So if you are poor, have a disease, abusive parents, drug addicted parents, (mothers life is in danger is less than 1% of the abortion cases according to the CDC.) or whatever else you quoted....then that means that you do not warrant equal protection as a human being?
Actually the reason you don't warrant equal protection at this point is that the constitution says so.
14 Amendment
Section 1. All persons
born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
But even without that, do you argue that anencephalic babies are persons? That they are capable of personhood. Western Civilization is very Cartesian, Ergo Cogito Sum therefore anencephalic babies cannot, philisophically be persons because they have no cerebrum or cerebellum only a brain stem. At some point the fetus gets to that point, but 8 weeks gestation does not a PERSON make. At best a possible person.
Now if we do grant the unborn personhood and equal protection are you going to support laws that will not only punish the abortionist but also prosecute and punish the woman that seeks to abort the "person"
And if a pregnant woman has a miscarriage, should we not call it an unattended death because IF foul play was involved the mother almost certainly will be the suspect and therefore her word cannot be taken as ipso facto the truth.
There are tons of unintended consequences that you biological authoritarians have never considered.
People guilty of vehicular homicide if they cause a woman to miscarry through driving neglegently.
Children born premature due to the bad but not criminal acts of it's mother. Have to appoint a Guardian Ad Lietem and then sue mom for not taking her vitamins and not going to the doctor.
This is not arguing ad absurdium either. With actual born children, vehicular homicide is a very real possibility and if a mother is negligent enough during pregnancy states move to remove the children at birth. So all I am doing to carrying the law to it's logical conclusions based upon existing law.