A woman is 19 weeks pregnant.

It's killing a baby -- legal or not. It's murder. When you snuff out a life, it is murder. How do you describe it? An exercise in health?

I think you know it's murder and you're trying to convince yourself it's okay to advocate killing a baby. It must haunt any woman who does it in the worst way.

It looks like we'll have to abandon the death penalty, doesn't it?
Pretending you actually have kept up with the debate about when an embryo becomes a person? Interesting. Must be due to your religion. https://sites.google.com/site/medicalstemcellresearch/an-embryo-is-not-a-human-being

No I'm talking about science and human bay bees, not embryos and religion. :nono:

Once a woman is more than 19 weeks pregnant and still does not want a child. She should drop it off at a rightys door. They want the kid born, then they can take care of it., You rightys should sign up at birth control clinics as people who will take the kid.
of course an embryo is a human being......did you think it started out as a rhinoceros?.....

I bet you have even level conversations with embryos. You can argue it might be a potential human. Try that one out. Of course, 1/3rd don't reach birth, so there is no guarantee if it being born human either. Yeah we moved away from the 19 weeks ,which was a setup. This is about abortion.
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I bet you have even level conversations with embryos. You can argue it might be a potential human. Try that one out. Of course, 1/3rd don't reach birth, so there is no guarantee if it being a human either.

the third that don't reach birth die as human beings.......those that die before the 25th day, die as Nordnerdians.......
She's not supposed to smoke, drink alcohol or ride roller coasters because it might hurt her baby. But she can walk into an abortion clinic and have her baby killed.

I'm sure this Baby will appreciate your FULL support when it needs Healthcare, a Job and Eventually Social Security ;)