You're seriously SAD that you can't murder children?! What a fucked up mind YOU have......
... and rape and incest are super common occurrences, are they?
What if somebody wished to murder YOU because YOU are "inconvenient"?
I took you out of IA to see if you've actually started educating yourself on the subjects you comment on.
Sadly, you haven't. Instead of fact based, logical and rational responses to the OP, you squawk the tired, long disproved rhetoric of the pro-life lunkheads.
1. Please provide the ME report from ANY state where abortions were reported as "murdered children". Then explain to the reading audience how a CHOICE by a pregnant woman (not me, I'm a man) is any of my business if I am NOT the potential father? Also, explain where in the Constitution gives YOU the "right" to determine that woman's choice...especially if jokers like you bitch and moan about social services constantly?
2. For your information, rape and incest crimes are reported in every state in America on an annual basis. I believe that last year between 10 and 30 thousand abortions were due to rape and incest (numbers depend upon source material, time of polling). So, theocratic thugs like you would condemn those women to bring that pregnancy to term...forget your allegiance to eliminate welfare, Obamacare. Forget stats regarding a faltering adoption/foster child care system. Nope, your personal religious bent must be sated even though you don't give a damn about strangers.
3. Being forced to bring a pregnancy born of rape/incest isn't an "inconvenience", it's a sin! Being forced to bring an accidental/unplanned pregnancy to term that cannot be given proper financial security (food, clothing, education), isn't "inconvenience", it's a criminal act.
But hey, no one is forcing YOU to do anything, so you don't give a damn about the consequences of the actions you will force on others. You would have done well during the Spanish Inquisition.
People like you would like to remove anyone who does not adhere to your particular political or social. You've demonstrated this time and again over the years with your rants against Obama, your support of Cheeto Jeezus, etc.d Thing is, you don't have the guts to just come out and admit it, much less suit up for some black shirt/Stasi organization and commit the murder yourself.