
how will my lone wolf operations get any of my other family members killed, especially if i'm never caught or tied to any attacks?

BTW, sorry about your wife and son, but your anger over their loss or suffering doesn't justify you committing mass murder in one of your "lone wolf" operations.
well, one of my sons is dead......my wife has poor chronic health issues, so her death could also come early..........however, I enjoy living, breathing, watching nature.............so any plans I do make will include me surviving..............
Your backpedaling is an interesting switch from your days of posting about murdering Americans as "collateral damage".

I can't help but notice that you never answered those two questions, instead choosing to attempt to deflect to another subject...............did the FBI come visit me after you idiotically snitched? no, karen, they didn't.
I can't help but notice that you never answered those two questions, instead choosing to attempt to deflect to another subject...............did the FBI come visit me after you idiotically snitched? no, karen, they didn't.

Well, no visits here yet, but they're watching me. They follow me out to the gun club when I take my black
powder handgun out to play, but never stop for me to show them some pointers on how to better handle their weapons. :)
I can't help but notice that you never answered those two questions, instead choosing to attempt to deflect to another subject...............did the FBI come visit me after you idiotically snitched? no, karen, they didn't.
I noticed you didn't answer mine. Quid Pro Quo.

You are either a fucking Internet Tough Guy blowhard or you are a traitor who'll go down like Stewie Rhodes. Which is it?
why should I answer questions i've already answered? and yes, i've answered them several times..........

so are you an absent minded idiot with attention deficit disorder or are a moron with authoritarian issues?

Ditto. See how that works?

Good luck with all your future FBI interviews. My advice is for you to be completely honest with them and snitch out all of the other traitors in your militia. :thup: