A woman is 19 weeks pregnant.

Murder is against the law,abortion is legal,so abortion isn't murder.
It's killing a baby -- legal or not. It's murder. When you snuff out a life, it is murder. How do you describe it? An exercise in health?

I think you know it's murder and you're trying to convince yourself it's okay to advocate killing a baby. It must haunt any woman who does it in the worst way.
It's killing a baby -- legal or not. It's murder. When you snuff out a life, it is murder. How do you describe it? An exercise in health?

I think you know it's murder and you're trying to convince yourself it's okay to advocate killing a baby. It must haunt any woman who does it in the worst way.
So don't do it. And now you're done, finished, there's the line.
what happens inside someones body is none of your fucking business
No it isn't. If someone wants to murder their own baby it's their right, but please, call it what it is -- killing a baby. I'm so sick of the white-washers for this sick practice.
No it isn't. If someone wants to murder their own baby it's their right, but please, call it what it is -- killing a baby. I'm so sick of the white-washers for this sick practice.

I"m good with that if we're going to call all our police murdering of unarmed citizens what IT is.
What does Religion have to do with Government.
Abortion is the law of the land.
Murder is against the law,so Abortion isn't murder.

letting government officials define things for you that you would normally know just by normal intelligence is the sign of a weak mind and constitution. We all know that 'shall not be infringed' means that the federal government has NO POWER over firearms, but hearing someone in government say 'no right is absolute' and 'reasonable restrictions' satisfies the cowardly notion of safety, so the new definition is accepted. just remember, if no right is absolute, then abortion can be regulated.....it's just a matter of how much regulation the government wants to enforce.
She's not supposed to smoke, drink alcohol or ride roller coasters because it might hurt her baby. But she can walk into an abortion clinic and have her baby killed.

It's no different than getting a haircut or pedicure. Just purging one's body of unwanted cells. Why the hell would any sane person care?
Not at all. Without some rule, or law, preventing one from assaulting another, where does the "right" come from since there are no moral judgements, and one does not have the right to tell another how to live their life?

The mother's right affects her child, therefore it is limited.
I"m good with that if we're going to call all our police murdering of unarmed citizens what IT is.
Police don't know if a thuglet is unarmed. They shoot to kill when they think their life is in danger and I hope they continue.

You must be one of the hans up don shoot! lie crowd. Dumb dumb dumb.....just like the waste of oxygen thuglet Michael Brown.
It's no different than getting a haircut or pedicure. Just purging one's body of unwanted cells. Why the hell would any sane person care?

Like I said, by every medical definition, a fetus is alive. Abortion is murder. Nothing you say can change that. Every woman who murders her own child will answer to God. I know that you consider that an empty threat. But that only makes you a fool.
She can smoke, and drink all she wants dumbass loser. Those are guidelines from doctors, so try a real argument instead of pathetic ignorance. Expecting mothers aren't required to follow doctors guidelines any more then anyone else. Guidelines don't do anything about squat, and your argument acts like these are laws.

The so-called child is just a clump of cells. It has no rights. And if it had a right, that right would be not to be born to somebody who didn't want him/her.

13,000 late term abortions last year. Many of them were viable. 23+ weeks. Are you OK with that?
Grugore, you really need to start thinking like a sentient human being.

Useful opinions are backed by empirical evidence, not superstitious feelings.

One thing I hate is the indifference people like you have about human suffering.

Your beliefs are cruel and inhumane. You have no respect for women, whether you yourself are one or not.

Your anti-intellectualism betrays you as having arrested development and being inadequately evolved.

America has at least 63,000,000 million people just like you and that's why we've lost our leadership position in the world.

Why would you believe in a god that does such a shitty job? You clearly were raised poorly.
Grugore, you really need to start thinking like a sentient human being.

Useful opinions are backed by empirical evidence, not superstitious feelings.

One thing I hate is the indifference people like you have about human suffering.

Your beliefs are cruel and inhumane. You have no respect for women, whether you yourself are one or not.

Your anti-intellectualism betrays you as having arrested development and being inadequately evolved.

America has at least 63,000,000 million people just like you and that's why we've lost our leadership position in the world.

Why would you believe in a god that does such a shitty job? You clearly were raised poorly.

It wouldn't be bad at all, if they didn't pick, and choose what they do, and only claim to be Christ's follower. We followers of Christ are supposed to follow secular laws. We are told we don't have to accept them, but we must abide them. The religious mingling in politics goes against this in every rational sense.

If we were full of true followers all this trash from the right wing wouldn't be. Gays would get married, and have their cake too, because we aren't the judge, and we abide secular laws. We wouldn't have an illegal immigration problem, because followers of Christ don't turn someone in need away. We wouldn't have a gun issue, because we value life over secular obtainment of goods, some think we need. We wouldn't be a country involved in so much war, because thou shall not kill. I could go on.